Chapter 100

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Bonus Chapter: Three Years Later

Nimue's POV

It had been a slow process, but I'd finally come to terms with being a Queen in multiple regions as well as being Arthur's descendant along with Nate - Balor and Luke had been right after all.  After the quintuplets were born - yeah, apparently my men are enthusiastic - we'd decided to take a step back on making babies. I thought Corey was going to pass out when we discovered the fifth baby hiding behind her big brother. She'd managed to conceal herself from Sean and Meredith. Aisling and Declan were just over four now, and the quints were turning three next week - Clarissa and Tiegan Henshaw, Aiden Griffin, Soren Lee, and of course, Haven Ravenstahl. All the kids were spending the week with Grandpa Beltene and Grandma Erica and uncle Damien - yeah, that happened too. Erica gave birth about two months after I did, and they were both over the moon with happiness. Honestly, I'm expecting Jess to announce wedding plans soon. She's been spending most of her time on the Isle with the young Druid she met at our wedding. He'd been given permission to remain in London with her during her studies, and now that she's graduated, he is finishing his trials. All the men have taken a liking to him, so that's a good thing.

This week we were meeting with Zolros in the underground bánánach realm to discuss a peace accord. While he hadn't attacked the Isle since the day he and I spoke in the temple, his demons still plagued the land, scavenging and stirring up trouble. I felt Balor tense next to me as we greeted Zolros and his enclave.

"I see you brought the whole family, My Lady," Zolros said, bowing slightly to us.

"Thank you for accommodating all of us, Your Highness," I said, inclining my head. I looked around the dark chambers, but couldn't see much. The demon king motioned for us to follow him as he led the way to a high-ceiling chamber where a feast had been laid. I listened as Nate carried on most of the negotiations, while I sipped at my drink.

You look positively bored, precious one - I heard a voice in my mind and scanned the room to find Zolros eyes on me. Not much longer.

What do you mean, not much longer? I asked, taking another sip of my drink.

He chuckled, You tell me, pet - do you not feel the magic enveloping you? Take a deep breath, let it fill you more quickly. Look around, what do you notice?

Instinctually, I took a deeper breath as I surveyed the room. Where there had once been bustling servants, now only we remained - even the doors had been closed tight. Nate had stopped talking and seemed to be disoriented as were most of my husbands. "What have you done?" I asked, finally finding my voice.

I felt Balor's arm tighten around me as he stepped closer. "Answer her question, Zolros, what have you done? What trickery is this?"

The bánánach king shook his head, "I've done nothing, well almost nothing. You, however, little pet, have done much." He stood and walked closer to me, his eyes locked on me. "The moment I saw you in that temple, I knew Jerron was telling the truth about mates. I stayed away and refused to see you, but no, you just had to push the issue, Nimue. Do you know what happens when a royal bánánach finds their mate?" I shook my head no, as my heart beat rapidly. His statement about being his mate only confirmed what we all already expected, but it was still a bit terrifying. "Well then, let me tell you, let me tell all of you since each of us will be affected." He made a show of taking a long drink of wine, then continued, "Nature takes over, pet. My arousal has been on edge since I first scented you, and in turn, all my subjects are feeling the impacts. Soon the entire horde will go into rut, driven to mate, because the longer I'm in your presence, that's what I'm driven to do." I felt my body flush with heat and leaned into Balor, my breaths coming quicker. "You feel it too, pet, I can tell, because I can smell your arousal - so can several of your husbands. Before long, it will consume all of us."

"Why did you lock the doors," I asked in a hoarse voice.

Zolros came to stand before me, lifted his hand, and caressed my cheek, "To keep you safe, precious one. My horde will be so lust-filled they would not distinguish you as my mate unless I have marked you. If you are inside here, then only your husbands and I can touch you." He reached down and took my arm, pulling me closer.

Balor growled, "Zolros, don't."

The bánánach growled in return, "You have no right to deny me. I am just as much her ordained mate as any of you." Pulling me into his chest, he nuzzled my neck causing me to draw in a deep breath that shook when I released it. "Tell them, precious, you feel it just like I do - the need to touch each other, to give in to this desire."

Balor started to make a move, but Nate stopped him, "Balor, don't. We all suspected this. The decision has to be Nimue's, just as it was with you and Jerron."

I gave him a smile and nodded as I leaned into Zolros embrace, "I feel it. Even in the temple, I sensed you before I saw you. My body knew you were there, my soul felt it." He let out a low growl then pressed his lips to mine as he swept his arm across the table, clearing it, then laying me on it as he stood between my parted legs.

His eyes danced as he spoke, "I, Zolros, claim you Nimue as my ordained mate, and before your other mates, I pledge myself to you and you alone for eternity. Will you accept me?"

"I, Nimue, accept you Zolros as my ordained mate and pledge myself to you as your ordained mate as the Wheel and Fates command. Will you accept me?" I responded.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips then hovered above me with a smirk, "For eternity, I accept you," he said, then slammed his cock inside of me as I cried out. He continued to thrust inside of me as his mouth trailed across my body leaving bite marks. I felt the knot in my stomach begin to build, but then an odd sensation filled my body and he chuckled softly. "The drink, precious one," he whispered as I looked at him in confusion. "The drink contained my essence. Your body isn't bánánach, Nimue. You needed my essence to help your body accept me and my seed." I moaned loudly as his length began to swell and stretch my entrance. He lifted my legs higher and plunged deeper inside of me. I screamed out his name as my orgasm ripped through my body. "Almost there, pet," he grunted as my body felt like it was shifting again internally. His eyes locked on mine and I saw them begin to glow slightly. He placed his hand on my stomach as his thrusts became more violent and growled, "Bánánach banna, bánánach beannaithe." A fiery pain filled my womb as he came inside of me, but I craved it and spiraled into another orgasm of my own.  

Author's Notes: Goatboy added...

More smut ahead.

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