Chapter 103

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Bonus Chapter: Sean's POV

"Are you sure about this, Sean?" Nimue asked, regarding the water hesitantly. "What if something goes wrong?"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, "What if something goes right?"

She sighed, "Yeah, yeah, you're not the one getting ready to drown. Make no mistake, mister, if I don't make it back from this, I'll haunt you forever."

I spun her around, and dipped her into a deep kiss, "Wouldn't have it any other way, sugar." She giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Are you two ready yet?" Owen asked with a knowing smirk. She scowled at him and took both our hands. "Trust us, Bella," he said softly, kissing her cheek. "We would never harm you."

She nodded and we stepped off into the rushing water. Owen and I embraced her between us as her body began to instinctually fight. For a brief moment, I was afraid as I saw the fear in her eyes. I pressed my lips to hers, and just as I'd done with Owen so many years ago, I kissed her until I felt her heartbeat stop, then we placed our hands over her heart and said the words together. Awaken our love, for not even death, can separate us now. Her eyes flew open and she gasped in a rush of water. She held onto us fiercely, her blue eyes pale and fiery - her entire body taking on a soft glow.

It's all over now, Bella. Owen reassured her with a kiss.

Do you experience that every time?

No, not anymore, but I remember the first time I was terrified. After the third or fourth time, I didn't even notice anymore. However, Sean still gets a bit dizzy if I have to help restart his heart. Her hand instinctively went to her chest as she searched for her own heartbeat, but found none.

Okay, that's just disturbing, she weakly laughed.

Come on, I said, tugging them both forward, we'll be there soon.

When we reached the mound Kharis was waiting to greet us. "Sean, Owen, welcome back my friends! And who have you brought this time?" he boomed, embracing us.

I beamed with pride, "Kharis, may I introduce our wife, Nimue, the Lady of the Lake."

He gaped for a moment, then grabbed her in a fierce hug, "My Lady you are most welcome here. The Aos Sí are honored by your presence." He shot me a sly grin, "You sneaky devil." I let out a loud laugh as he led us to the banquet hall. We spent the next several hours eating, drinking, and dancing before I snuck them both away.

"Love, where are you taking us? I don't remember this," Owen said as I wound us down a dimly lit cavern. The dirt walls were covered with life as new vines pushed through, peeking with tiny iridescent blooms. The smell of damp earth filled my nostrils as I led them deeper down the cavern. I stopped when we reached the mouth of a large pool.

Nimue gasped, "Sean, this...this is stunning."

I pulled her against my chest and kissed her. "This my lovely wife is a life spring. For the Aos Sí, it is a sacred place. Since my race is not of the living, this is the place we come to seek blessings of birth." I took Owen's hand as we both came to stand with her. "I am asking," I started, but he cut me off.

"We are asking you to have a child with us," Owen corrected me. She looked surprised. "Our situation isn't like the others, Bella. For Sean, this is the only way he can father a child, by using the magic of the spring."

Nimue squeezed our hands, "So what do we do?" Wait, did she just agree? I looked at her, then Owen, then her again as she smiled and nodded. I picked her up and spun her around, crashing my lips to hers as I stepped into the water with Owen following us. With each step, I pulled off an article of clothing until her bare skin was pressed against mine. "Sean,' she whined as I pulled her legs around my waist.

The liquid around us swirled in hues of purple and green tinged with black. It beaded in tiny droplets along her pale skin as she began to grind her hips against me. I felt Owen step behind me, his hands caressing my shoulders, back, then my hips as he pressed forward. Within moments he was fully seated inside of me, my body shaking as I fought to maintain control. "Take what you need, my love," he whispered to me as I pulled from his magic, blending it with mine to wrap it around us. The chamber sprang to life much like a meadow after a spring rain. Tendrils of light illuminated the walls and even the surface of the pool seemed to shimmer and glow as the spell took on its own life.

I pressed my forehead against hers as I slid inside her warmth, "To you, I give my life, my future, my potential, my everything," I breathed. When our lips met again, the chamber roared its response. She arched back, taking me completely, her eyes hooded as she let my magic fill her. I felt Owen begin to thrust inside of me more quickly now, his own need growing along with mine. "Nimue," I moaned as I began to cum inside of her.

I'm not entirely sure what happened next. All I remember is falling forward with her still in my arms as the murky pool pulled the three of us under its surface. Time seemed to stop and all I knew was the touch and presence of the two people I loved most in this world. We feasted on each other's bodies, our cries echoing off the cavern walls until I no longer knew or cared about anything beyond my love for them.

When I finally opened my eyes, I felt the loamy soil beneath me and heard Nimue's soft moans. I looked up to see her straddling Owen as she rode up and down on his cock. Without saying a word, I moved toward them and met his gaze as he pulled her to his chest. I placed kisses along her neck and nipped at her skin, "Room for one more, my beautiful wife?" I asked as I slammed inside of her.

"Sean," she cried out as I began to thrust inside her, my cock pressed tight against Owen's.

"That's it, Bella, scream for us," Owen grunted as his grip tightened around her hips. His eyes seemed to move and shift like silvery lava as he fucked her. Our pace began feral, driven almost as I marked her skin. Her body began to tremble and I could feel our cocks tightening inside of her.

"Please," she whined, seeking permission.

I chuckled as my eyes met Owen's. All these years, and she still asks permission to cum. Fucking perfect. I pushed her forward against his chest and pressed down on top of her to kiss him, then leaned back, and with a fistful of her hair, I whispered into her ear, "Cum."

Mathias Blackbourne

Rayne Greene

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