Chapter 12

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Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened.

Mumbling, "I'm sorry." I jump up and do the only thing I can. I ran! I am mortified! I have to go! I can not stay here!

Reaching the control room, I take only a second to compose myself as best I can before I walk through the security door.

Trying not to sound as flustered as I feel I say to Kurt, "Sorry there's something I have to do urgently. Will you please make sure someone returns the trolley to the kitchen?"

Without waiting for an answer, I hurry to the security door that is already starting to slide open. The minute it is wide enough, I slip through, almost jogging the rest of the way to my room.

Closing the door behind me, I sank to the floor.

"He groaned! Oh God, I think he knows!"

Feeling my face go up in flames, I drop my head on my bent knees. I just sat like that for what felt like an hour, trying to absorb the embarrassment I felt at being caught out. I do not know how on earth I am going to be able to look him in the eyes again.

When it is time for dinner, I told Sara I have urgent correspondence to attend to and asked her to make sure Sergeant Barnes gets his dinner. There is no way in hell that the inside of that cell will see me tonight, maybe not even tomorrow. Give me anything on this earth, and I will deal with it, but tonight, Sergeant Barnes is the one thing I just can not deal with. I just can't!


By the time I can focus again, she's gone. I get up to relieve the pressure in my pants, my dick still painfully hard. I'm so worked up that I'm tempted to jerk off, but I can't be sure the camera is off. My heart is racing at the thought of what I just witnessed. Fuck but the sight of her was absolutely beautiful. A shiver of pure delight runs through my body at the possibility that she could be mine.

Not having any way of relieving the pressure in my pants, I decide that a cold shower will have to do. Taking my clothes off, I can't help but stroke myself as I walk to the shower, my back to the camera. Images of her hands on my dick floating through my mind as I open the cold water tap. I bet she will be a wildcat in bed. I know I can make her lose her perfectly-kept-in-place control the minute I put my hands on her. I already caused a dent in it just by being in the same room as her. I am not going to be able to look at her without wanting to fuck her.

It takes me a full five minutes of freezing cold water before my mind starts to clear of thoughts of fucking that delectable little body.

The next morning:


After a restless night of erotic dreams I eventually fell asleep at five in the morning. Waking up at nine o'clock I realize with a sick feeling of relief that I missed breakfast, the events of the previous afternoon coming back as I slowly wake up. Being the coward that I am, I feel the beginnings of a panic attack coming on at the fought of facing him.

Before the panic attack can take hold of me, I get up and jump into a shower. The shower makes me feel slightly better, but I am still not able to face him, so after I am dressed, I grab my bag and go in search of Sara. I find her in the laundry room.

"Morning Sara, I am so sorry about breakfast. I overslept." I apologize.

"No problem, Miss Chelsey. It is all sorted." she replies.

"Sara, I may have to go to Washington DC." I improvise as I go along, not really thinking clearly. I just know that I need to get away from the facility.

"Can you make sure Sergeant Barnes gets his meals until I get back, please?" I ask.

"Sure can do Miss Chelsey." she answers.

"Thank you." I say before I turn around and almost run to my car.

My hands are sweaty, my breaths shallow, and the urge to look behind me overwhelming. I am ten seconds away from having that panic attack. This must have been how his victims felt trying to get away from him, knowing that they were doomed. I am only able to breathe again after the security gates have closed behind me, and I am twenty kilometers down the road. On impulse, I decide to really go to DC.

The delivery service phoned yesterday to let me know that there will be a delay in the delivery of the stuff I bought for Sergeant Barnes. Picking up my hands-free set, I phone them to let them know I am coming to DC and will pick everything up myself.

By the time I reach the outskirts of DC, I feel somewhat better. I decide to go to the delivery service first to pick up Sergeant Barnes' stuff and also to visit a grocery store to get something to eat for lunch, as well as the notebooks and pen I need for the psych sessions with Sergeant Barnes.

After that I phone Nicole, my best friend for the last ten years. She knows me so well that she can immediately tell something is wrong. She orders me to go straight to her apartment. She will see me in an hour. She owns her own very successful bookstore in the city and employs two sales assistants who can run the store while she is away.

Reaching her apartment, I use the spare key I carry with me to let myself in. Feeling the effects of the last twenty-four hours, I head straight for the couch.

An hour later:

When a hand touches my face, I wake up from a dreamless sleep. Seeing Nicole, I uncharacteristically burst out in tears. Wrapping her arms around me, she soothes, "There now, it's ok."

After what feels like an hour of crying my eyes out, I am at last calm enough to tell her the whole embarrassing story.

"Oh my word, I have to meet the man that made you lose control like that." she laughs.

"Dammit Nicole, this is not funny." I say, feeling a little of my spunk coming back.

"It is if you think about it. I never thought I would see the day when a man has you all hot and bothered. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall." she rubs salt in the wounds.

"No, it's not funny, and don't you even think about it! I will squash you like the little bug that you are. I have to work with this man." I say, my voice going up a couple of octaves.

By this time, Nicole is laughing hysterically.

"Calm down, Sweetie." she tries to pacify me.

When she eventually gets herself under control, she says, "Sorry I wasn't laughing at you, only at the 'situation'." she finger quotes still smiling, "Look Chels, you are allowed to have sexual experiences. So what if he knows you orgasmed from just watching him eat. Own it, girl. If he is anything like you described him, I guarantee you he probably thought it was sexy as hell. You probably gave him the boner from hell." she says, her eyes twinkling.

I am sure she's just saying it to make me feel better about the most embarrassing experience of my life, but then I did hear him groan! Maybe she is right. Maybe I wasn't the only one who had a sexual reaction. It was the desire in his eyes that pushed me over the edge after all. The thought of a man like Sergeant Barnes finding me sexually attractive makes my mind go off in all sorts of illicit directions.

After an hour of Nicole's particular brand of positivity, I feel a lot better. I decline to stay for dinner. I need to go home and sort this "Own it" thing out in my head. It is one thing to say it, but a completely different thing to act on it.

Getting up, I grab my bag and start to walk to the door.

Turning, I give her a hug, "Thank you, I feel much better. I don't know what I will do without you." I say with sincerity, "Love you lots like jelly tots." I say before I open the door.

"Love you too. Let me know how it goes." she says.

Disappearing around the corner, I hear her scream: "Remember, own it, girl!"

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