Chapter 86

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Multiple POVs

Nimue's POV

Two weeks.

I had two weeks until I met my babies and I am scared. Brigid still isn't responding, they guys are acting like I'm going to shatter any moment, and I keep having odd dreams. My hormones and emotions are all over the place, but I was confident in my decision to wait on the handfasting until after Samhain. I think some of the guys worried I was having doubts, but it all came down to wanting Brigid to perform the ceremony. Not to mention, we still don't know where my aunt is.

"Hey sweetie, why don't we take a walk?" Brandon said, putting his arm around my waist. I leaned into him and nodded. We wandered the path to the waterfalls along with Nate, Raven, and Corey. "How are you feeling?" he asked when I winced.

I gave a small laugh, "Like I've been invaded by aliens. These two are just like their fathers - chaotic."

Nate let out a loud laugh, "You should have seen them in grade school! They got into trouble all the time. I swear they are the reason Kota is such a natural leader, he had to keep the three of us out of the principal's office almost daily for our pranks." I grinned at his story. I love the fact that they've all known each other for so long. I'm also amazed that I've been let into this little club of theirs.

"Well I don't know about their younger years, but as teens, they were always a handful," Raven added. "Missions were never boring with Gabe around. The man has a knack for starting trouble with that mouth of his, and Luke, well, Luke would try and break into any place he could - mission or not, "Raven snorted. I giggled imagining both of them getting into trouble.

"So what were each of you like when you were younger?" I asked, leaning into Brandon's arms.

"Angry at the world," Nate said. "When my mom left, I was mad at everyone and everything. My dad was always drunk and his rage drove me to learn to fight. At first, it was because I wanted to hurt him back, but then it became about defending myself and when we joined Owen and Sean it was about helping protect others." He rubbed his face and grimaced, "I don't think I really let go of that anger until Sang left. When she walked out, I wondered if my anger had driven her away. That was when I decided to work on it. Even if it wasn't the reason, I couldn't keep living like that - it was eating me alive."

I felt Brandon nudge me and I walked over to Nate, putting my arms around his neck. "I'm glad you're not angry anymore," I whispered as I nuzzled against his neck. "I really never expected you to love me. I thought we'd be friends, but you stayed so distant that I almost gave up."

He grinned, "Are you telling me you were already in love with me, mi corazón?"

I blushed and nodded, "I started falling for you about the time Owen made his move. To be honest, I was attracted to all of you from day one. I was so scared and cried to Gabe and Luke about it. I thought I was being unfaithful." I gave Corey a grin, "When I saw your cute face on that monitor in London, I thought I was so horrible for wanting to know you more."

"I felt the same way, mouse," he replied. "I kept telling myself it was wrong to be attracted to you when you were with Luke and then Gabe." He walked toward us as Nate spun me around to face him. "Now look at us," he said in a low voice as he leaned in and kissed me softly. His lips felt like silk against mine and I let out a whimper. That earned me a low growl from him. When the kiss broke, I caught the flash of amber in his eyes. He ran a hand down my face, "Soon little mouse, soon."

I groaned as the twins gave me a swift kidney blow, "Ugh, that's a mood killer." They all chuckled at me then I noticed Raven tense and look toward the water. "What's wrong?" I asked.

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