Chapter 45

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Luke's POV

Walking into that room, knowing what he had made her believe... I wanted to throw up, scream, to burn everything to the ground. When I connected to her thoughts, my skin crawled. The spell had woven an alternate reality deep in her mind and soul, that she truly believed she had been in that room for weeks, and that the guys had knowingly walked away and abandoned her. Between the potion, the spell, and the mental manipulation her aunt embedded as well as the Pooka, my little one was so lost and confused. I'd tried to pull her back, but she stayed firmly in the fantasy and I feared waking her like that would cause more damage. When Kota suggested taking her to Faerie, I was worried, but he was right, it's our only chance.

Gabe had managed to summon Jax finally. The joking, silly friend was gone when he saw her. His demeanor was dark and borderline violent as he wove the spell to transport all of us to Faerie. Nothing could have prepared us for this trip. It was like being sucked into a vortex, then crushed into a body that seemed too small. That isn't to say we shrank, but it felt like we were being stretched thin. The air was different and made breathing difficult. Jax told us we would adapt quickly, but I had my doubts.

"Kneel," he said harshly as a large procession approached. We did as he asked, keeping our eyes on the caravan. Nimue was suspended in a spell Jax had created for traveling. Her body hovering just inches from the ground, she looked like a magician's assistant in one of those levitation tricks. I almost choked when I saw the Faerie queen riding on a corgi. I thought that was just some joke that had been made up years ago. Her procession stopped before us as we collectively held our breath.

"Prince Jax, who have you brought to my court?" Prince? Shit, Nimue never mentioned Jax was a prince.

"The Lady is spelled, my Queen. These are her husbands and companions. I beg you to see to her needs and send for the Goddess immediately. Her children are at risk as well." Tears rolled down Jax's cheeks as he spoke.

Despite holding a perfect poker face, the Queen paled slightly before responding. "Bring her to the palace healing room at once, my son. Her companions may follow as well," she stopped as she looked over our group, "except this one. We need a word." She had pointed to Raven and he nodded his head slightly. He looked at me and gave me a smile and motioned us to go on without him. I could see the conflict in Corey's eyes as we moved on. Brandon put his arms around his shoulders to steady him as we watched the Queen step closer to his kneeling form. She said something and he lifted his gaze to meet hers. We were soon too far away to hear or see their exchange, instead having to hope that Raven would rejoin us soon and unharmed.

When we arrived at what I assumed was the healing room, Jax placed Nimue on a soft bed and several fairies swarmed to her side. One silver-haired fairy tugged at Sean's sleeve, pulling him to the bed. She kept tugging his sleeve, and Sean looked at Jax in confusion, "What does she want?"

"She wants you to roll up your sleeves. I think she wants to draw your blood since you're tied to the Alder tree. Perhaps for an infusion," Jax explained. "We'll have a better idea once mother arrives. They can't speak to you without her direct permission."

"Why not," Kota asked, watching them all closely and taking mental notes.

"Faerie law prohibits interaction between our kind and mortals without consent. All the stories you've heard have been violations of those rules. Mostly dark Fae who are not subject to our rule, but that of the Holly King. Light Fae aren't very welcoming, to be honest. We've been hunted and persecuted by the mortal realm, so we tend to avoid it." I guess that makes sense. I mean look at all the stories about trying to catch a fairy or steal their magic. Can't say I'd have too high an opinion of humans either in light of that.

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