Chapter 14

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Nimue's POV

I felt the bed sink as Luke crawled in next to me. His arms wrapped around me and he kissed the top of my head. "Any luck," I asked.

"Nope," he said, "Sorry if I woke you, little one."

I laughed softly, "Seems I don't sleep very well without you next to me anymore."

He chuckled, "That makes two of us. Looks like Gabe is staying a bit longer if that's okay with you." I felt the slight shift in his body when he mentioned him staying.

"I don't mind," I said honestly, "but you're worried about something."

He groaned, "Stop using those perception powers on me."

I tapped his arm and flipped over to look at him, "They're not powers, silly. It's called a degree in psychology and years of studying body language. You tensed when you mentioned him staying. Either you don't want him to stay, you are afraid I'll be upset if he does, or you're worried something might happen if he stays." I batted my eyelashes, "Okay, maybe it's psychology with a smidge of powers. So which is it?"

Luke's eyes widened a bit when I said powers. "Wait, are you serious? I mean, I was joking about the whole power thing, but you aren't, are you?"

"All that, and you focused on powers," I giggled. "I told you I have some powers, but not much. Remember, I've chosen not to connect with Avalon in that way."

"But you could, couldn't you, I mean, even without taking up the role of Lady, you could access your powers if and when you want," he asked.

"Yes, I could, and maybe someday I'll choose to, but for now I'm content to just keep the simple stuff like my connection to the Fae and perception." I pulled his mouth close to mine, and asked again, "So now, tell me what has you worried, my love?" He searched my eyes then crashed his lips against mine. I was trying my best not to give in, but when his tongue slid across my bottom lip, I let out a low whine, "Luke." I could feel his heart racing and realized it wasn't desire, it was fear. I pulled his hair, breaking our kiss. "Tell me please?"

His shoulders dropped, realizing he'd been caught in his attempt to distract me. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, "I want him here, but I can't deny I still have feelings for him. And then the way he looked at you this morning. I know that look, Nimue. I've been on the receiving end of that look. He's drawn to you, just like I was that first night in the club, and it only got stronger the more I was around you."

I touched his face, "Help me understand. Are you worried I will leave you or that you will leave me? Don't explain anything yet, just a simple yes or no."

"Question one is a maybe, question two is a no," he said softly.

"Okay, are you worried something might happen between all three of us?"

His eyes went wide and he sucked in a breath before answering, "Yes."

I pondered his answers for a moment against my own heart. I know I'd never leave Luke, but I also know Gabe is a part of him. "This is what I know," I said, holding his gaze. "I will never leave you. I love you with everything I am or will be, Luke Taylor. You are my future, my life. That being said, you are still in love with Gabe, not just attracted to him, but in love with him. I told you once that I know that doesn't mean you love me any less. So my question is this, do you want to have a relationship with him? Regardless of me, do you want to be with Gabe as well as me?"

He fell back on the pillow letting out a frustrated groan. "I don't know, I mean, how would that even work?" He rubbed his face, "I may have made an indirect suggestion to him to try with both of us," he whispered and looked at me from between his fingers.

I squeaked, "Lucian Taylor, you cad!" I slapped him with the pillow, then began tickling him. "I see how you are, throwing me out like a treat," I taunted him, "Well, sir, I'll have you know I'm not that easily wooed." I covered my chest in mock horror, making him laugh darkly.

*********Mature Content Warning: M/F

"Say it again," he said as he leaned up, caging me in his arms.

"Sir," I whispered, looking up at him, eyes wide, my bottom lip between my teeth. His eyes darkened as he flipped me beneath him, making me gasp. "Sir," I moaned as his lips descended on my neck. He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked hard, making me cry out. He pushed my legs apart and slammed inside of me, this time I screamed loudly at the roughness of his entry.

"That's it, little one, scream for me. I want Gabe to hear you," he growled into my ear. "I want him to know I'm in here fucking you." He lifted my legs almost to his shoulders as he continued to pound into me, each thrust making me cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain.

I felt the sting of his hand as it landed on my thigh and cried out, "Sir!" My reactions earned me four more slaps as I moaned and my juices dripped. "Please," I begged, "I need to cum, sir."

"Yes, little one, cum for me," Luke roared as he slammed harder, making my body shudder. He groaned, grabbed my hair, pulled out, and shoved his cock in my mouth just as he came. "Fuck, baby," he yelled, his hips jerking against my mouth as I tried to swallow his cum. He chuckled as he pulled me up to him, his lips crashing against mine. "You drive me fucking insane, woman."

I tapped on his chest, "Don't think I'm forgetting our talk, buddy." He kissed me again. "These avoidance tactics are," he cut me off with another kiss, "getting out of," another kiss, "of hand." Another kiss, but this time I bit his lip.

"Ow, you little vixen!" he yelped, rubbing his lip. I stuck my tongue out at him. He lunged for me and threw me over his lap, his hand coming down on my ass as I squealed. "I'll distract you anytime I want, little one," he teased as his hand came down again. I groaned and struggled against him when he suddenly pulled me upright in his lap. He growled into my ear, his tongue darting along my earlobe, "and you love it." I melted into his touch. Fuck, he was right, I did love it.

Author's Notes:  Okay, slow burn is official speeding up...    

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