Rise and Shine Fighters

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"Rise and shine Miss Briefs. You had quite the night." Jarvis boomed as Bulma stirred, waking up to a massive headache.

"Ugh, what happened? What time is it?" Bulma asked, still half asleep.

"7:12am, and quite a bit happened. When you started hitting the bottle, you reconciled with Launch." Jarvis started to reveal.

"What?" Bulma questioned, finding it unlikely.

"Goku and Venom took out a million zeni...." Jarvis said.

"What?!!" Bulma yelled.

"You decided to confess you love to Venom today after Launch had informed you that she did the same last night." Jarvis said.

"WHAT!?!?" Bulma shrieked.

"Aaaannd you asked Violet to have sex with you." Jarvis said, delivering the icing on the cake.

"WHHHAAAAATTTT!?!?!?!?! FOR KAMI'S SAKE!!!!!" Bulma screamed at the top of her lungs, checking the bed and room to see if there were any evidence of Violet being in there.

"Relax love, Violet was decent enough to refuse your offer." Jarvis informed as Bulma checked her phone notifications to see that Venom had indeed taken out a million dollars, which was the case. There was also a post from J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle that Venom had stopped Shocker from robbing Capsule Corp Bank, which he was of course complaining about. There were also several voice-mails and texts from Violet, Dr. Briefs, Panchy, her sister Tights, and Eighter which she could look at later.

"Can't believe this all happened." Bulma groaned in shock.

"This is what happens when you're drunk Bulma dear. You do things you will regret." Jarvis said in a teasing way.

"Where is the Rescue suit?" Bulma asked as she looked around.

"It's in its briefcase form. Yamcha, Turtle, and Puar brought it up for you." Jarvis notified as Bulma smacked her head. In the midst of her numerous major mistakes, Bulma had completely forgotten that she had told Master Roshi, Krillin, Oolong, and the others that she was Rescue. Only Goku/Venom and Launch/Pistole remained as the only one of her friends not to know of her secret identity.

"Oh no...." Bulma groaned as she collected the briefcase.

"You forgot didn't you?" Jarvis asked. If he actually had a face, he would be raising an eyebrow and giving a small smirk.

"I sure did." Bulma said in self defeat.

"This day keeps on getting better and better." Jarvis said as Bulma's cell phone began to ring. "Looks like you have a call from Norman Osborn. Would you like me to put him through? Hopefully Harry's condition has improved."

"Yeah....put him through." Bulma ordered as the ringing stopped. "Hello?"

"Hey Bulma, it's Norman." Norman greeted, though he sounded like he didn't get an ounce of sleep.

"Hey Norman, how is Harry?" Bulma asked with worry.

"Not good....he only has six days left." Norman said as he began to explain what Doctor Stephen Strange had told him.

Meanwhile, in Krillin's hotel room...

"Oh dear Kami no." Krillin said, driving himself a little mad. He had just woke up and remembered everything that the Purple Man had instructed him to do. He prayed today he wouldn't have to face off against Violet. If he had a choice, he would rather face off against a stronger opponent like Tien or Daredevil. If this kind of helplessness was what Jebidiah Killgrave was known for, Krillin hated to think what others had to go through with this creep, especially this Jessica Jones person.

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