Episode 14: Ok, K.O.! Let's Crossover!

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Cut back to the Cragster Mines, where we see Rokit still sitting next to the portal from last chapter, the Series 1 Infernites & Cragsters, Past Zorch, and Past Seismo.

"So, are you gonna do something about this 'Nurp-Naut' guy?" Asked Flain as he walked towards Rokit.

"Well, cubits can't solve it, that's for sure. Trust me, Nurp-Naut tried to use em' on The Darkness, but it didn't work." Rokit told Flain.

Rokit looked to the inside of the portal from his side, still sitting beside it, still not moving an inch.

"Besides, I think I might be forced to stay here now, since the Mixel Moon I used to live on.. was pretty much destroyed." Said Rokit.

Ever since the incident on Mixel Moon, Rokit had felt like his life had been flipped upside-down now that his home was gone, now that Orbitopia was gone, now that Nurp-Naut was gone... However, seeing the land around him and Rokit, Flain had an idea.

"Hey, maybe you could stay here, if you want." Flain told Rokit.

Rokit blinked twice and looked at Flain as he stood in an awkward silence.

"..Say what now?" Questioned Rokit.

"You could stay here, in the Mines. Either that or you could stay in the Infernite Kingdom, or somewhere else in Mixel Land, but they're pretty rad places no matter what you choose." Said Flain.

Once again, Rokit stood in silence. He wanted to say where he wanted to go, but he just couldn't, because he was already so puzzled with how the heck everything was happening so fast.

"I.. I'm fine staying here, I guess." Said Rokit.

"Pssh, about time!" Joked Past Zorch.

"You're tellin' me!" Laughed Zorch.

Zorch and his past self laughed out loud while Flain and Rokit stared at them in annoyance.

"Just ignore them. My name's Flain, and I'm the leader of the Infernites." Flain told Rokit.

"..I'm Rokit." Said Rokit.

"I.. I'm from the Orbiton tribe, and.. everything just happened too fast for me."

Flain sat down with Rokit, feeling a bit worried for his new Orbiton friend.

"Look, Rokit, it's okay. We all can feel a bit lost when we're away from home." Assured Flain.

"However, I can guarantee that we can try and help you cope with your.. situation."

"Yeah, I get that, but it's not just Nurp-Naut I'm missin', Niksput's away too. I really want to get to him, knowing he would be okay, but I.. I'm afraid the Darkness could just get to him before I can." Worried Rokit.

"Who's Niksput?" Asked Flain.

"He's the leader of the Orbitons."

"Wait, you lost your leader along with your tribemate? Now that's rough."

"I know, but I feel like losin' them both just made me more.. aggressive. I ain't usually this aggressive, but The Darkness just toughened me up, I guess."

"Wait, wait!" Shouted Krader off-screen.

The camera cuts to Krader, who had an idea in mind.

"We try save Niksput, and use portal!" Exclaimed Krader.

Rokit, Flain, and the two Zorches looked towards Krader. The first part of Krader's idea had given Rokit and Flain hope, hope that can bring Rokit his lost leader again.

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