Chapter 16

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After I finished preparing his breakfast, I asked Jenny, one of the ladies helping Sara in the kitchen, to take the trolley to the prison block. I think she has a crush on Kurt, and it suits my purpose because it means I do not have to go to the prison block.

Once I am done helping with cleaning up the kitchen, I phone Elize. We met about a year ago when I was staying here for a mission, and we got on really well. She stays with her parents on a farm about thirty kilometers from the facility. Although we don't get to see each other all that often, we try to stay in contact. After chatting for a bit, I let her know that I wanted to come around this afternoon if she's available. Normally, I end up eating there as well.

After that, I catch up on some emails, and then it's just about time for Sergeant Barnes to have lunch. It is time for the next step of my plan to get back at Sergeant Barnes. Nicole said I need to remind him he is just one of many fish in the sea. So tonight Elize will be my hot date.

Taking the trolley, I head out to the prison block.

"You still remember Dr. Raynor is coming at two o'clock?" I ask Kurt while he unlocks the security door.

"Yes, I'll make sure he's ready for her at two." he replies.

With that, I walk through the door, waiting for him to unlock the second door. After he goes back to the control room, I take one deep breath before I push the trolley to Sergeant Barnes' cell. He is waiting for me.

"Good afternoon, Chelsey." he says, using my name for the second time.

He is dressed all in black, reminding me of what he looked like on the highway. While handing him his food tray, I greet him back, "Good afternoon, Sergeant Barnes."

"Why don't you call me Bucky or James." he surprises me.

"I think we know each other well enough to let go of the formalities." he says with a grin on his face.

I am sure he is hinting at our not so professional encounters and not at the amount of time we actually know each other.

Feeling a blush staining my cheeks, I turn away from him, making a production of pushing the trolley against the bars of his cell, keeping my head down. Once I feel in control again, I look up again and say, "Dr Raynor will see you at two o'clock again. I won't be seeing you then, but I will see you at dinner to hear how it went with the exercises."

I want him to expect me at dinner.

Just nodding his head, he sits down, still looking at me with that sly smile on his face. He is trying to make me uncomfortable, and he is getting it right. Deciding I need to get out of here before I totally mess up my plan to make him think that I am indifferent to him, I say, "I have some stuff to do before Dr Raynor arrives. I'll see you later."

"Can't wait." he replies, lowering his voice, sending shivers running up my spine.

"Oh and Chelsey, thanks for my new stuff." he continues, preventing me from leaving.

"We will definitely talk about how I will repay you later." He literally purrs, the sexual innuendo and warning, thick in his voice."

Not giving him a chance to say anything else, I turn around and have to stop myself from running to the security door. Maybe Nicole was right. This could get dangerous.

One hour later:

Damn that man and his raspy voice. All I have been able to think about for the last hour is how his husky voice would sound whispering sweet nothings in my ear or of the things he would like to do to me. Just the thought of his hands all over my eager body, making me wet with need. The arrival of the helicopter thankfully pulls me out of my disturbing day dreams.

This time, I wait for Dr Raynor on the porch.

"Good afternoon, Dr." I greet her when she reaches the porch.

"Afternoon Chelsey, I hope you are doing well." she greets back.

"Yes, thank you. Sergeant Barnes is waiting for you." I inform her.

"Thank you. How is you doing?" she wants to know.

"Very well, I think. Kurt said he looked better in the mornings, so he thinks he had fewer nightmares during the last week, and he also had a sparring session in the gym with him. No sign of aggression. Kurt said he even helped him with a few self-defense moves." I reply.

"Oh, that is really good news. I was worried that he was going to resist engaging more with other people." she says.

On our way to the prison block, I ask her, "Will you need anything for the session? I have to run a few errands in town, and I want to make sure you are sorted before I leave." I say to her.

"No, you go ahead. I will probably only see you in two weeks again. If there is anything I need to discuss with you, I will phone you." she says.

"Ok then, as always, just ask Kurt if you need anything. I asked Sara to make sure you get tea for your session." I inform her.

"Thank you. Have a safe trip." she says as we reach the control room.

I wait for Kurt to let her through the security door leading to the interrogation rooms, before I say to him, "Kurt, will you please get Sergeant Barnes' dinner for him tonight. I have unexpected plans for tonight."

"Hot date!" he teases.

Laughing, I ask, "How did you know?"

"Please, an attractive woman like you? I am more surprised you haven't been out on a hot date before now." he flatters me.

"Oh please!" I say, turning back to the security door.

Making it look like I suddenly remembered something, I stop and turn back to Kurt, "Oh Kurt, before I forget, I told Sergeant Barnes I will check on him dinner time. Will you please tell him I won't be able to make it?"

"Will do." he replies, "Enjoy your date."

"I am planning on doing just that." I say before disappearing through the security doors.

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