Wolverine's Family

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Guided by his nose, Wolverine walked alone on the rain soaked sidewalk. He didn't bother putting on his cowboy hat, knowing it would get drenched like the rest of his clothes. There was always that part of him where he preferred being alone, so spending all of last year training with Master Roshi, Yamcha, and Violet certainly made the moments a rarity. He got plenty of it before he had become a part of the Z Fighters. He knew he wouldn't hurt anyone that didn't deserve it....especially the X-Men.

From experience, Wolverine knew that he would most likely get his answers from the most crime ridden bar in town. While Papaya Island certainly was far from being crime ridden, every place no matter how big or small had it's shady spots. The moment he reached the island along with Krillin and the others, he could already smell the tobacco emitting from that very spot he was now heading towards. Hopefully he would get his answers concerning who harmed Venom, Tien, and Chiaotzu.

Eventually Wolverine made his way to the outside of the bar. A range of noise emitted from the dive, ranging from country music to a trio playing pool to a few exchange of words. Some were talking about how much fun they had last night with their girlfriend while others were discussing a planned weapon exchange on the far side of the island. Still nothing on Venom's and Tien's attacker.

Since he had done this a million times, Wolverine knew what was going to happen before he entered the bar. As he walked in and strolled into the bar, all eyes were on him within seconds. Although it did not happen all at once, the conversations halted, examining the stranger as he sat before the bartender. All the 'fine' customers then turned back towards one another, looking to see who would be their chosen warrior to show their dominance and beat down Logan. As if it ever worked.

"What it will be?" The bartender asked, conducting business despite being fully aware what was about to happen. It was always best and custom for the bartender to remain neutral.

"Whiskey, two glass and one canned. Throw in a box of chocolate milk too," Wolverine grumbled, knowing he was going to get a look for that last sentence.

"Chocolate milk?" The bartender questioned as expected.

"It's for an idiot friend of mine." Wolverine responded, regretting about taking Yamcha's order.

"Coming right up." The bartender said as he went to work. He took his time however, knowing that the regular clientele would now make their move. Why waste good alcohol on someone who will probably end up dead by the time it was served.

"Can I help you?" Said a voice coming from one of the scummiest bikers in the room as he walked up to Logan's seat. While he wasn't the largest in the room, he wasn't that far behind from the man who was.

"Never fails." Wolverine thought to himself, as if he had listened to the same song over and over again.

"Can't a man enjoy his beer in peace?" Wolverine grumbled.

"I don't like the tone of voice." The man said as he took his baseball bat off his back, ready to strike at Logan.

"You aren't smart are you? Most of the time, creeps like you would wait until I has a little beer in me first so they wouldn't have to fight me completely sober." Wolverine said as he finally turned his attention to the biker.

"I will shut that Kamidamn mouth of yours you smartass." The biker threatened as he swung his baseball bat, but Wolverine drew out the claws from his left hand and cut the wooden object in one swipe.

"You're a mutant!?" The biker said as he backed away a step or two.

"No shit Sherlock." Wolverine said as he delivered a punch to his face. This action actually surprised Logan since the biker was launched through several walls, landing in a pile of wood. Logan stood there briefly in shock, expecting the man to simply fall down out cold on the floor before him. Then remembered that the last time he was in a bar fight, it was before he had began to train under Master Roshi. Wolverine grumbled a few curses, realizing whatever little fun he normally had from this situation was now been taken away. He was simply too powerful.

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