Chapter 9

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Dr. Phil Roberts's POV

I have to admit I was surprised when Luke took the mission in California, but nothing had prepared me for his request to transfer to the London office. I picked up the phone and called Owen.

"Hello Dr. Roberts, how are you today," he asked when he answered.

"Confused, Owen. I'm confused. Why is Luke leaving your team, is this about Sang?" I rushed.

"Well, I think Luke was planning to come to the hospital to see you today about that, but no, it's not about Sang or any problems with the team. Apparently, he met someone while working on his last mission and it has gotten serious." Owen said.

"What do we know about her? Is he being pressured?" I questioned. This was just so out of character for Luke. I mean I could see Nate or even Owen leaving the States, but not Luke.

Owen chuckled, "Phil, calm down. While we haven't met her face to face, she seems to be a genuinely sweet girl. She's from the UK and has returned after completing her studies at SDU. Per Luke's request, we have not run a background check beyond a cursory one Victor did without his permission." Owen cleared his throat, "From the one article we found, we know she lost her parents in a tragic accident when she was young and she inherited a large sum of money. However, only Victor knows the full details. Apparently, the matter is still difficult for her and Luke didn't want the specifics known until she was ready to share them."

"But London. Are they really that serious that he's willing to leave his family behind, Owen?"

"He got his mother's ring from Uncle. He's planning on proposing soon. It's that serious," Owen said in a low voice.

I was shocked. "Well, I see then," I said clearing my throat, "I guess I'll approve the request then."

"You're not the only one who was shocked, Phil," he said. "I don't think any of us expected our family to fall apart the way it has since, well, you know." He sounded ashamed.

"That wasn't your fault, Owen. It wasn't anyone's fault," I tried to reassure him.

He gave a barking laugh, "While I'm not the sole reason the relationship failed, I am the one that pushed my family in that direction. It took a toll on all of us in different ways, and you know I'm right. And before you ask, no, I don't think Luke is rushing into anything. He's in love and from what we've heard from her, so is she. As much as it hurts to see him leave, I just want him to be happy."

"You're a good man, Owen," I told him

He chortled, "Thanks, Phil. Luke will be there as soon as Erica finishes grilling him about Nimue."

I laughed, "Oh, heaven help the boy!"

It was only a few hours later when Luke came knocking. "Hey Phil," he said, sheepishly peeking around the door.

"Come on in, son," I said, waving him in. He sat down across the desk from me, fidgeting with his shirt hem. "You seem nervous, Luke. Everything okay?"

He sighed, "I guess this is all harder than I thought it would be, sir." He rested his head in his hands and groaned before continuing, "Don't get me wrong, I know following her to London is the right thing to do, it's just so hard to say goodbye to everyone. I feel like I'm letting them down somehow."

I paused for a moment. I hadn't thought of it that way. We were all so concerned over his decision, that we were making him second guess himself. That's not what family should do. "Change is never easy, son. You aren't letting anyone down, we are just scared to lose you. It's our fears that are driving us crazy, but we're projecting them onto you. Goodness knows I was just as worried earlier when I grilled Owen. But he had a point. He reminded me that your happiness is what matters, Luke, and if she makes you happy, then go with my blessing."

Silent tears rolled down his cheeks and he nodded, "Thank you. I really needed to hear that." He stood and shook my hand, then pulled me into a bear hug.

"Why don't we go surprise Uncle and grab a late lunch at the diner?" I suggested.

"I'd really like that, thanks," Luke said, then paused when his phone rang. "Hang on just a minute, it's Nimue." He turned towards the door and answered. "Hey little one, how was your first day? Wait, okay, slow down, take a breath and explain what happened." He was nodding and frowning as she spoke. "Well, is there someone above them that you can speak with? Uh-huh, okay. I have an idea, send me a copy of your contract. I'll see if Owen and Kota can look it over. Maybe there's a way out of it or someway to enforce what was promised to you." He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, "I wish I was there too love. No, I'm with Dr. Roberts now getting my transfer papers. His first name is Phil. Oh sure, wait a minute, I'll put you on speaker and you can ask him yourself."

He turned to me and held the phone out, "You're on speaker, Nimue."

"Hello, Dr. Roberts?" a soft voice spoke.

"Yes, I'm here. How can I help you, young lady?" I asked, not sure what this was all about.

"Um, well, I have an odd question for you, sir," she said, "Were you working in the Glastonbury area, West Mendip to be specific in 2005?"

" did you know that?" I stuttered.

"I owe you my life, Dr. Roberts. I'm Nimue Waters, sir. You saved my life the night my parents were killed." Her voice was shaking as she spoke. "I looked for you for years, but the hospital wouldn't tell me anything other than you were a visiting physician on loan from an American hospital. I just wanted to say thank you."

I fell into my chair as my eyes met Luke's. By the look on his face, he didn't know what she was going to say either. What are the odds that the little seven-year-old girl I helped pull from a mangled car would meet one of my boys? "I'm truly touched you remember me, Nimue. I've thought of that night many times, and I'm sorry for the loss of your parents. If it helps, you should know they didn't suffer in the accident, it was instantaneous."

I could hear her softly crying, "Thank you so much. No one ever told me that. I had nightmares for years imagining the way they suffered. I was so young and that whole night is still a blur to me. But I remember waking up the next day and you slipping me a strawberry candy in a bright red wrapper. I still have the wrapper pressed in a journal I kept during that time." She gave a soft laugh, "I suppose that's silly, but your kindness has followed me all these years. It wasn't until Luke mentioned your first name that I thought it might be you he had talked about."

"Well little lady, I'm honored to have you back in my life even if it is across the pond," I chuckled. "Make sure Luke takes good care of you. Just call if I need to knock some sense into him for you."

She gave a full-blown laugh at my comment, "I will sir."

"Hey love, I'm going to take you off speaker now." He put the phone up to his ear, "Okay, we are going to the diner then I'll be staying the night at Uncle's house. No, you call whenever you want, I don't care what time it is. I love you too. Bye." After hanging up he turned back to me. "Wow, what are the odds?"

"I never thought to ask her last name," I said, still in shock. "Your girl is one strong lady. I'd followed the case after leaving the UK. It's still unsolved to this day. They never caught the folks that ran them off the road, it wasn't an accident. I don't know if she knows that though."

He frowned, "Until today, she's never talked to me about her parent's death in detail. But after that conversation, I'm sure we will discuss it again. Guess I owe you thanks for saving the woman I plan on marrying," he laughed.

I smirked, "Glad to help. Now, let's go get some food."

Author's Notes:  Slowly the pieces tie together...

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