Chapter 38

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Owen's POV

I led her into the kitchen and watched as she sat at the breakfast bar. "Would you like some tea?"

" thank you, Owen," she said hesitantly. Fuck, she's nervous around me. God, why had I been such an ass to her? She began to pick at the napkin in front of her, rolling and twisting it nervously.

"Nimue," I sighed, "I need to apologize." Her eyes snapped up, but she didn't speak. "I treated you badly before. I allowed my past to cloud my actions and judgments. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."

"Luke said it was more about Sang than me, but," she started, then sighed. "I know that relationship caused a lot of damage. Luke and Gabe have told me some about how it impacted them individually, and so has North. I don't expect you to share your troubles with me, Owen, but I also do not wish to be punished for sins I have not committed." My mouth gaped. A moment ago she was nervous, now she seemed to have found new confidence and wasn't going to just let me off the hook.

I straightened my tie out of habit. "You're right. My fear and anger were misplaced. Matter of fact, they don't even lie with Sang, but with myself. As for the fallout, well, let's just say your confidence far outweighs my own. I find myself second-guessing every decision since that day three years ago. Watching my brothers spiral only made it worse. Not only had I failed Sang, but I had failed each of them as well."

I watched as she stood, coming around the counter to stand in front of me. She gently took off my glasses. "What do you see, Owen?"

I reached for my glasses, but she stilled my hand. What was she getting at? I sighed, "Well without my glasses, I can't see much, only outlines and blurs really."

She placed my glasses back on my face, "Now what do you see?"

For a moment I couldn't speak. Her eyes were locked on mine. I felt like I was getting lost in those icy blue pools. Beautiful didn't even begin to describe them. They were almost sapphire blue with what looked like streaks of white across the iris. I cleared my throat, "I see you."

Her hand cradled my cheek, "All I ask is you see me, not some distorted version based on past hurt." Damn this woman was smart and direct. "As for your thoughts about failing your family, you are wrong. None of you were old enough to realize the repercussions of the relationship you entered into. Not to mention, Sang had so much trauma to process from her childhood that it is even amazing she could form healthy bonds at all. Do not demean what you had by feeling regret. At that moment, you were the best thing for one another, but you all grew in ways that you needed to. She needed to find a new path. Owen, you and your brothers gave her a chance at life. How can that be a failure?" Her words cut to my very soul and I felt the tears slide down my cheeks. I'd never once considered it that way. Yes, the relationship failed, but Sang had become such a confident, strong woman in the process. She was successful and in a happy marriage with children of her own now. She didn't hate us and we didn't hate her.

I grabbed her hand and kissed the palm. "Thank you," I whispered.

"I'm not an expert in relationships, Owen, but I do know a thing or two about responsibilities and feeling responsible for those around me. You're a good leader. The fact that all those men in there love you and are well-rounded individuals attests to that. Give yourself some grace and remember you are human too. It's okay to doubt yourself sometimes, but don't let this control you."

*****Mature Content Warning: M/F

I felt a rush of warmth flood my body as I looked at her. Her eyes dilated and her breathing caught. I stopped thinking at that moment and just reacted, grabbing her head, my fingers tangled in her hair as I pulled her mouth against mine. She moaned into my mouth as my other hand trailed down her waist and slid under her shirt. Her skin was so soft - I couldn't get enough. I lifted her onto the counter and pressed myself between her legs. I let my mouth begin to explore her neck and shoulders as I lifted her shirt over her head. She arched toward me as a soft moan passed from her lips. I dipped my head and captured her pebbled nipple between my lips, flicking my tongue across it rapidly. "Owen," she gasped, her fingers tugging at my hair. I pushed her shorts to the side, running my fingers across her clit.

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