Chapter 7

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It takes me a minute to break the hold his perusal had on me. Lifting my notepad, I use it to hide my momentary lapse of professionalism and use the time to pull myself together.

"Sergeant Barnes, I don't know if they have told you, but I was tasked by SHIELD to assist with your psych appointments. Steve Rogers also wants to make sure your stay here is as comfortable as possible. For now, I just need to discuss a few things with you."

He doesn't react. Just stares at me with those incredibly blue eyes.

Clearing my throat, I continue, "Um, I need to talk to you about your menu, as well as find out if there is anything you need."

Frowning, he asks, "My menu? Why?"

"Steve Rogers requested that I make sure the food here is to your liking."

"Oh, ok. What do you need to know?" he asks.

"Well, for starters, are you allergic to anything?"

"No." he says. Although his tone is not aggressive, it's also not engaging.

"Ok then, what about specific foods that you would like included on the menu? Anything in particular you would like me to get."

"No." Another "no" delivered with a blank expression.

"Fuck is he trying to make this difficult for me."

"Um Sergeant Barnes, I was given very specific instruction to make sure your stay here is as comfortable as possible. If you don't tell me what you like or prefer I won't be able to do my job. If you like I can make a few suggestions."

Looking slightly irritated he gets up and starts to pace the length of his cell. "Ok then, what do you suggest?"

God, but he is big. The whole of me could fit underneath his chin. His movements are eerily quiet for his size.

"Well for breakfast I can get you the usual bacon and eggs with all the trimmings or maybe an omelet. If you prefer to rather have cereal, I can get you whatever kind you want. Of course you can also have some fruit and yogurt if you prefer something healthier." I blabber, totally unnerved by his presence.

Everything about him puts me on edge; the quiet way in which he moves, the way he imprisons my eyes with his stare, his size and his masculine good looks. It makes me want to run with fear and at the same time I want to jump his bones. My emotions and libido are all over the place.

This is going to be a very long and trying month!

With an astonished look on his face Sergeant Barnes stops his pacing and stares at me, making me even more nervous, "You do know that I have been frozen for most of the last seventy years. Food wasn't exactly a priority. Whatever you decide on, is good. Surprise me."

Ok...., so not what I expected!

Trying to not let him see how nervous he makes me I reply, "Ok then, I will work something out and if you don't like it, you just tell me."

That cut-to-the-bone-stare of his, the only answer I get. I guess we're done with the menu then.

Putting my as yet unused notepad away I reply, "Well then it only leaves your psych appointments for now."

He starts to pace again as I continue, "I will be scheduling your sessions with Dr Raynor. She will decide how long each session will be. Should you need anything for the sessions, she will notify me and I will make sure you get it. Do you have any questions?"


"Anything else I can get for you?" I try again.


"Ok then, I guess that will be all for now."

Turning around to leave it suddenly occurs to me that I don't see any other clothes besides what he is wearing. In the one corner of his cell a rucksack is propped against the wall.

Turning back I ask, "Can I get you some more clothes? What about toiletries?"

Coming to a standstill right at the front of his cell he looks at his rucksack and then back at me.

"Um, I guess I can do with some extra clothes." he says and then almost as an afterthought, "Thank you."

Nodding my head I turn around and almost sprint to the security door. I can feel his eyes following me, drilling into my back. Getting back to the control room I only take the time to thank Kurt before I turn and start to walk to the security door leading to the passage. The minute the security door closes behind me I sag against the wall, my legs feeling like rubber, my hands shaking. For a minute it feels like I'm going to pass out. Taking a few deep breaths I close my eyes, opening them immediately when the shape of his gorgeous face starts to appear in front of my eyes.

"Dammit Chelsey," I chastise myself, "Stop this shit! He was and still is a very dangerous assassin. Not the kind of man you want to be having sexy ass dreams about."

Known to be very stubborn, I straighten my spine and march down the passage determined to get my unholy thoughts under control and most importantly keep it under control.

Getting to the other side of the passage I realize I completely forgot I need a code to open it. Luckily Kurt must have taken pity on me because as I approach the door it starts to slide open. I slip through the door and go straight to my room. By the time I reach my room I am spitting mad. Mad at Steve, but more importantly mad at myself for allowing Sergeant Barnes to mess with my emotions.


The minute she turns around to leave, my whole body sags in relief. I don't know for how much longer I could keep the desire for her from showing on my face. I might have been brainwashed and controlled by HYDRA, but I still needed self-control and discipline in the field to complete my missions successfully and here a pixie of 1.6m just made me lose all control. Unfuckingbelievable!

I might have been frozen for most of seventy years, but I've had plenty of contact with women. None of them however made me feel like this one does. Just thinking about her makes my dick come alive, but it's more than that. It is the very unexpected and unwelcome possessiveness I feel that has my insides in knots. Where the fuck does that come from? I know jack shit about this woman so how the hell can I feel like that about her? Like she's mine! The sexual need for her I can understand. It's the possessiveness I felt towards her that I don't know what to do with. If spending half an hour with her have my body and emotions in knots, what is a month going to do to me? 

I just know it is going to drive me fucking nuts.

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