Chapter 11

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The opening of the security door wakes me up. I must have dosed off again. I am so damn tired lately. I don't even have the energy to go sit outside anymore. Hearing the trolley being pushed towards my cell, I realize it must be lunchtime. I am not in the mood to eat.


He is sleeping again. It is no wonder he has no energy. Sleepless nights, no exercise and not eating, will do that to a person, even more so to a super soldier. Well, super soldier or not, from today things will change. I promised Steve I would look after him and that's exactly what I am going to do.

Before I can say anything, he says, "I'm not hungry, Kurt."

"Well, that is too bad because you are going to eat something. You did not eat your breakfast, and apparently, most of your other meals as well in the week that you have been here. You know better than not to eat with your super-soldier-over-the-top metabolism." I say, making it clear that I am in no mood for any nonsense.

Sitting up with a surprised expression on his face, he looks at me and says, "Excuse me!"

"Look, James! Can I call you James?" I ask, waiting for him to nod before I continue, "You need to eat! I can not begin to understand what you must be going through, but what I do know is that not looking after your health is not going to make this any easier. We'll start with small meals and then take it from there, ok?"

Sighing, he gets up and says, "Yes, ma'am."

Watching him walk to the front of the cell, I take a sandwich and put it on the extra plate, and then I pour coffee in both mugs. Taking a mug and the rest of the sandwiches, I pass it to him through the opening in the door.

Then I take the second plate and the other coffee and sit down on the floor in front of his cell.


Watching her sit down, I ask, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I am having my lunch." she replies.

"What? You're going to sit on the floor and eat your lunch here?" I ask exasperated.

"Why not?" she asks, taking a bite of her sandwich.

My eyes are immediately drawn to the way her lips wrap around the sandwich.

"Fuck, I want to see those lips wrapped around a certain other part of my anatomy." The thought enters my mind out of nowhere. I can feel my dick thicken in my pants. Trying to hide the evidence of my out of control thoughts I walk to the desk and sit down. "Suit yourself." I say, acting like I don't care.

"I will!" she says and then with a determined look in those beautiful eyes of hers she says.

"I am not leaving until you eat at least two sandwiches. The floor is cold and unless you want me to get sick you will not dally eating your sandwiches." she finishes, leaning back against the bars of the cell behind her.

Well well well! Little Miss Chelsey has spunk and suddenly I am looking forward to spending the next half an hour with her.

Leaning back in my chair I take a bite of my sandwich, watching her. Her eyes follow the sandwich to my mouth, watching me take a bite. Watching her watching me, is so fucking sexy. Licking my lips on purpose just to see her reaction I am not disappointed when her pupils dilate and a blush starts to spread from her neck over her face. I can smell the sweet scent of her arousal, making my balls tighten painfully. When her tongue suddenly darts out, I'm rock hard in an instant.

"Shit how am I supposed to function with all my blood rushing to my dick?"


Watching him bite into his sandwich is the sexiest thing I have ever seen, his lips so full and red. I wonder what it would feel like wrapped around my nipple, sucking and licking. Just thinking about it tightens my nipples almost painfully, a slow throb beginning to pulse in my pussy.

What is it about this man that makes my body react to him in such a primitive way? When he licks his lips, I can feel the heat of arousal spread through my body making my pussy slick with my juices. His mouth mesmerizes me. Perfectly straight heart shaped lips with a fuller bottom lip. The image of his lips all over my body makes my heart beat faster.

My eyes start to drift downwards over his perfectly angular chin with a dimple right in the middle. Taking my time I admire his strong square jawline, his stubble covered cheeks slightly flushed. Following the straight line of his nose I reach the Mediterranean blue of his eyes, the bright blue of his iris' forming a thin ring around the black of his dilated pupils. It is however the fire of desire burning in his eyes that takes me over the top, sending shivers of pure unadulterated pleasure racing through my body, tightening the walls of my pussy in tiny explosions of pure bliss.

"Oh my God, I just came!" The thought enters my mind, shocking me to the core. How is it possible for this man to do this to my body with just a look?


I watch her eyes starts to move up my face, filled with such sexual longing as she slowly explores the lines of my face, unaware of how her eyes give her feelings away. The sudden urge to slam into her floods my body like a tsunami. Her breath is coming out in short little pants, fueling the fire racing through my body. When her eyes meet mine, a little shudder runs up her body, and the sweet smell of her release suddenly fills my nostrils.

"Fuck!!!!!! I think she just came." I can't help but let a groan slip out when the sudden realization hits me.

My balls feel like they are going to explode and I have to bite down hard on my tongue to prevent myself from coming, my cock straining so hard against my pants that I feel light headed for a moment. Never have I come this close to shooting my load just by watching a woman.

I just know I am NOT going to survive this woman!

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