Chapter 65

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Mature Content Warning: M/M/F

Luke's POV

I stood there watching them for a few moments. Nimue was snuggled into Gabe's chest, one hand flat against his skin, the other slightly fisted under her chin. Gabe's hand was cradling her shoulders, hand tangled in her hair. His other hand lay gently on her stomach. They were both beautifully naked, laying in the grass. I didn't know whether to keep watching or lay down beside them. I chose the latter.

Nimue groaned softly as my body curved behind hers, then she nuzzled tighter against Gabe. I pressed a gentle kiss against her shoulder, then his wrist. "Hey, pretty boy," he whispered groggily. I smiled as his eyes peeked open. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just missing my two favorite people," I said, "No news yet, and no new attacks."

Nimue shifted and turned her head toward me, blinking slowly. "Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?" I asked her, placing a kiss on her nose.

She giggled and smiled, "I'm okay, just wish I could be home with all of you."

I brushed her hair back, "I know, little one. You will be soon, then this guy here can go crazy shopping for the twins." I pointed at Gabe, "I know he's already planning it in his mind."

"I resemble that remark," he snorted. "And just think, I get to plan multiple rooms - London, Avalon, Charleston." His eyes glimmered with excitement as Nimue and I both laughed at him. "Not to mention any other babies that come along, Snow."

I gave him a curious look, "Are we already planning for brothers and sisters?"

He chuckled, "Snow was worried about fourteen suitors and babies." He kissed her, making her arch towards him, then laughed again when he pulled away. "I think I've convinced her she's more than capable of keeping all of us satisfied. As for more children," he said, rubbing her stomach, "each and every one of us will love any child she has and thoroughly enjoy practicing for more."

I gave a dark laugh as my hands trailed along her spine, then cupped her ass, "Oh, definitely. Practice makes perfect," I said, nipping at her skin. Gabe's hand moved from her shoulder to tangle in my hair, tugging as I sucked at her skin. She pushed against me, moaning. I pulled her towards me as Gabe untangled from her. He quickly pulled my mouth to his, plunging his tongue between my lips. It was a rough, demanding kiss, that had me pulling him against my chest. "I love you," I rasped as our lips parted.

He tugged my hair again, "I've always loved you, pretty boy. From the first day, you climbed that damn tree in third grade and ripped out those tight jeans. Fuck, Luke, I think you're the whole fucking reason I became interested in men in the first place." He gave me an impish grin, "And you're the only man I want," then he looked at Nimue, "and you're the only woman I want. Right here, right now, I have everything I need - dream bubble or not, with you two is where I belong. Now, enough fucking mushy stuff," he said, pushing me down over our wife, "Our girl needs attention, and I need to sink my cock in this fucking sexy ass." I groaned as he ran his hands over me, pushing me down between her parted legs. Her eyes were hooded and she gave a soft cry as I slid between her folds. "Fuck, that is a beautiful sight," Gabe crooned, then pressed into me.

Once he'd bottomed out inside of me, his thrusts became hard and fast. My entire body was alive with sensations between them. Her warmth and soft skin felt amazing, while his rough treatment excited me more and more. I grunted as Nimue lifted her hips, grinding into me. I felt my orgasm building and my fingers dug into the ground. Without meaning to, I let my magic flow. The ground began to bloom with thousands of small blue flowers. I felt the connection between the three of us open, our emotions mingling. I felt their desire but also the fear, stress, love, and hopes we all shared. It was like a tsunami of emotions wrapping around all of us. As if triggered by my magic, I felt both Gabe and Nimue unleash as well. "Cum," I said as we all climaxed, a wave of magic spiraling out from us. The ground shook and transformed around us as we collapsed into a pile of limbs and kisses. My mouth covered hers then moved to her chest as Gabe captured her lips. His hands roamed over our bodies and her fingers stroked our cocks. It was like our first round of love-making was a drug that pushed us further into our desires.

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