Chapter 32

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Corey's POV

Raven and I pulled up in front of the Blackbourne mansion and I felt my stomach tighten. I'd been up most of the night pouring over footage from the warehouse. A camera just a few blocks down had managed to catch a partial plate from the vehicle that shot at North and Silas. Victor and I had managed to track down the car and found it was rented under a fake name, but then something odd turned up. We needed to talk to Nimue and show her the footage to see if she recognized anyone.

"It will be okay, moya lyubov'," Raven held my hand as we knocked on the door. Victor opened it, but as we started to walk in, North's jeep pulled up in the drive behind us. We watched as the four of them tumbled out. I noticed Luke and Gabe were wrapped around each other, but Nimue seemed to be staying close to North.

"Well, I guess everyone's here then," Victor said as they walked in behind us. Nimue gave him a hug as she came in. "How are you feeling, love?" he asked her.

She blushed a bit, "Um, good. So what did you find?" He grabbed her hand and led her to the office where his screens were filled with the camera views we had been reviewing.

"Before we start, I need to make sure you all realize we have actual footage of the shooting. I won't play it if you aren't okay with it, North," I told them. I could see North and Luke's expressions darken.

"We need to know," North said in a hushed tone. I nodded and we began to review the footage. When the sounds of gunfire came from the speakers, he flinched visibly. Nimue stepped to him and climbed into his lap, wrapping her arms around him. She buried her face in his neck and spoke softly to him. He let out a ragged breath and embraced her as if his life depended on it. I looked to Gabe and Luke, who didn't seem affected by her actions. Instead, Gabe was focused on keeping Luke calm.

I heard a grunt from the doorway and looked up to see Owen with a look of disgust on his face, storming out of the room. The other members of the Blackbourne team were watching North and Nimue closely. Victor had an almost hurt expression, while Kota and Nate seemed surprised, but Silas just gave a soft smile as if he knew something we didn't.

"Why don't we take a break," Victor suggested and left the room. North and Nimue went out on the porch while Gabe and Luke remained. I felt really uncomfortable and shifted in my chair.

"So are you sharing ledi now?" Raven asked them. I started to tell him to shut up, but Gabe responded.

"They connected, and we both think it's meant to happen."

Kota choked, "Wait, are you telling me that North is also with your wife?"

He rolled his eyes at him, "Really? Hello...we all dated and had sex with the same woman for eight years for fucks sake. Why the hell is this bothering you all?" Gabe looked at Luke and added, "Luke, Nimue, and I are fucking okay with this, so just accept it."

Nate shook his head and left, while Kota paused for a moment before saying, "Sorry, man. I guess it just surprised me, I mean, you just got married, and he's only known her, what, two days?"

Luke laughed, "Yeah, well throw in magic, him getting pulled to Avalon for his Druid trial and a near-death experience, and you tend to form bonds quickly."

"He went to Avalon?" Kota's eyes bugged.

Luke nodded but didn't explain. "So is North only connection, or do you think more?" Raven asked. I could see a glimmer in his eyes. Oh, shit, I know what he's thinking.

"More," Luke said simply. My mouth gaped and Kota looked shocked as well. Were they suggesting what I think?

"Are you saying," I started.

"That most if not all of you will build a fucking connection, yes," Gabe finished my sentence.

"Wait, even the Toma team?" Victor said coming back into the room. Apparently, he'd been listening the entire time. "I mean, I could see us, but why them?"

Gabe laughed, "Before five fucking seconds ago, I didn't think it, but," he tapped his forehead, "the vision I got gave me a little hint."

"How does she feel about all of this?" I asked.

Gabe frowned a bit, "She's fucking scared. This is the first relationship she's really had, and she felt guilty when she admitted her attraction to the others. We had to reassure her that we love her no matter what, and she should follow her heart." He leaned over and kissed Luke, then smirked, "Then we fucked her unconscious." My cheeks reddened at his declaration.

"Corey, are you okay?" Nimue asked as she and North came back into the room. They were holding hands as she looked at my flaming cheeks.

I nodded and Raven blurted, "He's imagining your night with your husbands. Gabe didn't give many details." Now her cheeks burned as she scowled at Gabe.

"Oh you know you liked it, Snow," he teased, pulling her close for a kiss. "Besides, I'm sure Raven and Corey could make you fucking beg just as much as we do." She made a squeaking sound as her eyes darted between us. There was embarrassment, but also something else in her gaze - curiosity, even desire. I felt myself have to readjust my position as my mind flooded with images of the three of us. Raven's hand gripped my knee as he had his own thoughts.

I watched as she and Gabe seemed to have a private conversation. She frowned a bit then nodded as she walked over to Victor. "May I sit with you?" she asked him. Victor just mumbled and scooted over, giving her space to sit next to him as he booted up the computer screens with the still images we had secured.

"Do you recognize anyone, little one?" Luke asked as the images poured onto the monitors. I watched in fascination as she focused on each photo. Most people would just give a quick glance and respond, but you could see her training in psychology take over as she studied the angles and each photo carefully.

When she reached the stills from the car that fired the shots, she made a strangled noise, her hands flew to her chest and she began to shake. Victor put his arm around her, trying to calm her down, but it wasn't working. Her breathing became rapid and I heard Gabe call out for Sean. Footsteps filled the room as everyone came running.

"What the fuck are those?" Nate yelled and pointed to the screens. When we looked, we saw vines of all sizes snaking around the screens, blocking the view, then traveling toward Victor and Nimue. He had pulled her into his lap and was cradling her face, talking low to her, holding her gaze. We all watched as the vines began to form a sort of cocoon around them. When Kota and Nate tried to pull at them, they were flung back.

"Don't," Luke said calmly, "He won't hurt her."

"What do you mean 'he'?" Sean asked as he stepped closer.

Luke turned to look at him, then his eyes roamed over all of us. "Victor's doing this."

Author's Notes:  Again, the story is starting to write itself.  This was not my original plan, but...

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