Chapter 26

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Sean's POV

What did I just witness?

The fact that North is sitting up talking and joking as if he was never shot simply isn't possible. I saw the wound. Stood in surgery for fourteen hours fighting to get his heart and blood vessels repaired. I watched as his brain function slowed to barely perceptible levels. Yet, somehow here he is talking to his brothers, sitting up and showing no signs of any pain.

"So you really got married without us?" North teased Luke.

"Yep, it was, um, a bit spontaneous," he said with red cheeks.

"So wait, are you two both married to Nimue, or just Luke?" Nathan asked.

Gabe held up his hand showing a double banded ring, "We are all married to each other. It's perfectly fucking legal in the UK, and the US has to recognize our certificate from there as well." He had a huge grin on his face. I'd known for years about him and Luke, but I never thought it would lead to marriage. No matter, I'm happy for them, and by the looks on their faces, all three of them are very much in love.

The guys admired their rings and were very polite to Nimue despite their lingering questions. I noticed North rubbing the spot where the bullet had lodged and asked, "Are you experiencing any pain, North? I can check it out for you."

He grimaced, "It's not really pain, just an odd sensation." I noticed Nimue exchanged looks with Luke and Gabe.

"North, may I look at the spot you are referring to, or if that is uncomfortable for you, then perhaps Luke, or Sean," she said in a gentle voice. He nodded and pulled down the hospital gown to reveal a mark that looked like a vertical line with five slightly diagonal lines crossing it.

"What the fuck is that?" Nate barked, as the rest of us gaped.

Luke put his hand on North's shoulder, "That is the Druid's mark for the Elder tree."

Kota's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head, "You said Druid. First Avalon, then the Lady, now Druids. Just what the fuck have you guys been up to?" I had to agree with him. I felt like I was in a fantasy movie waiting for a troll or fairy to walk into the room. But instead, it was Phil that walked in.

He bowed slightly to Nimue, "My Lady." She gave him a bright smile then stepped over and hugged him as if they were old friends.

I'd hit my breaking point now. "For the love of all things, what the hell is going on here?" I yelled, "First North is almost dead, then they show up and do some magic something or another and he's just peachy. There's talk of mythology and made-up places, and now you two are acting like old friends. I need some answers." I felt Owen come behind me and place his hand on the small of my back.

"Take a breath, Sean," he said softly. I know he meant well, but dammit, I didn't want to calm down, I wanted answers.

Phil turned to me, "No, he's right. You all deserve answers and I think it's okay to give those that we have for now." He turned back to North, "Do you feel up to dressing and coming to a more secure location? This isn't a safe place right now." North nodded and we left the room to let him get dressed with the help of Luke and Silas.

They stepped out of the door a few moments later and we all followed Phil down the hall to one of the secure conference rooms. I noticed Gabe kept his arms around Nimue, while Luke stayed close to North even though he seemed to not need any assistance. When we reached the room, I was surprised to see the Toma team already there.

Corey stood and crossed the room, giving Nimue a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay," he said quietly.

She smiled at him and then reached out a hand to Raven, "This must be our eavesdropper," she giggled.

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