Episode 4: The Echoes of Television

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The cartoon characters looked around, but then they saw a portal that included a creature with a broken Greek statue head on differently colored legs.

(A/N: This Greek statue head creature is from ENA.)

"Your exterior isn't up to our community's typical standards." Said the Greek statue head creature.

"Present a blood sample at once!"

"Hey, guys? What the heck is that thing?" Asked Gobba, pointing at the mysterious creature in the portal.

A few voices more from various shows were starting to become heard.

"Nurp want crater-tot! Nurp want crater-tot!" Demanded a childish voice.

"Agh, round things!" Shouted another voice.

"Milly, Geo, Bot, and YOU!" Exclaimed three voices.

"I gotta think about this." Said a Puerto Rican girl.

(A/N: This is a reference to Alma's Way.)

The group of cartoons looked around. Sure they knew there was a lot of portals, possibly a hundred or so, but why are they all linked to weird creatures they didn't know about, and why were some of the creatures.. human? The voices of the cartoons continued, but then they heard another one, that voice of Burnard's. Burnard was screaming while being launched off-screen in front of the group.
When the group of toons looked at Burnard, they noticed that a 9 feet behind him, the ice wall was broken and slightly melting. This terrified the mixels (not Burnard) greatly because the corrupted mixels could escape due to the ice wall being broken which was preventing them from attacking the survivors.

"Flain, Flurr, and Meltus said that the glitchy goop is actually called 'The Darkness'!" Exclaimed Burnard.

"And they said it chose me to spread all the good it does!"

"What the- it literally has 'Darkness' in its NAME! DOES THAT NOT GIVE YOU AT LEAST A HINT THAT IT'S EVIL!?" Barked Flamzer.

"Well, how was I supposed to know that?" Burnard asked Flamzer, crossing his arms.

Now that the ice wall was broken (due to Corrupted Flain throwing Burnard through the ice wall), Corrupted Flain, Corrupted Meltus, and Corrupted Flurr had a chance to escape and spread their darkness. The three corrupted mixels went through the hole in the ice wall slowly walked their way out. Flamzer, Gobba, Kraw, Peg, Cat, and Teslo noticed the three corrupted mixels making their way towards them.

"Uh.. behind you." Reminded Cat.

"Burnard, listen. We have to run, or we're all becoming mindless zombies in less than an hour!" Flamzer quickly told Burnard.

"Nuh-uh! Not according to my eye-upgrade!" Protested Burnard.

Seeing the corrupted mixels get closer and that they're now nearly running, Flamzer gave up and grabbed Burnard while Kraw grabbed Peg and Cat. The survivors ran through the hallway, as if it was a race against time itself. One of the noises other than the voices from the portals was now that of a ringing phone. Gobba stopped and turned for the portal which was emitting that ringing noise, which was a portal that included a detective dog and a chaotic bunny.

"I GOT IT, IT GOT IT!" Shouted the two animal detectives.

As Gobba jumped through the portal and slammed onto the top of the table, he now joined the fight over who answers the phone first.

"I GOT IT! I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" Chanted the three chaotic cartoons who were currently in a ball of comedic violence.

Cut back to the group of cartoons (minus Gobba) who were still running from the corrupted mixels.

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