Chapter 76

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Brandon's POV

"So not only did you hand her over to her aunt, but you helped make sure she forgot all of us?" North snarled. I started to say something, but Silas beat me to it.

"Brother, shut the fuck up," he said flatly. "You're the one who told me that Cernunnos said this had to happen. I realize you're mad, but it isn't just at Corey. We are all mad at ourselves for not seeing what was happening." He looked around the room, "We all missed the signs. Not only have we failed her, but we failed him as well. We are family first, and Corey is family. Now if you have anything else to say it better be constructive, otherwise, keep it to your damn self."

Shit. Silas didn't get angry often, but when he did, his voice carried without any yelling or violence. We were all silenced by his words.

A slow clapping sound drew our attention. An older woman stood, with a broad grin, "At least someone kept their head. Well done, Master Willow."

Gabe cocked his head and laughed, "Cailleach, to what do we owe the honor?"

She flashed a smile at him and moved closer, "I came for him." She leveled a finger at Corey and I felt myself bristle. While Gabe seemed comfortable with her, I know she is a dark goddess. What could she want with my brother - he isn't Dark Fae.

As if sensing my distress, she turned to me. "You may be brothers, Brandon Henshaw, but you are not alike. Ironic isn't it - the brother who was darker as a human has been claimed by Light Fae under the hand of Lugh, while the eternal optimist in human form is now claimed by the Dark Fae." My eyes widened and I saw several of the others do the same as we turned toward Corey and Raven. He held my brother protectively.

"What do you want starukha?" he asked.

She cackled, "For a timeless God, you have a really bad habit of calling everyone old, Holly King." He snorted, then gave a small laugh, nodding his head. "I came to help, per the request of a certain young man."

Gabe grinned, "Drawing short straws for our children again?"

"I have no idea what you are implying, Gabriel," she looked at him with false innocence. "However, if I did, I would strongly suggest Luke not give his son a lock-picking set before age ten. Some things are really better left unseen if you catch my drift."

The room filled with chuckles and snorts as Luke flushed crimson. "But why are you so intertwined with our twins? I mean no disrespect," he asked.

She gave him a sad smile. "I am their patron, Merlin, for they will be born when the veil thins."

Luke paled as Gabe supported him. "But that means she's going to give birth in less than a month. She wasn't due until December," Kota said. Cailleach simply nodded.

"The potion," Luke said softly. She placed her hand on his forearm.

"Do not abandon hope, Merlin. Your answer is right before you." We watched as she walked to Corey. He stiffened in fear, not knowing what she wanted from him. "The thing you think is a curse is the only way to find her mac tíre. You can see through the magic that conceals her, and you," she turned to Nate, "have yet to be marked so that you can enter the spell and bring her out."

"I don't understand," I said, "What is he cursed with? You said he was Dark Fae, but how if we are twins?"

She laughed, "Are you the same person - no, then why would your fate be the same? As for what he believes is a curse, you carry the same potential but it lies dormant within you. Corey triggered his actions driven by another. Yet from this curse, comes the potential for salvation. You are running out of time. Unless she leaves the cabin, she will give birth within five days. Outside of the spell, she will make it until the Sabbat, but no further."

Walking back to Corey she spoke softly, "Do not delay mac tíre, their approval matters not, only her life, for it also holds the path to your redemption." She vanished when her words ended and I saw the tears streaming down my brother's face.

He began to strip, handing his clothes to Raven, who quickly placed a kiss on his mouth and whispered his love to him. With a final nod, we all watched as my quiet, shy brother transformed into a massive, deadly-looking wolf. He sniffed the air, then growled, "This way," and took off running out of the palace at breakneck speed.

"I can track him. I will send out coordinates," Raven said and vanished, hot on his trail. Some of us began to run, while others used their magic to follow him. Finally, we all ended up in a clearing just north of the dark grove. It appeared empty except for a ring of white toadstools. Corey stood growling at empty air, his hackles raised.

"She's in there. He's been here, they both have," he growled.

"Who?" Sean asked.

"The men from the day they took her memory. One wore a hood that hid his face, but his voice was deep. The other looked young and wore a sleek suit with a cloak over it," he nodded at Nate, "Walk forward, and I'll direct you toward the door." Nate didn't hesitate and headed in the direction, Corey's snout pointed. It was like one of his sci-fi movies - one minute he was there, then he vanished into thin air. "To your ten o'clock, now straight down and you'll feel the handle. Twist down and push hard." Corey turned back to us, "He's in. The rest is up to him now." He lowered his head and trotted over to a patch of bushes as Raven followed with his clothes in hand.  

Author's Notes: A little redemption, but a long way to go with the healing in the family.

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