Chapter 97

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Raven's POV

Moya lyubov' and I had been deep in negotiations with several of the lesser Dark Fae. Most were afraid of being lost in the shuffle of the new rule and simply needed reassurances. Even the Kelpies and Goblins had agreed to hear out Nate and Nimue. Corey and I had gathered a group of faction elders and were planning to return to the Isle when a banshee scream rang out and my grove filled with pookas, durag due, redcaps, and other assorted creatures. In a flash, Corey had shifted and began the charge. Ever since his wolf had been released, he was even more impulsive than me.

I focused on a group of pookas, and then I heard Corey's roar and turned toward him.


All I could see was red. That creature had the gall to set foot in my lands, no, our lands again. I was going to make damn sure she never stepped foot off of them. I began to charge forward when I felt the slice of a blade across my leg and a set of teeth clamp into my shoulder, making me stumble. Mara and two other vampires were circling moya lyubov', and I couldn't get to him.

"Get the fuck away from my brother!" Brandon roared as he and some of the others magically appeared. A large flaming sword appeared in his hands as he charged toward the three creatures. Marc and Nate followed him, while North and Silas headed toward me. North slammed his staff to the ground sending out a wave of power that threw pookas several feet in all directions, allowing me just enough room to get free.

Letting out a roar of anger, I grabbed the closest one to me and snapped its neck, then tossed it at the feet of the others who began to scatter in fear. Silas and North worked in tandem to corral the remaining creatures and subdue them. A yelp sounded and we turned to see Brandon on the ground, with Marc cradling him in his arms. Blood dripped from his arm, and Corey turned with a fierce growl toward the three females.

I crossed the distance to stand beside him quickly. "Do you really think you can stop us?" Mara cackled. "It's just a matter of time, boys. She's as good as dead already."

"Harsh words about a woman you claim to love," I yelled.

"I do love her!" Mara screamed, "I loved her first, then you mongrels came along and ruined her." She straightened herself and spoke in an icy tone. "I can wait for her to return to me in another life, can you?"

The next few moments were a blur of events - Nate yelled out as one of the women launched herself at them, fangs bared. Corey lunged, blocking her path and ripping her head clean off. The third vampire tried to run but ended up running into Silas, who in a blink transformed his own arm into a willow branch and plunged it into her heart. I watched as if it were a slow-motion movie as Mara wrapped her arms around Corey and began to squeeze. I could hear bones cracking and I called out for him as I tried to break her grip.

I heard Brandon's voice say, "Duck." I pulled Corey's head out of the way as Brandon's sword sailed between the three of us. Mara had a look of surprise on her face as her head slid off her shoulders and hit the ground seconds before her body did.

I reached for Corey, who was still in wolf form. Blood dripped from his snout as he whimpered, and I cradled him in my arms. "Moya lyubov'," I cried, "Please don't leave me."

"Come on, Cor, you can't leave me," Brandon begged as he dragged himself closer. "You have a little boy on the way who needs his daddy."

A loud sound shook the grove and Arawn stepped forward in a swirl of flames and black mist with a defeated expression on his face. "You can't have him!" I roared, pulling Corey tight against me.

"Raven," Arawn said, "I'm sorry."

"If you touch a single hair on Daddy Corey's head, I won't speak to you for a hundred years, Arawn," a feminine voice rang out. We all turned to see a young woman who looked like the spitting image of Nimue but with crystal blue eyes.

"Aisling, what are you doing now?" Arawn mumbled, "You can't keep messing with time."

She brushed him off, waving her hand in a blase manner. "Humph, a human construct. Time isn't real, and you know it!" She knelt before me and gave me a small smile, "Hi Papa Raven."

"Uh, hello doch'," I said uncertainly, "How are you here?"

She let out a soft giggle - so much like her mother - and shrugged, "Time manipulation - a small trick I learned from the grump over there." She jerked her thumb towards Arawn and grinned, "He's really sweet, but sometimes he needs to just chill."

I let out a laugh and nodded as Arawn rolled his eyes. "Love, just what do you plan on doing? His path is set."

In a flash, her eyes began to glow and she spun on him, "Nothing is set! I won't allow it. I watched this path once, and I won't watch it again," she yelled as a wind began to swirl around us, trees swayed as a vortex seemed to form around us. "They can't lose him, Arawn, I can't lose him." Tears streamed down her face as she placed her hands on Corey's broken body and hummed, then began to speak, "A Chailleach, éist do sheirbhíseach. Morrigan, éist le do sheirbhíseach. Fill ar ais an t-anam seo ó thalamh an tsamhraidh. Níl a chuid ama tagtha, tá mórán le déanamh aige. Mar atá thuas, mar sin thíos. (Cailleach, hear your servant. Morrigan, hear your servant. Return this soul from the Summerlands. His time has not come, he has much to do. As above, so as below.)" Her hands began to glow and she let out a shattering scream, then fell to the ground as Arawn rushed forward.

"Dammit, Aslin," he mumbled as he scooped her up, cradling her against his chest.

Corey moaned, then shifted back in my arms. "What the fuck just happened," he coughed. I couldn't even speak as I cried and peppered him with kisses. He chuckled and then looking at Arawn asked, "Who's that?"

"That is our daughter, brother. Apparently, Aisling just altered time to save your life," Brandon said.

Corey sat up sputtering, "She did what? Why the hell would she do that - oh damn, doesn't she know what that could cause?"

"She knows very well," Arawn grumbled, "Yet here we are." He kissed her forehead and sighed, "Can I just say that you people raise some of the most stubborn children? It takes real talent to create tiny humans that make gods and goddesses tremble in fear..."

"Damn we're good," Marc snorted.

"I'm better," Aisling said in a groggy voice. Arawn helped her sit up as she gave us a sheepish grin. When she saw Corey sitting up, she launched herself into his arms, sobbing, "I'm sorry, Daddy, I just couldn't let you go. I couldn't watch Mama suffer again, and my other papas and daddies, not to mention the kids. Please don't be mad at me," she sniffled, "I promise, I checked and nothing really big will change. For that matter, the soonest change is a good one - you'll be so happy, I promise," she giggled.

Corey kissed the top of her head then looked her in the eyes, "Young lady, if I ever find out you've altered time again, I'll ground you. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, daddy. I won't," she said and Arawn snorted behind her. She slapped his arm and shot him a sharp look. He paled. It seems our daughter has her mate wrapped around her little finger. "I love you all, but, um, you all should really get back. Things are getting a bit messy on the Isle - Delilah is making her move." With a sly wink, both she and Arawn vanished.

I pulled Corey and me to our feet, while Marc and Nate helped Brandon up. We nodded to North and he slammed the staff again, teleporting us back to the Isle.  

Author's Notes:  Well, thus ends Mara...   Only a few more chapters left, my lovelies!  Please comment, vote, and follow!

I'm working on a new story and this one isn't magic based... weird right?

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