Chapter 43

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Trigger Content Warning: sexual abuse/assault; psychological abuse

Nimue's POV

Once Udrel had his fill of taunting me, he'd left sending Rusa back in. She had a huge grin on her face, "Oh isn't it so perfect? He's going to make you happy and give you lots of babies, you know?" She giggled as she tilted my chin and let another two drops of potion fall on my tongue. Within seconds my body became paralyzed just as before. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, but couldn't even whimper. "Mistress will be here shortly, please be on your best behavior. You owe her so much." This bitch was seriously out of her mind. What had my aunt done to her to brainwash her so completely? Rusa combed my hair and washed my body, then left again. It wasn't long before sleep claimed me again.

I woke to a warm sensation on my stomach. "Don't worry child," my aunt said with a soft smile. "Your children are healthy and safe. Your body is reacting nicely to the potion, Nimue. You've already advanced four almost five weeks. Make sure you keep eating and drinking properly and all will go smoothly." She stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. "I'll never be able to repay you for this gift, my niece. To allow me to raise your children when I've been unable to have my own is an honor." I wanted to scream. I wasn't allowing anything and she knew it. I saw Rusa and several other initiates standing nearby as well as a few of the Druid council. They looked at her with blind devotion. So this was her plan - to convince them that I wanted this.

She moved to the top of the bed and dipped her fingers in the bowl Rusa held out. A sweet-smelling substance clung to her fingers as she painted symbols on my forehead. "As we agreed, you will be given a new life, niece. The burdens of Avalon will no longer be yours, and I will rule in your stead until my daughter is ready to assume her title." I tried to move, but the potion held me frozen. My mind began to feel clouded as she spoke. "The end of the season will see you free. I will return when you are near childbirth to erase your memories and rename you, child. May the Goddess bless your sacrifice and dedication." She kissed the top of my head and walked out of the room with the initiates and Druids following her. Only Udral remained.

When the door had closed, he silently walked to the bed, dropped his pants, and climbed on top of me, pulling the gown up above my waist. He ran his hand over my folds, pressing his fingers just barely inside of me, then made circles over my clit. I felt moisture begin to pool between my legs as he chuckled softly, "Such a good whore. Do you know what she marked you with? She mixed lavender, and frankincense with my essence, and venom together. It will help you submit to me, crave me." He stroked his cock and ran it through my fluids then he began to rub the tip against my clit. My body involuntarily jolted. "By marking you with that symbol, the Mistress just gave her promise and blessing before the Council. You are mine." He rubbed faster as my breathing became ragged. "You feel the pull even more this time, don't you? Every day it grows, little whore. Your purpose is to please me. You only receive pleasure when you please me." His mouth hovered near my ear, planting thoughts in my head as the sigils she had drawn worked to reshape my consciousness.

Udral suddenly stopped, his body stiffening. He looked up and then laughed. "Turn your head, whore," he said. I did as he commanded, my heart pounding. Marc, Gabe, and Victor stood in the room. They came to save me!

I saw their mouths moving, but couldn't hear anything. Why were they just standing there looking at the bed and not stopping Udral? He leaned down and kissed behind my ear, making me moan, then chuckled, "Why would they want a no-name whore like you?" I tried to scream, to talk, but nothing came out other than another moan as Udral continued pressing his cock against my clit. He began moving faster, rubbing harder, then he reached up and undid the restraints, flipping me on my stomach and yanking my hips in the air against him. "You're going to cum with them in the room, whore." He began to thrust against me, rubbing against my clit and folds, masturbating me with his length, but not entering me. His hand gripped my throat as he commanded, "Let me hear how much you want to cum, whore." His pace increased as I cried out, my body responding to his movements until my orgasm broke and flooded my juices over his cock. Udral grunted as he stroked himself off, then sprayed his cum across my back.

Tears streamed down my face as I watched the the three of them leave the room, never speaking to me, or trying to save me - leaving me to Udral and my aunt. I closed my eyes, sobbing, and slipped into darkness again.

My restraints had been replaced by the time I woke up, but my ability to move had returned. I looked down to see my stomach much larger than before. Rusa had said a month, so how long have I been here? "Oh there's our sleepy girl," she cooed entering the room. Her bizarre cheeriness was unnerving. "I have a treat for you," she said, undoing my restraint. "Fresh strawberries and pancakes, and we can't forget Udral's special drink," she grinned and pushed the plate toward me.

I pushed it away, "No."

She frowned, "Don't be grumpy. I know pregnancy hormones can be hard, but you need to feed those babies. They should start kicking any day now, and they need food." I shook my head. Her expression changed into a grimace and she slowly stood placing me back in the restraint. "I hoped you wouldn't make me do this," she sighed, "but it's for your own good." She placed the tray on the table and stepped out into the hall. When she came back a young Druid followed her. "She's refusing her food and drink."

He didn't speak, but nodded and came to the top of the bed. Placing his hands on my temples, he placed his forehead against mine. I felt horrible pressure as he pushed into my mind, manipulating my thoughts. This was forbidden magic, outlawed centuries ago when the last Druid had been entombed. I tried to put up barriers, but between the pregnancy potion and Udral's essence, I was already weak. It didn't take long before he tugged at my will, whispering and controlling it. I felt the urge to eat and drink willingly take root in my mind, then he pressed more, urging me to submit, but with no qualifiers. My body relaxed and I stopped struggling. He lifted his head, smiling at me as he removed my restraints. He held his hand out to me and I took it, walked to the table, and then sat to eat my food.

I felt ravenous and quickly began to eat.  I hummed happily at the sweet taste of the strawberries and ran my hand across my swollen stomach.  I thought about the happy lives the twins would have and how lucky I was.  My aunt was taking such good care of me.  Rusa clapped her hands in glee, then came and patted my head, smiling at me as I finished my meal. She helped wash me and comb my hair. "I know you want to look nice for Udral," she said and braided my hair. I nodded and smiled, unable to speak now. Somehow the Druid had taken my voice, but I no longer cared, for why did I need to speak?  My aunt and Rusa took care of me, and Udral made sure I had what I needed as well. Rusa changed the bedsheets and left me sitting in the chair as she exited the room.

I didn't have to wait long before Udral made his regular appearance. He smirked when he saw me sitting at the table waiting for him. "Did you enjoy your drink this morning, whore?" I smiled and nodded. He stepped close, holding out his hand to me. I took it and stood in front of him. He ran his hand down my cheek and I felt myself lean into his touch. He said with a grin, "Do you know who you belong to now, whore?" I nodded again. He pulled me to him, pressing his lips against mine. I readily parted them accepting his kiss, the Druid's single command sounding in my head - submit. When Udral broke the kiss he pressed his hand against my folds, "You're aroused, whore. You already want to please me, don't you?" I nodded, my head falling back in a silent moan as he thrust his fingers deep inside me. 

Author's Notes: I promise the light is returning soon.

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