Chapter 15

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She is hiding again. I haven't seen her all day and all I want to do is see her. She is fucking driving me crazy. It feels like I have been walking around with a permanent hard on for the last two days. She is messing with my mind. I can't think straight anymore. I feel like I'm about to explode, so when Kurt came to ask me after dinner if I would like to go to the gym for a sparring session, I could have kissed him. That's exactly what I need.

After my session with Kurt, I hit the weights hard. I pushed myself to the limit, needing to exercise her out of my mind. Afterwards we sat in the heated pool. The water felt good, soothing my aching muscles. I also got to know Kurt a little better. He's intelligent and a good fighter. He shares my background as a soldier, so he knows what you have to deal with as a soldier. I could be friends with someone like him.

Thanks to the brutal session in the gym I slept like a baby, only waking up when Kurt brings me my breakfast. Chelsey is still MIA. If it wasn't for the fact that I don't want to mess things up for myself at the facility, I would have gone after her long ago. The walls and electric fencing are no challenge for me, but I don't want to make the security guards nervous. They only think they know what I am capable of, but that's only a fraction of what I can actually do. I would like to keep it that way.

Later when Kurt comes to fetch my still uneaten lunch dishes he informs me, "Miss Chelsey wants to see you at two o'clock for your next session. I will come and get you when she gets here."

I feel like a fucking schoolboy about to go on his first date waiting for two o'clock to come. By the time Kurt comes to fetch me I am feeling flushed, my heart rate elevated and my palm sweaty. The last time I felt this nervous was when I was still in school. She is becoming a dangerous obsession.

When I walk into the interrogation room, it is empty. An irrational fear that she isn't coming anymore makes me turn to Kurt and ask, "Is she not coming?"

"For fucks sakes Barnes, get it together." I chastise myself.

In all my years as the Winter Soldier, the only times I ever broke out in a sweat were just before they wiped my mind. This slip of a woman has me breaking out in a sweat just thinking about not seeing her. It's fucking ridiculous.

"Oh no she is on her way. Make yourself comfortable. She called to say she will be here in five minutes." he answers to my immense relieve. After he leaves I go and sit in my usual spot and wait. When she still hasn't arrive after fifteen minutes, I get up and start to pace. I am just about ready to go pound on the security door when she walks in, almost half an hour late.


I'm nervous as hell. I dress in the outfit I chose last night, covering it with a jacket and then I call Kurt to let him know I will be five minutes late and that he can take Sergeant Barnes to the interrogation room in the meantime. Then I wait. Kurt said Sergeant Barnes had a brutal gym session last night. In his own words: "It's almost like he was trying to excise something." I am hoping that something is me.

At twenty five past two I get the exercise book and start to walk to the prison block. When I get there I lie again telling Kurt, "Sorry I had to take a phone call," before I walk to the interrogation room.

Sergeant Barnes is pacing when I walk in. When he hears me enter, he stops pacing and looks up slowly, and just for a second, I see the Winter Soldier. Just like on the bridge, he is watching me with his face half hidden behind his hair, but this time, I can see his eyes, and there is a storm brewing in them.

"About fucking time! Kurt said you would be here half an hour ago." he says without greeting me and resumes his pacing.

He has one of his new shirts on, a blue one, making the blue of his eyes stand out. His hair looks disheveled, as if he has been running his fingers through it.

Ignoring his outburst, I say, "Good afternoon, Sergeant Barnes. Please have a seat."

Looking like he wants to say something else, he stops pacing before he walks to his seat and sits down.

Opening the exercise book, I inform him, "Today's exercise is called Sensory Awareness. You need to draw five columns, each labeled with one of the five senses; smell, touch, sight, taste, and sound."

While I explain the exercise to him, I take my jacket off, my nipples pebbling immediately from the cold. I see with satisfaction as his eyes are drawn to my breasts. He swallows hard, his eyes narrowing slightly. Dropping my pen on purpose, I turn around to pick it up, knowing that the top of my G-string will be peeking out of my jeans. I almost laugh when I hear him groan. Faking ignorance, I turn back and ask, "Sorry, did you ask something?"

Shaking his head, he just mumbles, "No."

"Ok, you need to write down the experiences that give you pleasure using each of your five senses." I continue.

Starting to pace, I roll my hips just a little more than usual, my breast jiggling a little in my braless shirt.

"Dr. Raynor will be seeing you tomorrow, so it will be good if you can write your summary tomorrow morning before your appointment with her at two o'clock."

Walking back to the table, I go and stand right in front of him. Leaning forward, I put my hands on the table and pretend to look at the exercise book, letting gravity do the rest. My shirt gapes just enough for him to see the swell of my breast. Lifting my head slightly, I can see his eyes are glued to my chest, and then he softly groans again. I have to bite down hard on my bottom lip to prevent myself from smiling.

"Is something wrong, Sergeant Barnes?" I ask, looking at him, fluttering my eyelids innocently. Making sure he sees me, I let my eyes drift purposefully to his mouth before I lick my bottom lip slowly. I pucker my lips just a little, his eyes now glued to my mouth before I say, "Ok then. Enjoy! Call Kurt when you are done."

Turning around, I take my jacket and promptly leave the room.


Coming back from my sex induced coma, I just sit there for a minute, feeling like I was struck by lightning. What the hell just happened?

Seeing her nipples harden when she took her jacket off and then that sneak peek at what lies beneath her jeans, had my cock fighting to get out of the refines of my pants. Watching her hips sway and her beautiful breast bouncing slightly up and down, while she was walking around explaining the exercise, had my pulse racing and my balls tightening painfully. When she leaned forward showing me the swell of her breast it took everything in me not to stick my hand out and cup her breast, but then she looked at me and slowly licked her bottom lip, a small little pout decorating her lips and I was a goner. I was just about to get up and go to her when she said something, turned and suddenly left.

Sitting here still stunned at the effect she has on me, I suddenly realized what just happened. It was payback. The little minx just got me back for my little stunt the other day. If I wasn't in so much pain, I would have laughed at how completely she turned the tables on me.

Fuck she made me forget about the cameras, I suddenly realize with amazement. She makes me forget about everything except her. In that moment I experienced real joy for the first time in over seventy years.

Laughing out loud I get up. Oh she doesn't know what she just did. I love a challenge, and if that wasn't a challenge, I don't know what is. I accept.

Tomorrow, when I see Dr. Raynor, I need to convince her it is safe for me to be allowed more freedom. Going back to my cell, I redo the first exercise, and then I do the last one. Writing my summary, I make sure that I come across a stable man in tune with his feelings. When Kurt brings me my food, I make sure he knows how good it felt to be able to interact with another man and how much I enjoyed being outside my cell doing something as normal as exercising. It is time to leave this cell behind for good.

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