Chapter 13

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Gabe's POV

When she opened the door and I saw those icy blue eyes I couldn't fucking breathe. I knew Luke had said she was beautiful, but that word didn't do her justice. She was ethereal, a damned walking and talking Snow White. I couldn't help but tease both of them when I noticed her panties on the floor. She may look innocent, but she's got a fucking naughty side too. I loved the way she blushed at my innuendos, and I noticed Luke's arousal as well. I thought this might turn into some fun until I saw him kiss the ring. Fuck. He's proposed. I needed to rein in my behavior. No fucking way I'm going to screw up their happiness. But I had to admit, I was jealous of both of them. In a way, I felt like she'd taken Luke from me, and then I was also fucking jealous that he found her first. Can't blame him for proposing though, I wouldn't let her go either.

I watched as they interacted seamlessly. Even when they moved around the room, they were always aware of each other. It was like some kind of fucking dance that made you feel like you were intruding on.

"I can show you where to put your bag," Nimue said, drawing me out of my thoughts. She was smiling and holding her hand out to me.

I grinned and took her hand, "Lead the way, Snow"

"So that's sticking, huh?" she asked with a giggle. Damn, I wanted to hear that sound again.

"Yep. With that skin, those eyes, and the hair, no better fucking nickname to be found," I said, flicking a lock of her hair.

She rolled her eyes, giggling again as she opened the door. "Sorry it's so messy, I haven't really sorted my supplies and the canvases are all a mess."

I stepped inside and placed my bag on the small futon, noticing the squishy pillows and stuffies. This is her space. A colorful canvas caught my eye and I walked closer. It looked like a muted field of flowers, reminiscent of a Monet. "Is this yours?" I asked.

She blushed, "Yes. I'm not the best artist, but,"

I cut her off, "Don't even say it. You're amazing, Nimue. This is good, really good. I'd love to see more honestly." Her face lit up when I complimented her. "Is the field somewhere special or just random?"

"It's my favorite spot," she grinned, "Even more so now." I raised my eyebrows. "It's where Luke proposed when I took him to visit my family. It wasn't planned, but I was so happy he asked me there." Her eyes glistened with tears as she recalled the memory. She swiped at her eyes, "Well anyway, thank you for the compliments. As you noticed, I'm a tad insecure about my skill level. So will you and Luke stay for dinner or leave before then?"

I looked at my watch and started to count on my fingers - I hate time zones - when she let out a laugh, "It's just past eleven in the morning. Don't worry, when I was in San Diego I did the same thing all the time."

I chuckled, "We might need to grab a quick bite. I need to be at the stakeout by four to relieve the other guy."

"I can pack some snacks for you both. Luke knows some sandwich shops nearby as well."

"Thanks, Snow. I'm gonna crash for a bit. Transatlantic flights are a bitch on my beauty sleep." She giggled as she closed the door.


Luke and I were sitting outside a seedy-looking apartment complex. The target was in a roadside flat on the third floor and hadn't left the place all day according to Vic's cameras. "So what do you think of her?" Luke asked, munching on a scone.

I shifted in my seat, I swear I'm losing feeling in my butt. "I like her," I said, grabbing the last scone. "If she keeps baking for you like this, you'll weigh a fucking ton, man." I teased.

He wiggled his eyebrows, "No worries, I have an excellent exercise plan." I groaned and rolled my eyes. He snickered, "Oh hush, I saw the way you looked at her, Gabe."

"What's that supposed to fucking mean?"

"Exactly what you think it means," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Just tread carefully, man. There's a lot more to her than you know. If she chooses to tell you, then don't you dare hurt her, or I'll kill you."

Did he just give me fucking permission to pursue his fiancé? My mouth gaped for a few moments. "I'm gonna need some clear fucking communication here, Luke, cause it sounds like you just green-lighted me going after your fiancé and you as well."

He smirked, but didn't say a word, then turned back to the window. Well, motherfucking, fuckity, fuck, fuck, what the hell am I supposed to do with that information?


It was almost three in the morning when we dragged into the flat, bleary-eyed. The guy hadn't moved all night, not even a flicker on the lights. Looks like I'm here for another day.

"Unless you need me, I'm headed to bed," Luke said, dropping his bag on the floor, and stripping clothes as he walked.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm headed to bed too," I replied as I watched him enter their room. I fully admit the site of his pants hitting the floor just before the door closed had me readjusting myself. Damn, that man has an amazing ass. I rubbed my eyes as I stepped into the little art room. I turned on the lamp to see that Nimue had laid the bed out with fresh sheets and blankets for me. There was a bottle of water on the table with a note.

Gabriel,  There are fresh towels in the hall pantry next to the bathroom. I won't wake you in the morning, but I'll leave breakfast in the fridge. Sleep well ~ Snow

I grinned at her signing the note with the nickname I'd given her. I opened the water, took a few drinks then stripped, turned off the lamp, and attempted to fall asleep, trying not to think of the two people in the room across the hall. 

Author's Notes: Gabe's got a crush.

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