Chapter 19

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Floating back to consciousness after the most earth-shattering orgasm of my life, I became aware of his lips brushing the corners of my mouth. Opening my eyes slowly, I watch him, watch me. God, I never want this feeling to stop.

Watching me, he starts to move again, this time slow, languid strokes pulling out all the way before pushing all the way back in again. He makes love to my breast with his hands, rolling and squeezing my nipples between his fingers, his eyes never leaving my face. Watching him watch me while he fucks me is the most erotic thing I have ever experienced. My orgasm, when it comes, crashes over my body like a tidal wave, the walls of my pussy tightening hard around his cock. Breathing hard and clenching his jaw, he throws back his head and bares his teeth letting his orgasm rip through him, not stopping until there is nothing left to pump into me anymore.

In that moment while watching him come with my name a guttural sigh on his lips, I knew that I have fallen totally and irrevocably in love with this man.


Moving slowly in and out of her tight pussy is the most exquisite pleasure I have ever experienced. Watching her reactions are almost better than making love to her. Her face is flushed, a fine layer of moisture coating her skin. Holding her eyes I can see every emotion she feels. She is so fucking responsive. Feeling her pussy tighten painfully around my dick I know she is close.

When she comes I can't hold out any longer. Letting go, I explode inside her, allowing her pussy to milk every last drop of cum out of me. It's so intense that I can still feel little spasms run up my cock long after I stopped moving. Not able to move, I just lie like that with my dick buried deep inside her until I feel her stir underneath me.

Lifting my head, I kiss her softly and tell her, "Stay!" Before I get up and walk to the bathroom to get a towel to clean her with.


Watching him go, I know I should be horrified at what just happened, but I just can't bring myself to feel it. I have never been loved as thoroughly as he just loved me. Turning slightly to put the bedside lamp on, I wait for him to come back. When he re-appears again, I can see him completely naked for the first time.

What a magnificent sight he is. His legs are long and muscular, the muscles on his smooth chest well defined, a six-pack running between the V's going to his crotch. His still semi erect penis long and thick, surrounded by thick brown pubic hair.

For the first time since I arrived at the facility, I can see the red star on his left arm. As he comes closer, I also see with horror the red scars surrounding his arm where it is attached to his body. How painful losing his arm must have been. I don't even want to think what horrific things he must have endured at the hands of HYDRA.

The scars however doesn't subtract from his beauty. It magnifies it. It is a testimony of the strength this man possesses.

Climbing on the bed, he pushes my legs apart and gently cleans me, throwing the towel on the ground when he is done. Coming to lie next to me, he pulls me close, letting my head rest on his shoulder, his right arm holding me tight.

Letting my fingers flutter over his scars, I ask, "Does it hurt?"

"Only when I put my arm under a lot of pressure." he softly replies.

Pulling the duvet up, he covers us with it. We lie like that in a comfortable silence until we eventually fall asleep.

My last thought, "Thank God I am on the pill," before sleep takes me.


I wake up in the early hours of the morning with a body covering half of my body. Just for a second, instinct takes over, and I start to push her off me. When my hand connects with her soft skin, I realize where I am. I sank back, letting the adrenaline slowly seep out of my body.

I so desperately want to make love to her again, but I know she must be sore. I also don't know the routine of the house, and I don't want to run the risk of getting caught leaving the house. Turning on my side, I just watch her for a while. In sleep, she's even more beautiful. This is the first time in seventy years that I wake up with a woman next to me, and I suddenly realize that I want to wake up next to this woman for the rest of my life.

I don't know how it happened, but I know at that moment that I never want to let her go. She's mine, and already I can not imagine never having her in my arms again. It should scare the shit out of me, but it doesn't. I know that I do not want to live without her in my life anymore.

Kissing her softly on the mouth, I
reluctantly get up. After getting dressed, I leave through the window, knowing the guards will be changing shifts soon. I move along the balcony, making sure to avoid the cameras. At the back, I jump off the balcony and keeping to the shadows I make my way back to the cell.

Lying down on my bed, I know that I have fallen totally and completely in love with Chelsey. I want her more than I have ever wanted anything in my life, but I can't have her. Not until I am completely rid of HYDRA. Then, and then only will I take her and make her mine forever.

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