Chapter 77

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Nate's POV

I listened as Corey directed me until my hand closed around the door handle I still couldn't see. When I felt it click, I knew he was right. The door swung inward and I saw a quaint little cottage packed with food and furniture. Nimue was at the hearth preparing food. Her hair was bound in a cloth and her clothing looked like she'd stepped back in time by a few hundred years at least. I almost choked when I saw her swollen stomach. Cailleach was right, she was much further along now. "Hey Em, do you need more kindling?" a man's voice called from outside.

"No, love, I think we have enough for the night. Supper will be done shortly so get washed up," she called back to him with a smile then muttered to herself, "Silly man, always running late." It felt like a punch in the gut to hear her speak about him that way, but I had to keep reminding myself that she thinks this is real.

I cleared my throat and she turned to me, "Um, excuse me miss, but I've lost my way and I was hoping you could help me." The lie just fell from my lips as she backed toward the door where the man's voice had come from.

"Joe, um, could you come in now? We have a visitor," she called to him but kept her eyes firmly on me. Damn, I was hoping he wouldn't come in. I had to fight the instinct to punch the man she called Joe when I saw the face of Laurent Phillips. She put her hand out, pulling him toward her for protection - protection from me. Of all the fucked up things.

"What can we help you with, mister," the man asked as he put a protective arm around her swollen stomach and guided her behind him. Well, at least he really did care in this fucked up spell.

"Well, as I was telling the lady of the house, I'm lost and not from the area. I wondered if you could give me an idea of what direction the village is," I was stalling, trying to figure out what to do next.

"Are ya on foot or beast?" Joe asked, "If ya got a horse out there, you need to check it, pretty aggressive wolves around these parts."

"Um, no, I'm on foot. Trying to catch up to a couple of friends that passed this way about a day ago. One is a tall lanky fellow with a fancy cloak, the other is a big man but a bit shy, tends to keep his face hidden. Haven't seen them have you?" I watched as Joe shook his head no, but Nimue, um, Emily began to scratch at her chest when I mentioned the men. "Miss, you alright?"

She met my gaze and took in a quick breath, "Yes, um, do I know you? You seem so familiar?"

I took a cautious step forward as she came out from behind Joe. "You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you," I said quietly. "Guess it's like that saying about knowing someone from a life before." I held my breath as she stepped closer, Joe cleared his throat but didn't make a move to stop her. "Nimue," I whispered softly.

She gave me a confused look, "That means Lady of the Lake," she said. "Why would you call me that?"

"You look like a Nimue, but also mi corazón. Te amo mi corazón, remember," I begged. I saw tears form in her eyes as the spell began to falter. I took a deep breath and threw all my hopes into one act. I reached out and pulled her into my arms, kissing her deeply. At first, she struggled and tried to push me away, but then she began to kiss me back.

"Nate," she breathed, her eyes locking on mine, "but how, where?"

"Shh, don't worry, just trust me," I pulled her toward the door while Joe kept yelling at us to stop, but before he could catch us, I had yanked her into the clearing with me. He stepped through behind us and his eyes went wide. By his expression, I could tell the spell had been broken for him, and he tried to bolt, but Brandon and Axel caught him fairly quickly.

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