Chapter 66

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Mature Content Warning: M/F

Kota's POV

I felt her body deflate when Luke and Gabe left even if she did try to hide it from me. I held her against my chest, breathing in her scent. A soft rain continued to fall, but it was warm against our skin. "How is it doing that - the rain, I mean?" I asked her.

She turned her blue eyes toward my face and gave a gentle smile, "I just wanted to feel the rain. I can stop it if you want."

I chuckled, "Hmm, I guess that thing about controlling your dreams is real. What else can you do?" I raised my eyebrows as she flashed a mischievous grin, then lifted her hand, drawing a sigil in the air. Suddenly a large burning pyre appeared near us. I let out a low groan, "Oh, my little fire, are you trying to tempt me? The last time we were near one of these..." I trailed off as I saw her tongue dart across her lips. I couldn't even remember what I was going to say. Cradling the back of her head, I pulled her mouth against mine. She let out a low moan and pressed her core against me, straddling my legs. I felt her swollen belly pressing against me and smiled to myself.

"What is that grin for, Kota? Do you know something I don't?" she asked, kissing my jaw and neck.

I gripped her hair and tugged firmly, "Perhaps. Time will tell, little fire. Now, I think you need to be spanked for teasing me."

She pouted, "Who says I'm teasing?" Oh, that was it. I spun her around, her belly cradled in my lap, and brought my hand down on her bare bottom. "Kota," she gasped as the second spanking reddened her ass. I growled and gave her another swat. "Sir," she whimpered and squirmed.

"Much better, fire, much better," I crooned as I pushed her against the ground. I kept her hips at a sharp angle but pressed her head against the ground. "Hands to your sides. You will not move unless I allow it, do you understand?"

"Yes sir," she whispered. I spread her legs wide and rained down another series of spankings. She whined and shook, but didn't try to move. Her cries soon turned to moans and her thighs were dripping.

I ran my fingers across her folds, "You're so wet, yet you're still burning little fire." I felt her entire body shiver as I pressed my tongue into her core. My hands gripped her firmly as my tongue continued to lash at her sensitive folds and clit. I could feel her trembling, approaching her climax when I pulled back briefly. "Cum for me," I said, then continued lapping at her. I saw her hands clench as she came hard. She struggled to stay still as I'd ordered. As her body continued to shiver, I slammed my cock deep inside of her.

"Sir," she screamed, trying to maintain her position. I placed my arm around her waist, cradling her body so that her belly was protected, and slammed in again. Her core squeezed around me as her orgasm continued flowing through her body. I wanted to go longer, but she felt so damn good that I came quickly.

I grunted as I thrust several more times, spilling everything I had inside of her. She looked so fucking beautiful, hair clinging to her skin, chest heaving as she panted. She'd managed to hold her position no matter what I did. I pulled her against me, praising her, "You did so well, little fire. I love you."

She nuzzled against my shoulder, "I love you, too." She let out a little yawn and her stomach rumbled. "I guess that answers one question," she mumbled. "I wasn't sure if I could eat here," she explained when I gave her a confused look. "I guess if I can have sex with my men, then eating isn't too far of a stretch."

I clicked my tongue, "Your men, huh?" She blushed and tried to dip her head. "Oh no, not so quick, fire. I for one am more than proud to be yours, don't you ever worry about that." I readjusted our position and lifted her in my arms bridal style. "Let's get you cleaned up and we'll figure out some food," I said, wading into the lake with her.

After drying off, she conjured up food and we lay in front of the pyre eating and talking about mundane things like baby clothes, vacations as well as my family. I told her all about Jess and mama. She said she was looking forward to meeting them and I couldn't keep myself from grinning like a fool. I'm sure she'll be cautious at first. Mama was so angry at Sang for leaving us, but once she meets Nimue, I think she will love her. Although, the whole magic thing is really going to be difficult to explain, especially with Sean and Owen looking like a couple of extras from the Hobbit.

"Are reservations required for this party," I heard Nate ask from behind us.

Nimue squealed and jumped up - okay she didn't really jump, more like pushed herself up with a wobble - and gave him a hug. "Nate! I'm so happy to see you," she gushed. His face lit up as she hugged him. I swear I could feel her aura vibrating she was so happy.

"Happy to be seen," he said with a grin.

"So is this the changing of the guard?" she asked. I had to chuckle at her word choice.

"Um, well...about that," he said sheepishly, "I kinda fell asleep while the rest of them were meeting with Cerridwyn. I gave him a harsh glance and he threw up his hands, "I know man, I'm sorry. You can pinch me and wake me up if you want." I took a step towards him to do just that, but Nimue spun around, shielding him from me.

"Take one more step and I'll, well, I'll pinch you," she stammered. My mouth gaped for a moment, then I let out a howling laugh. She stomped her foot and made a noise like a growling kitten. "It's not funny, Kota. I never get to spend time with Nate! You can't wake him up, please, not yet. Besides, I'm just sleeping there, why do you all need to keep an eye on me anyway?"

Nate cleared his throat, "It's okay, Nimue. We've been keeping watch over all of you, just in case. That way someone is also with whoever enters your dream bubble if they need to be awoken." He blushed, "I climbed in bed next to you, and, well, I guess I fell asleep." Looking at his face, I couldn't stay mad at him. Even if he hasn't admitted it, he's so in love with her. She stroked his cheek then gave me a pleading look.

"Fine," I grumbled, "but someone needs to wake up. You owe me, man," I told him then grabbed Nimue, giving her a deep kiss. "You, little fire, are too damn sexy to say no to. Be a good girl for Nate."

She giggled, "Yes sir." I rolled my eyes and willed myself to wake up.

I opened my eyes to see everyone looking at Victor, faces somber. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked. Luke began to explain what Cerridwyn had told them. I felt a sinking feeling overtake my stomach as the realization set in at what was about to happen. "Not yet," I whispered. "What happens if the bubble collapses? If Victor dies, does the magic die with him?"

"Fuck," Gabe swore. "We didn't think about that."

"One of us needs to let her know what's going on and get Nate out," Brandon said, coming into the room. "Whatever we're doing, it needs to be done soon. Lugh confirmed that Balor is walking. He doesn't know if it was him that launched the attack, or Delilah - she's working with Addanc."

I punched the table, "Son of a bitch!" Of all the fucking assholes to partner with, she had to pick him. "That explains how she was able to warp Nimue's mind in the spell. Addanc's presence means we're all in trouble. Brandon's right, we need Victor and we need him in his real form. He's the only one who can defeat Addanc. Sorry Axel, but I don't think even you and Raven could take that bastard."

I saw Corey clench Raven's hand in his, "Who is this guy and why is he so strong?" Raven put his arm around Corey, pulling him closer.

"Addanc is ancient god, moya lyubov', he can rewrite memories or even erase them. Long ago he used his power to help his followers when they needed a new start, but as centuries passed, he was forgotten and it made him bitter. If Delilah is working with him, he can make all of us forget everything - even each other." Corey shivered and leaned into him. 

Author's Notes:  I like playing with a dominant Kota.

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