Episode 7: Back To The Pilot

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(Fun Fact: The title of this chapter is a reference to a Family Guy episode of the same name.)

(A/N from CandyLovely148 of June 25th, 2024: Thankfully, I'm much more refined in taste and is much more appalled by the referenced adult show now than I was back then.)

Teslo walks towards the portal, and then he lightly taps it. He turns towards the group of cartoons, just to ask one important question.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Asked Teslo.

Nurp-Naut, S, and Rokit immediately raised their hand.

"Alright, goo-" However, a familiar voice interrupted Teslo.

"YÄ-@-Ă-@-Ä-Ā-Ą-Á-Ă-Á-Â-" Shouted a gruff voice.

Teslo immediately turned around, along with most of the group, only to find a corrupted Krader running after them, while screaming.

"M!X3-Ê-Ë-ĖLŠ!!!!" Shouted Corrupted Krader.

"HURRY, NOW!" Shouted Teslo, and then he jumped into the portal to Mixel Land.

The ones who wanted to go into the portal to Mixel Land jumped into the portal with Teslo while the ones who didn't want to go in split up and scrambled to jump into any portal near them, and one of them also jumped into the Mixel Land portal. Speaking of which, we cut to behind the portal to Mixel Land where we see Teslo, Nurp-Naut, S, and Rokit come out of the portal. However, T bumped into the group, grabbing their attention.

"Oh, totally sorry. Truthfully." Apologized T.

"Wait, I thought you didn't wanna go?" Questioned Rokit.

"I did two seconds ago, but then I changed my mind!" Said T.

Teslo was about to reply, but he was interrupted by a mixel who was grunting, almost as if he was struggling with something. The group looked to the right, seeing a bull-like Cragster attempting to grab a coconapple from a coconapple tree.

"YO SEISMO!" Called a faraway voice.

A red blur suddenly ran around and around the bull-like Cragster, but then the red blur revealed to be an Infernite who had fire on his feet named Zorch.

"Hey man, what you ups to?" Asked Zorch.

"Coconapple, yum-yum! Not in me tum-tum.." Said Seismo.

Cut to the group of toons, with the rest of the audio of Coconapple playing in the background.

"..Can't he just climb on its trunk or somethin'?" Asked Rokit.

"No, we can't interfere with alternate universes, especially ones from our world." Teslo told Rokit.

"Well, then what're they gonna do instead, mix?" Asked Rokit.

As if to answer his question, the group saw Seismo and Zorch mixing.

"..Called it." Said Rokit.

Rokit floated towards the river of Mixel Land and scooped out the marshmallow fluff to throw onto the ground next to him with one hand, and washed any excess fluff off of his mechanical brain with the other. Meanwhile, P landed in front of a giant house, and a rock cover of "12 Days of Christmas" was playing inside.

"..Hm, quite puzzling." P muttered to herself.

P popped in front of the door and opened it, only to find that everyone (except the human who was playing the rock music) was being attacked by hens, turtle doves, and partiges.

"What do we do? What do we do?" Asked Benson who was holding up a broom.

"I-" Benson suddenly whacked Skips, except he was trying to whack the turtle dove on him.

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