Chapter 3

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Approaching the main gate, a security guard steps out of the security office and approaches my car. I recognize Jason, an older man who has been with SHIELD for over forty years.

Stopping my car in front of the gate, I wind down my window, "Morning Jason, how are you?"

Smiling, Jason replies, "Morning Miss Johnson, I'm good thank you and you?"

"That depends on how my meeting with your current guess goes." I answer.

Chuckling, he says, "In that case, good luck then."

"Thanks, I kind of feel that I'm going to need it." I say, reaching for my security pass.

Scanning my pass, he asks, "You still remember where to park your car?"

"Yes, thank you."

Turning to open the gate, he says, "Ok, you have a good day then."

"Thank you, you too."

As the gates start to open, I can see the house right in front of me about a hundred meters from the main gate, with the helipad just inside the gate to the left. The road splits in two after about fifty meters, one path leading to the barracks and the other to the prison block.

The road to the left also leads to a shaded parking area situated to the side of the house where visitors to the facility can park their cars. This is where I find myself a few seconds later. It takes me all of ten seconds to unload my car and head to the house. On each side of the house, there are steps leading up to the porch. Walking around to the front, I let myself in.

The house is quiet. The only people at the facility at the moment are the security detail and me. Since I will be the only one staying in the house, I can use any room.

The stairs to the first floor are situated on the left and the right of the entrance hall and lead up to a passage on each side of the house that runs all the way to the back of the house and ends with a door that leads out to the balcony. Another passage divides the front two bedrooms from the back two and connects with the two passages on each side of the first floor.

I chose the bedroom on the left at the front of the house to stay in because I used it before and because I can see the main gate from there.

The furniture in the bedrooms is simple but stylish. There is a double bed made from oak wood next to the window, an oak built-in closet next to the bed and a small desk and chair in each room with the door leading to the bathroom on the right. 

Leaving my suitcase at the foot of the bed, I put my laptop on the desk and head straight to the bathroom to freshen up. Having done that, I grab a notepad and pen and head downstairs, looking for Jonathan. I find him in his office at the back of the house.

There are sixteen highly trained security guards on the premises at a time.

Two work day shifts at the prison block and two the night shift. Depending on how many prisoners they have, they may bring in more guards who then stay in the house for the duration of their stay. Two people man the security center inside the house during the day and two during the night.

All of the security guards work shifts of four and three days and stay at the facility for a month at a time. They rotate with another group working at SHIELD's head office.

Jonathan is the only one who stays at the facility permanently.

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