Chapter 25

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The Next Morning:


I am so nervous, but I have to find out if he still loves me. When I get to SHIELD, I ask the security at the front desk if Sergeant Barnes has arrived yet. He did, so my next question is if they know where I can find him. They informed me that, like all the Avengers, he has an office on the fifth floor. I wonder if that means he officially joined the Avengers. He was speaking to Director Fury when I saw him yesterday.

Taking the lift, I push the button for the fifth floor. He is in room 10, right next to Steve. When I get to his office door, I take the time to make sure I look good before I knock once. Not waiting to hear from him, I turn the door knob and walk in. Big mistake!

He must have heard my gasp because he pushes the woman who's trying to have him for breakfast off him and looks up, straight into my shocked eyes.

Turning around, I mumble, "I am sorry," before I flee his office.

I am so fucking stupid. When I hear him call after me, I break out in a full on sprint. I don't care what I look like. I just need to get away from him. Reaching the restrooms, I lock myself inside before I let the tears flow. The dam broke, and I just cry and cry until there are no more tears left. Getting up from the floor, I promise myself that this would be the last time I cry over James Buchanon Barnes.

I haven't been to my desk, so I slip out of the building and go straight home. I call my boss to let him know I am still sick, and then I lock myself in my apartment. When James starts to hammer on the front door an hour later, I ignore him.

He could not still love me if he had his tongue down some floozy's throat an hour ago. Thank God I walked in on them. I can just imagine the humiliation I would have felt if I told him I love him, just to later walk in on him and some slut.

By the time Ruan gets home, I have hardened my heart. I am done pining over him. When he again knocks on the door just past five o'clock, I have to stop a very angry Ruan from confronting him. I don't want to hear any more of his lies.


Fuck, it's just my luck that Chelsey had to walk in the minute that slut decided to kiss me. She ran when I called after her and the people in her office said she called in sick. The only place she could be must be her apartment.

I had a meeting with Director Fury this morning, but the second we were done I went straight to her apartment. She either really wasn't home or she ignored me. I felt like breaking down her door. Only after her neighbor told me to stop banging on the door or he will call the cops, did I leave. By dinner time, I was standing in front of her door again, and again, I got no answer.

Why did she come to my office? I am so frustrated that I end up going for a workout before I do something stupid and hit someone. The next day, she is still "sick," and she still doesn't answer her door.

I am sitting in my office trying to figure out how I can get ahold of her when the answer comes to me in the form of Director Fury. I am told that SHIELD is having their annual dance the next night and that he expects me to be there.

Steve told me about this dance. Just before he took me to the facility, he was complaining about having to find a suit for the dance. When I asked him why he just didn't go, he looked at me as if I was crazy.

"You have any idea what Director Fury would do to me if I don't go?" he asked, telling me that that is the one function where everybody is expected to attend. That means Chelsey will have to be there as well.

She fled from me before and I still got to her. This time will be no different.

Two days later:

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