Chapter 21

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James left the house more than three hours ago. He left just after dinner tonight because he wanted to go to the gym. It is almost eleven o'clock and he hasn't come back. Maybe he needed some space.

Feeling a little hurt, I decided to take a shower. I leave the light in the room off just in case he decides to still come. After I undress, I open the shower taps. Adjusting the temperature to almost too hot, I step into the shower. The water is steaming hot, but I like it like that. I'm feeling stressed and the hot water is helping me relax.


I am late. Kurt came to ask me if I didn't want another sparring session, and I couldn't really say no. It is dark in her room, but the light in the bathroom is on, and I can hear the shower. Perfect timing! Getting undress, I head to the bathroom.

She is standing with her back to me. Fuck but she is beautiful. I will never get tired of her body. Stepping into the shower I grab her from behind, pulling her flush up against my body. My hands find her gorgeous breast immediately. Her lips part in a soft gasp.

"Hmm, this feels so good." she moans, pushing her behind against my rock-hard dick.

My fingers find her delectably perky nipples, rubbing and rolling them between my fingers until they harden into tight little pebbles. Turning her around, I push her up against the wall before my mouth crashes down on hers. She opens her mouth instantly, her tongue flicking out to meet mine in a fevered dance of licking and tasting. Leaving her mouth, I lick and taste my way down to her beautiful, small breast. Closing my lips over her nipple, I suck and lick until she squirms under my mouth.

Grinding her pussy against my rock hard dick she breathes, "Yes, please don't stop!"

My right hand starts to move down over her soft stomach until my fingers find the soft curls between her legs. Lifting her up in my arms, she wraps her legs around my waist. Opening her folds, I find her wet and ready for me.

Not able to wait any longer I rub the tip of my cock through her wetness once, before I drive into her tight pussy. She shudders as I bury myself balls deep in her. I can feel her clamp every inch of my cock. The sensation so good, that for a second, I almost forget to move.

Fuck, it just gets better every time. Pulling all the way out, I slam back into her, starting a brutally fast pace. Tonight I cannot wait. I drive into her repeatedly until I feel her walls tighten around my cock. The instant I feel her essence flood my cock, I let my release rip through me, joining her as we tumble over the edge together.


Coming back to earth I find myself pushed up against the wall of the shower with James' head buried in my neck, still breathing hard. After catching his breath he lifts his head and asks, "You OK?"

"Better than OK." I reply.

"You sure I did not hurt you? " he asks again.

Taking his head in my hands I say, "You can never hurt me."

Bending his head, he kisses me softly, "I never ever want to hurt you."

Pulling back, he takes the soap and starts to wash me, and when he is done, he wraps me up in a towel and carries me to the bed. There, he proceeds to dry my hair before he tucks me into bed. Joining me, he pulls me into his arms, and that is how we fall asleep.

Four am:

I wake up because I can't breathe. Someone is choking me. Bringing my hands up, I connect with cold metal. Opening my eyes, I see James on top of me, his left hand wrapped around my throat. He is looking at me, but there is no recognition in his cold eyes.

"Oh my God, he is having a nightmare." The thought races through my mind.

I try to call his name, but I can't get enough air into my lungs. When I start to struggle, his grip around my throat tightens. Out of desperation, I lift my knee, and it is pure luck that I connect with his balls. Just for a second, his grip relaxes, giving me a chance to call his name. Surprise flickers across his face before he starts to tighten his grip again, his eyes hard and completely empty of any emotion.

Thrusting my head from side to side, I start to hit him with both of my fists, using my hips to try and throw him off me. He is too heavy, so I can't get him off me, but my violent struggles are enough to make him pause again and then the empty look in his eyes are slowly being replaced by one of utter horror.

In the next instance, he is off me and standing on the other side of the room. He is breathing hard, his eyes bewildered.

"Oh my God, oh my God." he whispers, sinking to the floor, "I am so sorry."

Seeing him sit there with his hands covering his face, I get up and go to him, my heart breaking for the anguish he is experiencing. Sitting down in front of him, I take him in my arms and rock him like I would do with a baby, reassuring him, "Shh, it's OK. I'm OK."

We sit like that until his breathing slows. Eventually, he gets up, and without looking at me, he starts to put his clothes back on. An eerie calm surrounds him. When he is done getting dressed, he comes to me. Lifting me off the floor, he pulls me into his arms, hugging me for a long time whispering over and over, "I am so sorry."

Pulling back, he kisses me so tenderly that it brings tears to my eyes, and then he is gone.


"I can't believe I almost killed her. I can't stay here anymore. I need to phone Steve."

The thoughts rush through my mind as I make my way back to the cell. It's too early to call Steve, but I don't care. The phone rings a long time before a very sleepy Steve answers, "Yeh."

"Steve, it's Bucky."

"Bucky? What's wrong?" he tries to make sense of the phone call.

"You need to get me away from here. Today!" I almost plead.

"What? What are you talking about?" he asks, the confusion evident in his voice.

"I will explain everything when I see you, but I need to get away from here. I think I need to go back under again. Please, Steve, just get me away from here ASAP." I rattle on.

We talked about what we would do should I feel like I was losing control again. Steve knows what I need him to do.

"Ok, ok. I'll come with the Quinjet. Just give me time to organize everything. I'll let you know what time I'll be there." he says.

"Thank you. I owe you." I whisper as relief floods my system. The shame and horror of what I almost did is so overwhelming that I make myself scarce until Steve arrives. I know she will come looking for me, but I just can't face her. It's better this way. I will disappear out of her life, and then she can go on with her life. Find someone who won't try to kill her in her sleep.

I quickly pack my rucksack before I walk to the barracks. I find Kurt busy having his coffee.

"Hi Kurt." I greet.

"Morning James, you are up early." he responds.

"Yes, I want to go for a walk. Explore a bit. Thought I'll just let you know. You know so that you don't think I escaped if you can't find me." I explain.

"No problem. Thanks for letting me know." he says, finishing his coffee.

"Ok then, you have a good day." I say eager to get away before I run into Chelsey.

"You too. See you later." he says, turning to go back to his sleeping quarters.

Making sure that no one is in sight before I leave the barracks, I head towards the cave Chelsey and I had our picnic in. I can wait there until I hear from Steve.

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