Chapter 18

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I am glad I went to visit Elize and her parents. I always have a good time with them. Approaching the gate, I slow down for the guard to let me through. All I want to do now is get into bed. I am cold and physically and emotionally drained. This whole business with Sergeant Barnes had me on an emotional roller coaster for most of the last week.

Getting out of my car, I lock it and then go straight to the front door. After I close the door behind me, I make a detour to the kitchen to drink a glass of water before I head up to my bedroom. I wonder how Sergeant Barnes took my absence at dinner. I really hope Kurt mentioned my date to him. Hopefully, he realizes after today that I don't need him, so he may as well give up playing his games with me.

My mind still on Sergeant Barnes I enter my room leaving the light off and throwing my bag and jacket on the chair by the window only realizing too late, that that wasn't where it was when I left. In the next instant, a hand is clasped over my mouth while a strong arm comes around my stomach. Too stunned to do anything I freeze before my survival instinct kicks in, and I start to struggle violently, but he's too strong. I get pulled tightly against a rock-hard body before I hear his husky voice whisper in my ear, "It's me."

The minute he speaks, my body comes alive. Delicious little shivers running up my spine, causing the hair on my body to stand up.

"Oh shit what's he doing in my room? He should be locked up in his cell." The disturbing thought pops up in my mind.

When he slowly lifts his hand away from my mouth, I ask, "What are you doing in my room?"

"Accepting your challenge and coming to thank you for my new stuff." he whispers, his lips gracing my ear lobe sending new shivers running up my spine, my pussy already throbbing.

His free hand moves to cup my breast, squeezing and rolling his palm over my now very erect nipple.

"I've been dreaming of touching you," he whispers in my ear.

His bionic arm tightens around my waist, pulling my buttocks flush against his very hard, very aroused dick. Holding me in place with his left hand he grinds his cock into my behind soliciting a loud moan I can't stop from escaping my lips.

"Yeh you like that?" he asks grinding a little harder against me.

Not able to stop myself, I push back against his cock, my body on fire.

"Aah yes." he groans, "You have no idea how much I've wanted to feel you against my cock."

Taking my nipple between his fingers he starts to rub it, making electric shocks run straight down to my pussy. I am already dripping wet. Turning me around, he pushes me back until I am pushed up against the door, taking both my hands captive in his left cybernetic hand, the coldness of the metal burning my flesh. Holding my hands above my head he looks at me, keeping my eyes captive with his before he leans in and slowly licks my upper lip before he does the same with my bottom lip, causing my pussy to flood for a second time at the unexpected, very erotic action.

"Mmm... I can smell your juices." he groans in my ear, biting down on my ear lobe causing goose bumps to erupt all over my body.

Lifting his head he explores the contour of my neck with his lips and tongue, licking and tasting before he moves to my mouth, running his tongue over my bottom lip waiting for me to open for him while holding my eyes with his. The look in his eyes so intense that I open for him without realizing what I am doing. It's like instinct took over. When he at last takes my mouth, the kiss is almost brutal. Forcing his tongue inside my mouth, he tastes and fucks my tongue with his. Letting go of my hands he locks my head between his hands. His left hand at the back of my head and the fingers of his right hand spreading around my neck, making sure I know that he is in control.

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