Chapter 26

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After our dance we came back to our seats. Ruan is pissed at what he calls my "games." I guess kissing a woman was too much for him. I have been looking for James, but he is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he left with one of the women who made it so clear what they would like to do to him. Suddenly, I just want to go home.

I am just about to turn to Ruan when my whole body breaks out in goose bumps.

"We need to talk." he says right by my ear.

Damn, the power this man has over my body is just frightening.

"Let's dance." he says, holding out his hand.

My mind says no, but my hand is already taking his. Walking to the dance floor, he keeps his hand on the small of my back, making tingles run up my spine where his hand touches my back. I can feel the curious stares of the people around us. On the dance floor, he pulls me up against him before he starts to move slowly to the song the band is playing.

"I didn't kiss that woman. She kissed me." he says softly after a while.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"Because it matters what you think." he says.

"It didn't matter a year ago." the bitch in me says.

Sighing he says, "I am sorry I left without talking to you. After what I almost did, I panicked. Can you try and understand that?" he asks, looking down at me.

Not willingly to let it go, I just keep quiet. We dance for a while in total silence.

"Can we please go somewhere and talk?" he eventually asks.

"Please." he pleads when I don't answer immediately.

"Fine, if we really need to." I give in.

Maybe it is time to clear the air between us.

"We do." he says before he starts to lead me off the dance floor.

"I just need to let Ruan know. I will get you outside." I say before I turn to go to our table.

The first thing Ruan asks when I get to our table is, "You two made up?"

"No but he wants to talk. Will you mind if I go with him?" I ask.

"Of course not! I will see you when I see you." he says, "and Chels, don't fuck this up." he warns before I turn to leave.

James is waiting for me just outside the entrance to the building. Putting his hand on my back he leads me to his car.

"When did you get a car?" I ask to try and break the tense silence between us.

"It's on loan from SHIELD." he replies, not bothering to keep the conversation going.

We walk the rest of the way in silence. At his car he unlocks the doors and waits for me to get in before he closes the door and walks around to climb in.

"Where are we going?" I ask when he starts the car.

Pulling away he says, "To my apartment. I don't want any interruptions."

Oh God this is not a good idea. I can't be alone with him. Watching him handle the car with ease, I can't help but think how much I want to feel his hands on me again. His woodsy smell fills the car, reminding me of all the times I fell asleep with his smell filling my nostrils.

I can feel my nipples pebble and my pussy start to throb at the thought of his hands all over my body.

Stopping at a robot he turns to me and the look in his eyes is enough to flood my panty. It's like that first time he looked at me, with lust and desire flooding his eyes and suddenly the sexual tension between us is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

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