Chapter 10

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An hour later:


The helicopter lands at precisely five to ten. I wait for the helicopter's blade to stop rotating before I start to move forward, meeting Dr Raynor halfway.

"Good morning. Hope you had a good flight." I say, shaking her hand.

"Morning. Yes, thank you. I should be used to it by now." she says, referring to her time in the military.

"Is Sergeant Barnes ready for me?" she asks.

"Yes, they are bringing him to the interrogation room as we speak. I notified Kurt as soon as I heard the helicopter coming in to land. Please follow me. Is there anything that you will need for your session?"

"Yes, can you arrange for some tea for us, please? Today, I just want to get to know him a bit better. Steve informed me yesterday that Shuri is already busy working on a way to reverse what HYDRA did to him. So, until then, I will try and deal with the emotional damage they caused." she explains. Shuri, being King T'Challa's brilliant scientist sister.

Reaching the front door, I stand back so that she can walk in ahead of me. Walking to the back of the house, I say, "Please follow me. I just want you to meet Captain Jonathan Deacon before I take you to Sergeant Barnes. Jonathan is Head of Security for this facility."

Reaching his office, I lightly tap on the door before I enter, followed by Dr Raynor.

"Good morning Jonathan, can I introduce Dr Raynor to you?"

Standing up and coming around his desk, he says, "Morning Chelsey."

Turning to Dr Raynor, he extends his hand and says, "Morning, Dr. Raynor, welcome to our facility."

Shaking his hand, she says, "Morning, Captain."

Letting go of her hand, he says, "Please just call me Jonathan. Just let us know if you need anything."

Shaking her head, she says, "I should be ok for now. Steve gave me a very detailed report on Sergeant Barnes. Today, I would just like to get to know him a bit better. How has he been, any problems?" she asks.

"No, he has been very cooperative. He prefers to be on his own, only interacting with the guards when he has to. He is also having a lot of nightmares, according to the guard on night shift. He says he has had them every night since they brought him here." Jonathan replies.

"Yes, I expected that. Considering what he has been through, I would be very surprise if he wasn't having nightmares." Dr Raynor explains.

Turning to me, she asks, "Ok then, shall we go?"

Nodding, I wait for her while she says goodbye to Jonathan and then indicate to her that she should follow me. Reaching the security door, I punch in the code and proceed to walk to the prison block.

"Jonathan said something about some help you want from me. I have to warn you that I know nothing about psychology." I tell her.

"Yes, I want Sergeant Barnes to do some psych exercises, and you just need to make sure that he does it. Normally I will do them with my clients, but because my time with him is so limited I would like you to do them with him. He will need two notebooks and a pen for it. He can do the exercises in the one notebook, and the other one will be his personal journal. I will go through his answers with him when I see him again for his next session. I will give you the book with the exercises in it before I go. All you need to be able to do is read. Every exercise gets explained, the why and the how. Are you ok with being in the same room as him with no bars between the two of you?" she asks me.

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