Chapter 4

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Knocking on his office door, I say, "Morning Jonathan, how are you today?"

Looking up from the paperwork he is busy with, he replies, "Morning Chelsey, good to see you again."

Coming around his desk, he gives me a hug. Jonathan is a short, muscular man with a military haircut and is one of the best in the business. Looking at him, you would never know that he is also the kindest person on earth.

"You are looking good." he says.

"Thank you. I am, however, not feeling so good. I'm very nervous about meeting Sergeant Barnes. Is there anything I need to know about him?" I ask.

Shaking his head, he replies, "Don't worry, Sergeant Barnes isn't strictly speaking a prisoner. He is here voluntarily and because of his history. He is staying in the prison block only until Dr Raynor clears him, but he can move around freely inside the cell area. He actually prefers the arrangement. I think the whole thing with Zemo made him a bit nervous."

"So he isn't considered dangerous then?" I ask.

Taking his time to answer, he says, "Look, in Winter Soldier mode, he is an extremely dangerous man, but the chances of that happening are very slim. He needs to be activated, and as long as he is here, that won't happen. As soon as Dr. Raynor had a chance to evaluate him, we will decide whether or not it is safe enough for him to stay in the house.  A condition of his pardon is that he stays under constant surveillance until they figure out a way to get HYDRA out of his head. This facility is one of the most secure in the country, and we are very isolated, so if something does go wrong, the chances of civilians getting hurt are less likely."

"Okay, so what am I doing here?" I ask, "All I was told this morning was that Kevin, who was supposed to come, had a family emergency and that you would inform me of my duties."

"OK, so as you already know, the psych evaluation is a condition of his pardon. Dr Raynor also needs your help with some stuff she wants to do with him. She will explain everything to you when she comes to see him for his first session. Then Steve wants you to be personally responsible for him. He wants you to make sure he has everything he needs while he is staying here, that includes his meals and any personal stuff he may need." 

"I understand the personal stuff, but why do I need to worry about his meals? Can't he just eat what the rest of us are eating?" I ask with a frown on my face.

Shaking his head he replies, "No Steve was very specific that he wants him to have the best and since Steve is paying the bill for all his personal needs, SHIELD don't mind if he gets treated a bit differently. Director Fury said you must speak to Steve about exactly what he wants you to do." he replies.

Walking to the door, he asks, "You ready to go meet Sergeant Barnes?"

Shaking my head, I reply, "No, but I guess I don't have a choice."

Chuckling, he says, "Nope, you don't. Come on, you will be fine."

And with that, Jonathan starts to walk towards the passage between the prison block and the house. I am left with no other option but to follow him.
On each end of the passage way there is a coded security door. The codes get changed on a regular basis, and only the security personnel know them.

The passage is about fifty meters long with no windows and ends inside the control room of the prison block.

Turning to look at me, Jonathan says, "I doubt you will have any problems with Sergeant Barnes. He has been very cooperative since he arrived a week ago. The guards say he is very quiet and spend most of his time on his own. Just in case, there will always be a guard within shouting distance. You will see the passage leads to the control room of the prison block. Normally only security personnel have the codes to the security doors, but because you will be in and out of the prison and we won't be taking any new prisoners in until he is cleared to stay in the house I will give you access to the codes. At the moment, we only have two guards manning the prison block, one for the day and one for the night."

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