Chapter 82

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Nimue's POV

Dove? I heard his voice, but it sounded like I was in a tunnel. Open your eyes for me, love. I blinked, sitting up, I could still hear Luke and Gabe softly talking in the other room.

Jerron? I found myself asking in my mind. I felt pressure on the bed next to me and turned to look into the deepest green eyes I'd ever seen. My memories from the cabin were blurry at best, but now looking at him, he was breath-taking. His hair was deep ebony like mine and those eyes seemed to see into my soul. His long fingers grazed my face as he moved my hair aside. When our skin made contact, it was like a jolt of electricity passing between us. What are you, I tried to ask, but he pressed a finger to my lips to metaphorically silence me, then leaned in and kissed me softly.

I found myself returning the gentle kiss. A sense of peace came over me and my shoulders dropped. I just needed to know you were safe, he said as the kiss ended. When I arrived at the cabin and you were gone, I panicked. Then you reached out, but shut the connection so quickly...

And just like that, my calm disappeared.

You mean the cabin you and Balor imprisoned me in with the help of my aunt? Do you mean the reality you all forced on me? Were you worried that your prisoner and breeder had escaped - I screamed at him.

Nimue, it's not like that. If I had known you were my mate, I never would have agreed to the plan - he tried to explain.

I slapped his hands away from me. That makes it even worse, Jerron! You only care because of this stupid bond - I yelled, clawing at his mark. If this wasn't here, you'd still be plotting with Balor to kidnap and rape me for your own personal gain. Fuck, for all I know you may still be planning that!

He looked like I'd broken him with my words. I'm so sorry, he whispered. You have every right to be angry with me, with us. He tried to grab my hand, but I shoved him back. "Nimue, stop," he growled out loud and I felt his magic flow over me. I felt myself obey his command. "Look at me, mate." I lifted my eyes to once again stare into his. "I have not been a good creature in my existence, I can't even pretend otherwise. What I can tell you is that this is real," he ran his finger over the mark. My body trembled at the contact. He gave a light chuckle, "The fact that you so quickly react proves its validity. If it takes one year or one million years, I will spend every day trying to prove my love - not just the pull of a bond. I cannot change the things I've done, but I can try to do better." He reached out and pulled my face close to his. He lifted my hand to his mouth and nipped the skin between my thumb and forefinger, then did the same to his. As they both began to bleed, he pressed the spots together, mingling our blood together.

I found myself unable to move away, "What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Making up for at least one of my sins. My blood is impervious to all poisons and most potions. By mixing it into your bloodstream, that same protection will fill you and your twins." I gasped as I felt his magic begin to flow through me, my eyelids fluttering. "No one, not even me or Balor, can ever poison you again, my dove. For now, this is the only gift I can offer." The room felt like it was spinning and my vision became blurred. "Lie back," Jerron said softly. "Your husbands are on their way now." He bent down and kissed my forehead, brushing my hair away from my eyes.

The door flew open with a crash.  "Jerron, step away from her," Luke demanded.

"You better have one hell of a fucking good reason for being here," I heard Gabe shout at Jerron, but my eyes were becoming heavy with sleep.

"I needed to make sure she was safe," he replied, "I've also given her a gift - let's call it a wedding gift. Congratulations, by the way." He smiled softly at me, then kissed the wound on my hand, sealing it instantly. "She's going to be quite tired for a day or two, but my blood will help keep her safe. Feel free to verify what I've told her with the healers or even your death walker. I mean her no harm, gentlemen. But make no mistake, I also have no intention of letting her go. She is just as much my mate as she is yours." He placed my hand on my chest and vanished.

They both rushed to the bedside, checking me over as my eyelids drooped. "I'm okay," I slurred, Jerron's magic still flowing through me. "He didn't hurt me."

"I got here as fast as I could," I heard Sean say. I felt a warming sensation as he checked me magically. It made me smile and giggle as my body tingled. Sean laughed, "She seems healthy and safe. Why did he give her blood?" he asked Luke and Gabe.

"No poison," was the last thing I remember saying as I fell into a deep comforting sleep.

Rest my dove, I heard Jerron say and I rolled over, feeling his arms embrace me as I slept.

Author's Notes: Hmmm, do we believe his intentions are pure?

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