Chapter 1

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Present time:


For the last five months, things at SHIELD had been crazy. The dispute between the Avengers about the Sokovia Accords and everybody going after the Winter Soldier almost caused a permanent split in the Avengers. Steve went after his friend, found him, and it ended in a stand-off between Steve and his allies and Tony Stark and his allies.

It was eventually revealed that the bombing of the UN building was stage by Helmut Zemo because he wanted to flush the Winter Soldier out of hiding. He blamed super soldiers for the death of his family in Sokovia, and apparently, the Winter Soldier wasn't the only winter soldier. He needed to activate the Winter Soldier in order to find out where the others were kept because he wanted to kill them.

He also used it as a way to get Steve and Tony Stark in Siberia, where the other winter soldiers were being kept in cryogenic stasis. There, it was revealed that Sergeant Barnes killed Tony's parents in 1991. Zemo knew that Tony would go after him and that Steve would try and stop him.

He wanted to split the Avengers permanently. He almost got it right.

After Steve caught up with Sergeant Barnes they were both captured and during the psych evaluation of Sergeant Barnes, Helmut Zemo, who killed the real psychiatrist assigned to do the evaluation, managed to activate the Winter Soldier again. At the time, no one at the Joint Counter Terrorist Center in Berlin knew what was happening because Zemo set off a blackout that cut the security cameras in the building.

After Zemo was captured in Siberia, it came to light that there is a Winter Soldier Book with nine code words that were used to activate the Winter Soldier. It turned out that Steve's brainwashing theory was true after all.

A week ago, thanks to all the evidence Steve presented, Sergeant Barnes was pardoned for all the murders he committed as the Winter Soldier, but because he can still be activated as the Winter Soldier the authorities weren't too happy about letting him go free. Until they find a way to get HYDRA out of his head, they want him under surveillance.

This is where SHIELD comes in. They offered to house him in one of their secure facilities while he undergoes regular psych evaluations and wait for them to find a way to permanently rid him of his Winter Soldier Programming.

So where do I fit into this? Well I don't, or rather I didn't until this morning when Director Fury phoned to let me know that the assigned coordinator Kevin had a family emergency and they needed me to get my butt over to the facility ASAP.

How do I feel about this assignment? Not so great. First, I know next to nothing about Sergeant Barnes' recent condition, in other words, how stable he is. I don't even know what he looks like. I was never directly involved with his case, and like I mentioned, the only pictures I've seen of him were either too blurry or too old to really get a clear picture of him.

I was at the agency when he was brought in, but all I saw of him was the back of a tall, well-built man with shoulder-length hair. After that, he basically disappeared as far as the rest of the world were concerned. Everything and I mean everything that had to do with him was considered highly confidential.

Second, I have no idea what I am actually supposed to do? I was told that Jonathan, the head of security at the facility, will inform me of my duties.

I don't even know if Sergeant Barnes is considered a prisoner or a guess.

Due to the sensitive nature of this case SHIELD is using one of their secure facilities in the countryside about three hours outside of Washington DC and because it's so far out of town they want me to stay on site.

Normally, I deal with ammunition and transport issues, but this time, apparently, I will be dealing with a man. I am a computer geek, so why they chose me for this assignment, I don't know. 

I have been working for SHIELD for five years now as an assistant to one of the many mission coordinators working for SHIELD. My job is to deal with all the admin related to a mission. I like my job. It's kind of like a wedding planner, except I plan for missions. Of course, I don't plan the actual missions! I just make sure that the guys have everything they need to complete their missions.

Usually, I don't deal directly with any of the Avengers, but Steve and I connected three years ago while I was working on one of their missions, and we have since become good friends.

I'm a bit of a nerd, so I find it difficult to be around people, especially men. They make me nervous. I prefer my books and my computers. I'm just a regular Jane, so this assignment kind of has me on the edge of freaking out. I grew up in a very protective and safe environment, and having to deal with someone who has the reputation of the Winter Soldier scares me to death.

Everything about this assignment puts me miles out of my comfort zone, and I don't like it.

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