Episode 18: Unfamiliar Familiars

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"..What are you talking about?" Questioned Max.

"I'm telling you, they just appeared here right now!" Ben told Max.

Krog tried to shush Ben, but he still talked about how the random "alienos" appeared and how Ben reacted to his first time meeting them while Snoof listened to the whole conversation, his eyes filled with hope and wonder. Suddenly, Max spotted Berp's legs & part of his pincers under the dirt that he hid in.

"Ben, is that guy one of your alien friends?" Asked Max as he pointed towards Berp.

Ben then looked behind himself to realize that Berp's dirt was only hiding everything but two of his pincers & his legs.

"Uh.. yeah, that's Berp." Said Ben.

"DANGIT, BEN!" Barked Krog, accidentally giving away his hiding place.

Max looked over at Krog with surprise, never in his plumber years had he seen a species that looked like what Ben had described but here Max was, looking at one. Suspicions instantly clouded Max's mind but he couldn't give away his cover and expose his grandchild to his past, so Max continued with his look of surprise and started turning it into a false look of concern as he shielded his grandson.

"What are you?" Asked Max.

"..Okay, FINE! Since you found me and Berp, we're mixels and you might as well lock us up since that's what the aliens do to mixels in EVERY ALIEN MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN!" Complained Krog.

"Here, here." Agreed Gurggle, being equally ticked off about the 'aliens' he and Krog were facing.

Max continued to keep his false concerned, expression but mentally, he was recording every little fact. How did these mixels know about Earth?

"Krog, we just met these guys! At least give em' a chance to introduce themselves." Snoof told Krog as he slid over to him.

"How many of you are here?" Asked Max as he kept Ben close as Ben was trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

"Grandpa, these guys are fine! I think." Whined Ben as he struggled to get out of his grandad's grasp as he wanted to get a closer look at the cool aliens that would hopefully fix his crummy summer.

"Uh.. there's five of us right now." Replied Slusho as he popped his head out of the leaves of the tree.

Meanwhile, unknown to everyone else at the scene, the keen eye of the Mixamajig's key was watching them but the key itself wasn't alive and watching them, it was its creators that was watching the tense exchange of conservation going on through a camera inserted into its eye.

"Major, WHAT THE NIX IS GOING ON!?" Demanded King Nixel as he watched the conversation through the key's eye.

"Uh, I think the mixels may have met some Spikels? Or perhaps they're mutated Bonzipods? Or aliens?" Guessed Major Nixel, hoping to please his king so he wouldn't get his mustache ripped off.

"Well, whatever they are, why are they here? The mixels are supposed to be fighting over the Mixamajig, not having a conversation with aliens!" Questioned King Nixel as he watched Snoof fiddle with the watch while everyone else talked.

"Your Flatulence, perhaps some Wiztastic spell took them to another planet?" Guessed Major Nixel.

"Yes, but that would mean that this group of fools won't be able to get to the capture point with the Mixamajig!" King Nixel yelled, upset with how much his plan was going off the rails.

In shock and fear, Major Nixel started to sweat and gulped the lump in his throat.

*Commercial Break*

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