Chapter 22

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Owen's POV

Phil had contacted me earlier in the week about a short surveillance mission in downtown Charleston. Apparently, an Academy warehouse had been broken into, but no one could figure out what they were looking for exactly. Along with the Toma team, the guys had been taking shifts to watch the building. We had all taken rotations except Sean, who had been working doubles almost every night this week at the hospital. I was worried about his health. I watched him drag in just before dawn and stumble to the bed each morning only to get up at noon and start the cycle again. I really needed to talk to Phil about his hours.

"Any activity," I asked as Nate and Kota came through the door.

Nate threw himself in an overstuffed chair and groaned, "If you count drunks and hookers, then yes, but as far as the warehouse, nothing. No one came anywhere near it."

"Nate's right, Owen. Is Doc Roberts sure it wasn't just vagrants that broke in? I mean, it is in a really sketchy part of town," Kota asked as he cleaned his glasses.

I admit I'd considered the same thing, but Phil was adamant it was intentional. He said there was a group targeting storage facilities with Academy information. "He has assured me there is a connection to the hack that happened last week," I told them. "Both Victor and Corey have been working on it around the clock." As if by magic, Victor chose that moment to walk into the room, hair mussed, and eyes red from lack of sleep. "Have you found something?" I asked him.

He mumbled as Kota handed him a fresh mug of coffee, "I'm not sure, but could someone drive me over to Corey's? I'm too tired and we need to review some footage together." He had his laptop bag over his shoulder and had stopped sipping his coffee long enough to put on his shoes.

"I can take you," I told him. "Nate and Kota need some sleep, Sean's at the hospital, and Silas and North are on shift at the warehouse." He nodded and we headed to the door. "Can one of you leave a sandwich in the fridge for Sean? He hasn't been eating well lately," I asked.

"Sure thing," Nate said. "We need to eat too, so I'll leave him the extras. Keep us posted, Vic," he called after us as we stepped out. Victor just waved his hand in response.

He was even more quiet than usual on the ride over. For the past several weeks, his entire demeanor had changed. He'd become preoccupied with a mission Phil had him and Corey on that none of us were privy to. "Victor, I know you can't discuss the mission with us, but are you alright? I'm worried about the toll this appears to be taking on you, both physically and mentally." I kept my eyes on the road and waited for his response.

He cleared his throat, "I'm just overwhelmed a bit, but nothing I can't handle, Owen." He paused for a moment and looked down at his phone, reading a text message. "Looks like Luke and Gabe are going to be out of pocket for a while. Says they're taking Nimue on a trip since the mission over there wrapped up." He had a soft smile on his face.

"Why would Gabe be going on a trip with Luke and his fiance?" I asked.

"Oh, I thought you knew Gabe was staying with them. When that mission landed him in London, he crashed in their spare room." Victor said almost as an afterthought.

I frowned, "No, I didn't know that. But I guess it only makes sense he would have reached out to Luke. I also didn't realize the mission was finished. I never received a final report on it."

"I don't either. You'd have to ask Phil about that," he responded in a way that put an end to the conversation. When we pulled up outside the Sergeant Jasper, I parked and followed him in. "You headed to Axel's?"

"Yes, I want to discuss this warehouse situation with him," I said and proceeded down the hall as he knocked on Corey's door. I watched him walk in as I knocked on Axel's door.

"Hi Owen, I didn't know you were coming by," he said as he opened the door and welcomed me inside.

"Sorry to come over unannounced," I said, "Victor needed to see Corey, so I thought I'd take advantage and get your input on this warehouse situation."

He handed me a water bottle and sat in the chair opposite me. "Yeah, Marc and Raven were on watch just before Kota and Nate took over. My guys indicated it was rather uneventful. Does Phil really think someone will come back, I mean, what's so special about that location anyway?"

I shook my head, "I wondered the same thing, but getting answers out of him is impossible lately. It seems like between him and Victor, I am being kept in the dark about something."

"I feel the same way about him and Corey. There's something going on and I don't like feeling like one of my own is withholding information," Axel growled, "That's not how family works."

"I think it might be time to have a meeting with him," I said, "All of us." Before I could say anything else, I felt a shock in my pocket. I'd been redlined by Sean.


Author's Notes: A short cliffhanger.  

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