Chapter 50

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North's POV

Per the Queen's suggestion, we all headed out in the morning, even Nimue who I noticed was sporting a few bite marks and looked much more relaxed. As we approached the groves, the light grew dimmer from the towering trees. The soft ground was strewn with forest litter and moss, and you could hear small creatures scampering through the trees. Even though they weren't marked, Nate, Corey, and Raven followed along. Nate joked it was like an after-breakfast show.

"How are you, North?" Goddess asked, slipping her hand into mine as we walked. "I haven't been able to spend much time with you. I'm sorry for that."

I stopped briefly, picking her up in my arms bridal style as she giggled, "I love that sound," I said and kissed her lips. "I'm just like everyone else, love. I'm relieved you are safe and healthy again, and you have no reason to apologize. None of us expect you to be with us 24/7. Every man here has been in a poly relationship with only one woman before. We all understand it takes work, communication, and loads of patience."

She let out a sigh and curled against my chest, "I wish I knew what I did in my past life to deserve all of you. When I met Luke I thought I was blessed, then Gabe came into my life and made me feel even more loved." She looked up at me, "Then you pulled me into your trailer and since then it's been a domino effect. My heart feels like it will burst from loving all of you. The thought of being away from any of you, marked or not, hurts - like really physically hurts me." She pushed herself up, nuzzling my neck, then kissed me. I stopped in my tracks when she spoke, "I love you, North. With every fiber of my soul, I love you."

I could feel the tears that stained my cheeks, but it was like all the oxygen had left my lungs. Like a slow pull, my mouth met hers and I could hear the guys yell something in the background, but then all I could hear was moving water. Our kiss broke and we both blinked, taking in the scene around us. We stood at the edge of a towering waterfall that sprayed mist over the shore, making thousands of tiny rainbows. The ground was moss covered with small pools where the ground dipped. The edges of the surrounding forest were lined with Elder trees and elderberry bushes laden with deep purple berries. Nimue wriggled out of my hold and stood, her arms spread wide, letting the mist cover her. She looked beautiful, covered in water droplets, a smile adorning her face. "This is amazing," she tugged at my hand, pulling me along to the small pools. "Take off your shoes," she commanded as she took off her own. The ground felt warm, despite the cool mist from the waterfall. It was an odd combination. She reached out and grabbed a handful of berries, then stepped into a larger pool. I kept an arm around her, afraid she'd slip on the moss or damp rocks, but she moved like a mountain goat, each step firm and secure. "Do you trust me?" she asked with a mischievous grin. I get the feeling this is a trick question.

"Always, my Goddess," I answered with a matching grin. She winked and snapped her fingers, vanishing our clothes. I choked seeing her naked before me. Her slightly swollen stomach only made her more beautiful. I wrapped my arms around her as she laughed softly, "You look good enough to eat, love."

"Maybe later," she batted her eyelashes, "For now, you have a ritual to complete." She pulled me further into the pool, which was deceptively deep. I watched as she washed the berries and then placed them on a stone near the side of the pool. "Kneel a bit, please." I did as she asked. Nimue scooped water and poured it over my head, "North Taylor, Elder-called, do you swear to protect the descendent, to honor the laws of Avalon and the Druid's grove?"

"I so swear this, my Lady," I said, my voice speaking words I knew in my soul I had said countless times before.

"Will you be honor bound to carry out the commands of your Merlin, defending and protecting him in this life and all those still to come?"

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