Chapter 106

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Bonus Chapter: Marc's POV  

"We live on an isle surrounded by forests and you really want me to go camping?" Nimue asked hands on her hips. Brandon and I exchanged sly grins and nodded our heads. "Don't think I'm fooled for a minute. You two are up to something," she said, shaking her finger at us. "This better not end up with me on a raft in the middle of the lake."

"Mo chúis, we would never do such a thing to you," Brandon said. "To North or Raven, sure, but never you." She giggled and slapped him on the chest. "Come on, love, trust us." She rolled her eyes and continued packing her clothes.

It had been years since we all had arrived in Avalon. Our lives were so different now, but at the same time, almost the same. Nimue was the center of our universe still, and luckily she hadn't found any new connections since Zolros. Still, it had taken some getting used to for all of us. Years of magical challenges, politics, raising children, not to mention the day-to-day challenges of dealing with a polyamorous marriage with nineteen people sometimes got the best of us, so we decided to steal our lovely wife away and venture into the woods beyond the Isle and grove. Cernunnos had told me of a small place with tall trees and a natural spring. He'd had quite the twinkle in his eye when he suggested we camp there. Well, far be it for me to disregard the advice of my patron...

After lots of farewell kisses, we finally managed to get our girl into the woods. It was just before sunset when we arrived at the grove Cernunnos had described. "This is amazing," she breathed as she looked up at the treetops. "All my years here, and I've never seen this place before."

"I have it on good authority that it's a special place, doe," I said, nuzzling her neck. "Why don't you fill our canteens while Brandon and I set up the tent and get a fire going for dinner?" She grinned and kissed me, then walked toward the spring with our canteens.

"Do you think she suspects?" Brandon said, placing a kiss on my neck.

"Maybe, but if she does, she isn't telling," I chuckled. We went about setting up the tent and then I started fixing our dinner.

"Shouldn't she be back by now?" Brandon said, looking up at the sky.

I had gotten so into the fire that I didn't realize how dark it had gotten. "Yeah, maybe we should go check on her," I said. Taking out our flashlights, we walked toward the spring completely unprepared for the sight before us. There in the spring, stood Nimue, completely naked and surrounded by a soft white light. Her icy eyes seemed to glow as we approached. A serene smile danced on her lips and she held out her hands to us.

Without a word, we stripped and dropped the flashlights to the ground. We each took her hand and stepped in the water as the light began to surround all of us. "Marc," she said softly and pressed a kiss to my lips, then turned. "Brandon," she said and kissed him as well. Holding our hands, she tugged us deeper into the spring, the cool water covering our skin. We reached out and pulled her between us, placing kisses along her neck and shoulders as she ran her hands along our bodies. "Make love to me," she begged.

I groaned softly when I felt Brandon's hand begin to stroke my cock, rubbing it along her folds. "Can you take both of us, mo chúis?"

"Yes, please," she whined as I tugged at her nipples. At her response, Brandon began to push his fingers inside of her, stretching her. I felt him guide me toward her folds, our cocks brushing against one another. She cried out as we entered her, pushing upward quickly. "Don't stop." Her cries carried across the water and seemed to echo in the trees.

"Doe," I groaned as I felt her tighten around us. I love you both so much, I said in my mind.

I love you both as well, Brandon responded, locking eyes with us. My eyes widened for a moment in surprise until I heard her giggles in my mind as well.

I'm guessing Cernunnos didn't tell you everything, my loves, she giggled.

I tried to open my mouth to ask what she meant when the entire area suddenly lit up. The water had a mist of white light on it, and the surrounding plants seemed to emulate their own light as well in muted colors. I groaned as a feeling of desire washed over me. I saw the same need in Brandon and Nimue's expressions. Our thrusts became feral as we kissed, bit, and sucked on each other's skin. Moans, cries, and even screams filled the air as we climbed higher and higher until finally, I felt as if we were floating.

Claim the blessing of the Wildwood - I heard Cernunnos's voice echo throughout the clearing as Brandon and I grunted out our release and filled her with cum. Nimue shook between us, her body vibrating with her own orgasm.

For a moment, the light in the area seemed to flare and pulse, then it began to slowly fade. Nimue whimpered and fell against Brandon's chest, shaking slightly. We recognized her sub-drop instantly and quickly took her back to the tent, drying her and giving her water.

I stroked her hair as she curled against my chest, our dinner long forgotten. "What was that?" I asked quietly.

She smirked and placed my hand on her belly, "That was a blessing." Wait, what?

"Nimue, are you saying you're pregnant?" Brandon sputtered. She giggled and nodded as we both gaped.

"The Wildwood gifts a child of magic once every century in the springs of life, or so the legend goes. I'd never been here and really didn't know it even existed until I touched the water. It was like a thousand lives at once rushed into me as I waited for you both. Then when you touched me, I knew it was true." She grinned and pulled Brandon's hand on top of mine. "But Cernunnos gave you both a blessing. It's never happened before, but tonight the Wildwood claimed and gifted two children."

I felt the tears gathering in my eyes as I looked at Brandon and Nimue, then I felt his lips crash against mine. "We're fathers," he chuckled and kissed me again.

Marc's son - Aran Rowan

Brandon's daughter - Keita Aspen

Author's Notes:  And that is the end of this journey, my lovelies!

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