Episode 11: An Unexpected Encounter

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Cut to the Cragsters and the Infernites looking down upon the portal where they saw the creatures from last chapter.

"I don't know if I should go in there, curiosity did kill the Mixie Cat." Said Flain, concerned.

Vulk and Zorch looked down upon the portal, only to find that the inside of it was glitching, and then it immediately switched from a sky view of somewhere on Earth to somewhere in Mixel Land, where an all-out battle had happened between mixels and.. glitchy whatever-it-was.

"Now this is interesting." Zorch said to himself.

Zorch hopped inside the portal and cheered on the fight.

"Zorch? Flain said we shouldn't be in there." Worried Vulk.

"Come on, it's not like it'll hurt anybody!" Exclaimed Zorch.

All of a sudden, a flying mix of Rokit, Past Zorch, and Past Seismo flew out of the portal with Corrupted Nurp-Naut following the mix. Two of the Series 1 tribes looked at the commotion in the sky in either shock, confusion, or entertainment.

"Krader, me scared!" Seismo told Krader.

"Yeah yeah, me too!" Worried Krader.

Krader and Seismo then hugged in fear of the commotion, while Shuff and Zorch were cheering on the fight.

"Guys, don't encourage it, this could be really serious!" Flain told Zorch and Shuff.

Cut to the mix and Corrupted Nurp-Naut, where Corrupted Nurp-Naut was flying around and dodging the mix's fire-coverd rocks. The mix kept shooting and shooting, causing the rocks to hit the sides of his head, part of his cheek, and his shoulder. However, Corrupted Nurp-Naut attempted to bash the mix, but the mix had dodge him.

"YOU AIN'T GETTIN' ME THIS TIME!" Shouted the mix.

Suddenly, Corrupted Nurp-Naut suddenly bashed into the mix, causing it to split into Rokit, Past Zorch, and Past Seismo, and all three of them were falling down.

"QUICK! DIG-DIG!" Shouted Krader.

The Cragsters suddenly dug into the ground, popped out of the spot where they thought the three mixels were about to land, and ran around in an attempt to catch the three mixels.

(Fun Fact: This is a callback to an episode of Mixels called "Mailman".)

"I CATCH ZORCH!" Shouted Krader, with a worried expression upon his face.

Past Seismo suddenly crashed onto Krader with a loud thunk noise.

"I CATCH!" Shouted Shuff, also having a worried expression on his face.

Past Zorch suddenly landed next to Shuff, on his left. Shuff looked at Past Zorch in confusion.

"Oops." Said Shuff.

Cut to Seismo, Flain, and Vulk running around to try and catch Rokit, with Zorch standing by, still chanting "fight". Suddenly, Rokit swooped over Seismo, Flain, and Vulk, with Corrupted Nurp-Naut still on his tail.

"I did not see that coming." Admitted Flain.

*Commercial Break*

Meanwhile, the four mixels that the Nindjas saw a bunch of chapters ago were walking past a dumpster, only they were wearing giant boxes as nixel disguises this time.

"Okay, if anyone asks, just say 'nix'." The Glorp Corpian told the other three mixels.

Two of the mixels said "nix", but the purple mixel said "uh.. ix-nay", and then the Glorp Corpian told the mixels that's it's better to let him do the talking. However, Boogly screaming is heard in the background, which slowly becomes louder by the minute.

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