Chapter 33

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Victor's POV

When she started to cry and panic I couldn't stop myself, I needed to touch her, to protect her. I pulled her into my lap, shutting out the voices of the others. "Nimue, look at me, love," I said, cupping her face in my hands. I pulled her face away from the screens and made her focus on my eyes. "They can't hurt you. I've got you, my love." I watched as the vines enclosed us gently, not touching us but creating a small space where everything was blocked out.

As the darkness enveloped us, her breathing began to slow, then a soft bluish light filled the small space. My eyes widened when I realized she was glowing. Releasing her chin, my hand ran across her shoulder and down her arms. The glow moved like small wisps of smoke then settled back onto her skin. "Why?" I asked, once again meeting her gaze.

"My magic is responding to yours," she said softly.

I didn't understand, "I don't have any magic," I said.

She gave a small laugh that made my heart seize. Small blooms began to erupt along the vines that enclosed us. "You did that," she said, pointing to the vines and flowers. I don't have control over the trees, only those who are Druid-called do. I'm the Lady of the Lake, Victor. These vines are you, they are part of your magic. Look at your chest, over your heart." I unbuttoned my shirt and gasped. Right where she'd said, there was a mark. It looked similar to a plus sign, but the vertical line is at a slight angle. "That is the mark of the vine or bramble," she said, tracing it.

I let out a low moan as her fingers grazed my skin, "Melody." She gave me a confused look. "You're my melody, Nimue. From the first moment, I saw your face, heard your laugh, your voice, you've been a song in my heart and mind that I cannot escape." I pulled her mouth close to mine, "You consume me. I feel like I'm going to go mad without you." Then I crashed my lips against hers. She responded instantly, wrapping her arms around me, her lips matching my demanding movements. I pulled her tight against me, straddling my lap and her hips began to grind on me as she let out a breathy moan.

When our kiss broke, she leaned her head against my shoulder, "Thank you. Thank you for believing in me from the beginning, and for calming me. I feel safe with you, Victor." My heart felt full at her comments. "I think we need to talk to the others now about what I saw, but please don't let me go," she whimpered, leaning a bit more into me.

"Never, my melody," I said, kissing the top of her head. "I'm yours forever." She gave a soft sigh and I relaxed against her. As if the vines could sense my change, they suddenly dropped to the floor and vanished.

All eyes were on us. Everyone was in the room, even the entire Toma team now. Just how long had we been in the vines, I wondered.

Gabe snickered, "There goes another fucking one." Melody rolled her eyes then flushed crimson when he gave her a low growl, "Snow."

Sean came and knelt before us, "Are you feeling better, pumpkin?"

She giggled, "Again with the food names, Sean?"

He waggled his eyebrows at her and said in a low voice only she and I could hear, "Perhaps I'll know exactly what to call you once I've tasted those beautiful red lips." She made a choking sound and blushed deeper as he and I laughed softly. Leave it to Sean to have already realized what was coming.

I leaned against her ear, "Would you like to kiss Sean, Melody?" Her breath caught, and she nodded.

He gave her his best smile and leaned forward, tilting her chin upwards, then gently pressed his lips against hers. She made a soft moaning sound as she leaned into the kiss. When he pulled back, her eyes were glazed and if it was even possible, his grin was bigger. "Hmm, like sugar-covered berries," he said, then pressed the edge of his thumb to her lips. Without hesitation, she closed her lips around it and sucked. Sean chuckled when he heard several soft groans behind him as the others looked on in fascination. "Oh, sugar, I can't wait to find out if all of you tastes this good," he said as he stood and took a seat close by.

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