Chapter 46

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Gabe's POV

Delilah laughed in my face, "You know nothing of magic, Ash wielder, when she gives birth under my spell, those children's souls will be here, not with you. Their bodies will be empty vessels just like hers. I already have everything in place to transfer their souls as I see fit and none of you can stop me."

I felt sick, was she telling the truth? I don't know if it's true or not, but we can't stop fighting, my love. Her eyes began to clear when Victor asked her to come back - Luke tried to reassure me in my mind.

Marc stepped forward, "We aren't going anywhere."

She grinned, "Oh, by all means, enjoy the show boys. Goodness knows they won't mind." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder towards Udral and Nimue as she left the room. I looked to see Udral as he ran his hands over her body, making her moan in her sleep. All I could see was red.

Kill the fucking Pooka! Maybe he'll disappear here as well. I yelled across the connection, knowing that Luke would do as I asked. Within seconds the fake Pooka lifted his head at us and hissed, then dissolved, leaving Nimue asleep in the bed.

"She's getting farther along," Victor grumbled as we watched her stomach swell more. I lay down next to her, placing my hand on her stomach. Tears sprang to my eyes when I felt the first kick. Both Marc and Victor placed their hands on her stomach as well. I knew without Luke saying it, that all of them were touching her stomach back in the healing room as well. "What the..." Victor gasped. Her body had a slight blue glow. "Oh shit, oh shit!" he yelled, "Keep touching her, everyone! It's her body reacting to our magic. She did the same thing when I sealed us in the vines. She said her body would react to our magic. What if our magic is what she needs?" I could feel him practically vibrating as he said it across the connection.

"Speak to her - everyone," I added. "Give her the biggest beacon to come back to. She needs to know we are always here with her." I pressed my lips to her temple, "Nimue, baby, I know you're in there. I need you to come back to me, Snow. Luke's a fucking wreck even if he doesn't admit it. And me, well I'm just not my fucking fabulous self without you." I rubbed her belly, "Besides, we have cribs to buy, strollers, blessing outfits, clothes, little booties, hats, crib mobiles..."

"If that list gets any longer, I'm going to stay asleep just to avoid the shopping," she mumbled. I turned my head to see her icy blue eyes clear and tear-filled staring at me. "Hey gorgeous, I've missed you," she said softly. I grabbed her face and crashed my lips against hers making her giggle then she winced, "Ouch." She rubbed her stomach where one of the twins had kicked her. "Umm, just how long have I been gone?"

Marc rubbed her hand, "We found you in just a few hours, but it's been just over a day since then."

Her eyes were wide as she rubbed her stomach, tears streaming down. "I want to come home now, please Luke, " she softly sobbed. I held her tight as we again felt the pulling sensation and then awoke in the bed, still tied together. Victor and Marc quickly removed their bonds then kissed her gently and left the bed. I had already untied our legs but didn't move away from her. Luke had wiped their foreheads and now lay next to her where Marc had been. "I'm so sorry for all I did," she whimpered, leaning into his chest.

He stroked her hair as I wrapped my arms around her, "You didn't do anything, little one. It was a spell, none of it was real."

She hiccupped, "But he...he...and I let....oh gods!"

I shook my head, "No. None of it happened, Snow. The pregnancy acceleration was real, but that creature never laid a hand on you and no fucking way did you do anything with him, I promise you, Snow." I felt her body relax just a bit at my words.

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