Chapter 6

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Luke's POV

We spent the remainder of that day talking more about my family and even the Academy. I didn't go into too much detail, but I felt like I needed to tell her as much as I could. I also confessed everything about Gabe. She'd been so patient and sweet while I talked, cried, and rambled. Then she kissed my tears and told me to be patient because it would all work out in the end.

Now I'm sitting on a plane headed to Charleston, and she's on a flight to London. We had secured a small flat near the London Art Therapy Centre where she'd been offered a position. I was to report to the Academy offices in London once I arrived to see if I wanted to continue missions or cash in my favors and find a career. I'd finished my culinary arts studies years ago but never used it much. I tried to sleep on the flight but was far too nervous about telling my brothers about Nimue and my move to the UK.

"Luke!" I heard my name yelled as I stepped into the airport. North was waving his hands along with Silas and Nate. I ran towards them and grabbed him in a fierce hug. "Damn it's good to see you, brother," he said gruffly.

"You too," I said, then turned and embraced Silas followed by Nate. "Damn you all look old," I joked. I poked at Nate's beard, "That's new."

"Yeah, the ladies love it," he chuckled. "Come on, man, if we don't get you to the diner quickly, Uncle will send out a search party." I picked up my bag and started to follow them when he asked, "Where's the rest of your stuff?"

"Why don't we save that conversation for the diner," I said, "Everyone will be there right?"

"Yeah," North said, eyeing me suspiciously. "It's the British girl, right?" I nodded but didn't elaborate. "Guess I need to make sure my passport is up to date," he said and put his arm around my shoulders.

When we reached the diner, everyone was there and Uncle had closed the place down for just us. "Luke, my boy," he said, hugging me tightly. My eyes watered at the reunion. More hugs and tears flowed as we finally settled down with our food.

"So, you want to explain now why all you have is a backpack and no luggage?" Nate prodded. Gabe and North both gave me a smirk. They were the only two that knew how serious things had become with Nimue.

"Well, California was an interesting place, and about six months back, it became much more interesting," I started. "I've met someone and well, I'm not staying. She's on her way back to London, and in a week, I'll be following her there."

I waited for the yells, questions, and other responses I expected, but instead, all I heard was Gabe. "Pay up bitches! Told you he would follow her," he laughed as they all fished cash out of their pockets.

"You seriously placed a bet on my love life?" I said, rubbing my face.

"What the hell else am I gonna do? These fuckers are boring," he chuckled. "Besides, the only one getting any action these days is Nate, and that's nothing serious."

"So why didn't you bring her with you?" Uncle asked. "I would like to meet the girl who has stolen your heart."

"Sadly, it all came down to timing, Uncle," I answered. "She had planned to come with me, but the job she was offered stepped up the timetable on their offer. It's a fairly prestigious art center, so she couldn't turn it down. Once she has some leave time, we plan to come back and visit, unless you all want to come over first. However, you'll need a hotel," I chuckled. "The flat is not much larger than Gabe's closet."

He sucked in a shocked breath, "How will you survive?" We all laughed at his dramatic behavior.

"So tell us about her," Kota said.

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