Chapter 42

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Nimue's POV

It was decided that I should get a check-up for myself and the babies, then we would make plans to confront my aunt. Gabe decided I needed to pick up a few clothing items since I was living in their shirts and boxers. We didn't exactly pack when we left Avalon in such a rush. So now I'm being dragged through stores with my overzealous husband, Victor, and Marc. The first time Victor tried to pay, I had threatened to teleport him back to the mansion. I think they've forgotten I have a small fortune of my own, that I couldn't even possibly spend in several lifetimes, let alone one.

We had just finished checking out of the fourth store when I noticed a tall man following Gabe. It wasn't until the light caught his eyes that I saw the greenish flash. Don't react, but there's a shifter following you - I told him. It's the tall man in the red hoodie.

Vic, get her out of here, Marc and I will distract this guy. Victor looped his arm through mine and we headed to the exit when a young woman bumped into me. "Don't say a word," she said quietly. "Look down before you do anything foolish."

I followed her gaze to see a simple Yew dart mere millimeters from my stomach. I clenched Victor's arm, "Stop." He started to pull me away, but the woman halted him.

"I wouldn't do that Druid," she warned, "Your lady here knows this tiny dart is more deadly than a loaded gun, don't you Nimue?" I looked up and finally recognized her as the initiate that I had run into when I first arrived in London. I simply nodded in response as the Pooka led Gabe and Marc to us. "Ahh, now, let's have a civil conversation so that your Druids understand what is going to happen. No need to get violent."

"Lady, I don't know who you are, but you really need to let go of my wife," Gabe growled.

"That won't be happening, wielder of Ash. Nimue will be coming with us. If any of you try to resist, then she and your precious babies will die a slow and painful death," she looked at me and gave a sadistic grin, "Why don't you educate them."

I kept my eyes on her hands as I spoke, "The dart is made of Yew wood. It's toxic and usually fatal. There's no known antidote medically or magically. Even if you could save me, the babies are so small they wouldn't survive. It would destroy their hearts and other major organs." I gave a fleeting glance to the men, "Please, just let me go. I know you will find me." I begged them in my mind as well.

"I will agree, but only if you allow me to kiss her goodbye," Marc said quietly. The woman nodded and he yanked his arm from the Pooka. He put his hand at the nape of my neck, his fingers entangling in my hair, and pulled me to him carefully. "Stay safe, love. I promise we will find you," he whispered, then pressed his lips to mine. As he kissed me I heard Victor in my mind - He's placing a tracker in your hair, Melody. We will follow but try to keep your connection open if you can, give us any detail, no matter how small.

The kiss broke and I nodded to Marc, then looked at Gabe and Victor, "I love you."

The Pooka grabbed my elbow and started to lead me away, with the woman following closely, still holding the dart. She grabbed my purse just before we walked out of the mall and tossed it in a trash bin. We're in a black SUV, they threw away my purse - I told the guys.

The woman got in the driver's seat as the Pooka sat next to me in the back. I noticed the windows were heavily tinted. "Strip," he said flatly.

"What?" I coughed.

"Strip or I'll rip those clothes off of you," he growled, "We can't have your Druid's tracking you. I'm well aware of how those Academy boys function." He leaned closer, "Then again if you really need help undressing, I could make it quite interesting for you." The light caught his eyes, making them shine with that green glimmer. It made my skin crawl just looking at him. I removed my shoes, then pants and shirt until I was only in panties and my bra. "Everything," he said, eyes roaming my body. I gasped but did what he said. He handed me a plain white gown similar to what the initiates wear when they first arrive at the Isle. Once I was dressed, the woman pulled into an alleyway and tossed all my clothes out the window.

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