Chapter 2

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The facility is situated about fifty kilometers from the nearest town. The whole area is basically one big farming community. Coming around a bend in the road, I can see the security gates up ahead. The whole facility is surrounded by a three meter high wall with bob wire on top, as well as an electrified fence one meter inside the wall and is under constant surveillance. The control center is situated in a room inside the house. 

Beyond the gates, I can just make out the second floor of the house.

It's a big southern style house with a balcony running around the whole second floor and a porch running around the first floor. At the back of the house to the left are the barracks where the team working on site stays.

The barracks aren't your typical barracks. It looks more like a commune. It's a huge square area with sixteen sleeping units around the outside of the square, each with its own bathroom and toilet. In the middle of the square, there is another building. At the back of the building there is a big kitchen with a laundry room attached to it.

In front of the kitchen there is a dining room where the security guards eat their meals and next to the dining room an entertainment room with two TV's, a gaming console, a pool table and even a small library. The guys deal with some pretty sick and dangerous people, so it's important that they get some quality downtime.

To the right of the house opposite the barracks is the prison block. It's a big square shaped area with a rectangular building in front.

At the back of the building, there is a courtyard surrounded by a three meter high wall with bob wire on top as well as an electrified fence running along the inside of the wall. The prisoners are allowed an hour per day outside. There is another security gate on the right side of the wall where the vehicles transporting the prisoners get access to the prison.

Although I have never been inside the prison block, I know that it consists of a control room, two interrogation rooms, and at least four cells. There is usually at least one prisoner at the facility.

Due to the nature of the prisoners they keep here, they don't like to have too many prisoners at the facility at the same time. Most of them are psychopaths or terrorists and are considered very dangerous. They are the worst of the worse. The ones no one else can handle or get info from. The facility is used exclusively for psych evaluations or interrogations, and the prisoners normally don't stay for longer than six months before they are transported back to wherever they came from.

On the left side of the house in front of the barracks is a fully equipped gym with a swimming pool that can be heated in the winter.

There is also a helipad in front of the house to the left just inside the wall and a small airstrip about a kilometer to the left of the helipad.

Just inside the main gate to the right, there are two small houses, as well as nine one bedroom units just inside the wall.

In the house furthest from the gate, Sara and John, a married older black couple, live. John is responsible for all the maintenance while Sara acts as housekeeper for the facility. She is responsible for preparing all the meals for the security detail, prisoners, and visitors at the facility, as well as for the cleaning of the barracks, gym, prison block, and house.

A team of five people help John and Sara with their daily tasks, and they stay in the one bedroom units. Both John and Sara have been working at the facility for more than fifteen years.

The other one bedroom units are for the security guards manning the main security gate. They stay permanently at the facility and are retired agents or security guards.

The other house is occupied by the Head of Security Jonathan Deacon and his wife, Susan. Susan also handles all the admin related to the facility. Both of them have been with SHIELD for close to ten years and at this facility for five years. They prefer the countryside, so this is the perfect place for them to stay. 

Visitors to the facility normally get assigned a room inside the house. I have been to the facility several times. Due to the fact that the facility is so secure, the Avengers often use it when they have to plan top secret missions. There are usually at least three Avengers and four administrative people involved in such a mission.

Therefore the place is huge. There are eight bedrooms on the second floor and two on the ground level each with its own bathroom, equipped with a shower, bath and toilet.

On the ground floor, you will find the kitchen and dining room to your right with a laundry at the back of the kitchen and a small library behind the dining room. On the left side of the entrance, you will find the two ground floor bedrooms.

A passage runs between the two areas to the back of the house, which has been converted into an operational area. A passage running from left to right divides the front of the house from the operational area.

The operational area consist of an office space with four desks, each with its own computer station and telephone to the right of the passage and a big conference room next to the offices with a media room connected to it, equipped with several television screens.

On the left side of the house is the security center from where all the cameras on the property are monitored, with the office of Jonathan Deacon to the right of the security center. A passage separates Jonathan Deacon's office from the media room and runs to the back entrance of the house.

From the entrance, two passages lead to the barracks and the prison block. The one to the prison block is secured with a security door on each end.

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