Episode 23: We Are The Two, How Do You Do

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(A/N: This title is a reference to Two's line in his first appearance in Numberblocks which is "I am Two, how do you do?".)

"GRAB IT!" Screamed Cliff as he pointed right at Mouse.

(A/N: This is a reference to MMM during the Glowkie chase.)

Suddenly, the Greasers lunged at Mouse, who hopped off the couch in fear, causing the three to crash right into the wall while Mouse hopped away into the kitchen. As the Greasers noticed Mouse was gone, they looked behind themselves and spotted Mouse, only for them to start chasing him before he could even find a place to hide. Mouse tried to open one of the drawers, but he didn't have the strength to open it far enough and the Greasers ended up fighting for Mouse in a ball of smoke with Mouse being tossed around by the Greasers' hands during it all. Meanwhile, Winslow watched in horror and annoyance (mostly annoyance) as Mouse was getting thrashed around just because he was a living plush mouse doll and it was then that Winslow began to shriek.

"EVERYBODY SHUT YOUR YAP!" Screamed Winslow.

The smoke ball began to clear away, revealing Shriek grabbing Cliff by the ears while she was being grabbed by Lube with one hand and grabbing Mouse with the other hand while standing on Cliff's side.

"If we're gonna trash the kitchen, we might as well do it without harmin' the new guy! I mean, they just showed up to the party! Jeez Louise, I know I may be mean, but they're a mouse too for Pete's sake!" Complained Winslow.

The Greasers paused as they exchanged glances and then started doing a huddle while whispering about whether Mouse should party along with them or continue to be used like a chew toy and then the three walked to Winslow with Mouse still in Lube's hand.

"Okay, fine, it can probably party for a bit." Said Cliff as Lube dropped Mouse right next to Winslow with the former shaking from the trauma of being nearly attacked by three merciless dogs.

"Yeah, but the stupid plushie better show us some good times, GOT IT!?" Shriek warned Winslow and Mouse.

"Okay, okay, I accept the deal." Said Winslow.

In response, Mouse nervously saluted with his tail with absolute fear making its home within his mind as a new trauma that he would never forget began to grow from within himself.

"So- uh, didn't we wanna go do some fun stuff that we've wanted to.. um.. go do stuff?" Asked Lube.

"Oh, right, almost forgot. PAAAAARRTY!" Shouted Cliff, louder than the last time he shouted "party".

*Commercial Break*

As Rokit and Seismo watched Quicky, Sylvia, and Wander have a wholesome yet unfamiliar (mostly due to them speaking Japanese) conversation with each other, the two's confusion began to grow and grow. The whole place already looked strange enough what with there being new species and all, now they're speaking a whole new language.

"What are they sayin'?" Rokit asked Seismo.

"Don't know, I don't speak Italian." Shrugged Seismo.

(A/N: This is a reference to SpongeBob SquarePants.)

"..Wait, why are we standin' here? I mean, we could be findin' a cure for this.. corruption but we're just-" But before Rokit could rant on about how everyone should look for something to save everyone from The Darkness, Rokit was once again distracted by what could most likely be an alternate Nurp-Naut.

"..You were saying?" Asked Seismo.

While Seismo tried to get Rokit's attention, Rokit himself just couldn't keep his eyes off of an alternate version of the very tribemate of his that had been taken in by The Darkness. When Nurp-Naut seemed to be at a lost cause and taken away from Rokit for what could have been forever, Nurp-Naut was finally standing right in front of him, alive and well and all, albeit with a few frozen nixels atop his head and at the cost of Naut no longer being on him. Rokit flew around Nurp-Naut and looked at his face, with the latter being struck frozen with worry and his mouth somehow being open despite him not even having a real mouth all his life.

"It's.. you." Muttered Rokit with a hopeful look upon his face as tears began to form in his eyes.

Rokit then reached his arms out to the frozen Orbiton and embraced him with a hug, a tight and wholehearted hug that, let's be real here, the two had both needed so very much. Seismo walked towards Rokit with a look of confusion blended with happiness upon seeing him hug Nurp-Naut with so much wholesomeness.

"Is he your son?" Asked Seismo.

"No, but he's like a son to me." Said Rokit.

Meanwhile, Tubee and Usop were painting on the buildings in Mixopolis while Yumyum simply leaned on the wall, watching the other buildings in front of him reach into the sky. Strangely, this gave him sort of an empowering feeling because for the first time in his life as a tsukumogami, he and his classmates managed to go into the sunlight without turning back into their object forms in a puff of smoke. Maybe it's because the "tsukumogami turn back into objects at daytime" thing was a lie or because the sun in Mixopolis was a different type of sun, but either way, Yumyum loved this feeling of still being awake whether it was nighttime or daytime.

"私は本物にならなければなりません、これが人生です。(I gotta be real, this is the life.)" Yumyum muttered to himself contentedly.

As Tubee and Usop painted more and more pictures of various random stuff such as Tic-Tac-Toe, some stars, pictures of themselves and Yumyum, crowns, and much more, the two realized that they were getting to the corner of the block, right next to a strange, black tower with an eyeball being right at the top of it all. The two then realized two things which was that they started to run out of space for their graffiti and also that there was some sort of party music blasting from inside the black tower.

"おい Yumyum, そこで何が起こっていると思いますか, zura? (Hey Yumyum, what do you think's going on down there, zura?)" Tubee asked Yumyum.

As Yumyum looks to Tubee, he began to display a look of doubt and confusion.

"どこで進みますか? (Going on down where?)" Questioned Yumyum.

"そこには, zura!(There, zura!)" Said Tubee as he pointed to the black tower with colorful, flashing lights beaming into the air from the eye-like top of the tower.

As the Terrible Trio looked up to the tower away from their own graffiti, they had gained the idea of fun, an idea of joy, an idea of partying hard like no one partied hard ever before.. all because the MHS students were free to do whatever while the Lightbulb Sun was out in clear sight. Besides, what could they possibly do that couldn't distract the guards and let them sneak in?

"あのね?計画がありました。 (You know what? I got a plan.)" Said Yumyum.

(A/N: This chapter ain't done yet so just wait.)

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