Chapter 20

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It is already past eight by the time I wake up. I am disappointed when I turn around and find the bed empty. I know James couldn't stay too late because the chance of him running into somebody after six thirty is very good. That's when most of the people working in the house come on duty.

I am not sure what last night meant to James. Was it just a way to get rid of sexual tension, or is there a chance that it meant more.

I had one boyfriend in the past, and we broke up because I found out he was cheating. After that, I just did not think it was worth the effort. I thought I loved Martin, but after what I experienced with James, I don't think I even came close to loving him.

My problem is that when I do get involved, it is all or nothing for me. I know I am already emotionally invested with James, but how can he have any other feelings for me besides the physical. He hardly knows me, and then there is this whole business with HYDRA he still has to sort out.

I guess I will have to take my cues from him.

I need to get up and get ready because, like it or not, I have to do another exercise with James today. My body is sore from our lovemaking, and a warm shower should help soothe my aching muscles.

I still can't believe I could actually take him inside me. He is so big when fully aroused. I know I am no expert, but the things he did to me last night are downright illegal. Sex with Martin was good, but not like this. James literally rocked my world, to say the least.

I am just about dressed when there is a knock on my bedroom door. Thinking it might be James, I quickly open the door. It is Sara.

"Oh, morning, Sara. Sorry I overslept again." I apologize and greet at the same time.

"It is not a problem. Did you enjoy last night with your young man?" she asks, making me blush.

How the hell did she know, I wonder, in horror?

Unaware of the horror her words just caused, she continues, "Kurt said you had a big date."

"Oh, thank God she's talking about Elize." I realize with relief.

"It was very good, thank you." I answer.

"I am actually here to let you know Sergeant Barnes is waiting downstairs. He would like to speak to you." She says.

"Ok, I will be downstairs in a minute." I say, my heart already skipping beats.

"Goodness, what a handsome young man he is and so good mannered." she comments, looking a little flustered.

Not even sixty plus year old women are safe from his charm.

"You shouldn't let John hear you talk like that. He might get jealous." I tease.

"Nothing wrong with a bit of jealousy." she says before leaving again.

Suddenly nervous, I check myself in the mirror. Looking at myself, I wonder if people will be able to see how thoroughly I was loved last night. There is a glow about my face, and my eyes are shining brightly. I can feel the heat rise in my face just thinking about all the things he did to me last night. Checking one last time, I turned around and went downstairs.

When I can not find him inside the house, I go outside. He is standing with his back to me, looking towards the airstrip. Today, he is dressed in a grey Henly and his usual black jeans and boots.

"Morning Chelsey." he says before he slowly starts to turn around. The husky sound of his voice making little shivers race through my body.

Every time I look at this man, I am awestruck by how gorgeous he is. He would have been a perfect male model.

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