Episode 20: Splitting Dimensions

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"May I cut in?" Asked Wander.

Wide shot, he and Entozoa begin doing a funny dance.

"Oh, my! You are a wild one, Wandy! Whee!" Exclaimed Queen Entozoa.

On the last word, Wander dances by himself for a few seconds, before going back to dancing with Entozoa as Peepers rushes up. Cut to just behind his shoulder as Lord Hater gestures Wander, now dancing by himself, and pounds his fists together. Cut to behind Wander's shoulder as Peepers salutes and fires up his blaster. Again, Sylvia's tail grabs hold of him; cut to her as she holds a plate of sandwiches as she wolfs them down.
She holds Peepers toward the Black Cube of Darkness which was floating next to her. In the close-up, Peepers tries to look away but Sylvia pushes him toward it. The Black Cube starts speaking his mantra while the camera pans to the left with Seismo watching awkwardly and fearfully at the situation. Cut to a close-up of Seismo as he looks at his tart.
He then shrugs, takes off his mouthpiece which reveals an actual mouth behind it and then he throws the tart into his mouth and starts chewing on it. Widen to frame Sylvia as she tilts the plate toward her and the sandwiches fall into her mouth. Cut back to Wander and Entozoa dancing together, Lord Hater comes up in the center and butt bumps Wander away, causing the camera to zoom out slowly.

"May I cut in?" Asked Lord Hater.

Lord Hater then does a rather poor version of Wander's dance, but his moves end up causing pain to Entozoa as bones can be heard breaking throughout. Cut to a close-up of his smiling face; he looks upward as it drops into confusion. Cut to a slow pan across the attendees, each showing looks/sounds of confusion, horror, and shock. Cut to the four mixels with Seismo putting his mouthpiece back on and covering his eye with his plate and the Flains face-palming with Krader also face-palming right after but due to using his stronger arm to face-palm himself, he ends up falling right onto a table, causing it to break in half and him to yelp.
Cut back to Lord Hater's face as his eyes turn toward Entozoa, cut to his perspective of her being shaken around by his grip.

"Oh, no!" Yelped Lord Hater.

Her head hangs low, side view of Lord Hater

"No, no! I gotta save this, what can I do? What can I do?" Worried Lord Hater.

"*gasp* I know!"

He gets his lips puckered up and leans out of frame. Cut to Entozoa as Lord Hater gives her a passionate kiss. Cut to a slow pan across the shocked attendees; Emperor Awesome faints. Seismo puts his plate off his eye and Krader gets up, but then when they see Lord Hater kissing Queen Entozora, they gasp and then faint, causing Krader and Seismo to crash onto the table once more, making the table break for the second time.
Cut so a side view of the two whereas Entozoa releases herself from Lord Hater's grip.


Cut to just behind her shoulder.

"But- bu- but- but... you don't look more than four hundred!" Said Lord Hater.

Needle scratch, cut to a view of Entozoa from under his arm.

"Desperate! Weak! Pathetic! I CAN'T STAND DESPERATE! THE PARTY IS OVER, I HAVE MADE MY CHOICE!" Barked Queen Entozoa as she pointed to Lord Hater.

The servants come up, cut to the door as Lord Hater is dragged out by two of them. Everyone else except for Wander, Queen Entozoa the Flains, Seismo, Krader, Rokit, the Nixel, and Sylvia follow them.

"No, please! You can't give it to Wander, he's an idiot! He'll use it for good, NOT EVILLLL!!!" Begged Lord Hater.

Zoom out to frame Entozoa with Wander.

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