Proud big sister - 21

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Edited February 19, 2023

   A week had pasted since Eri's rescue and the according to the hospital will be in good enough health to be released in the next day or so. Mirio, Kirishima, and Hitoshi had visited almost every day which naturally meant Aizawa "had to come" as well. Nezu had taken notice of this, so being the drama loving, nosey rat he is, he told Aizawa that Eri would be under his care after released from the hospital. Naturally Aizawa demanded a pay raise, but all the teachers knew it was really so that he could spoil Eri. After letting Mirio and Kirishima know, the overly energetic and happy boys let Hitoshi and Aizawa go on their own to give Eri the good news. Eri's room was in the trauma ward and had been given a pink blanket and blue bunny stuffy by Aizawa as the white walls reminded her too much of the very place she had been rescued from. She was looking out her window at the garden outside when they entered and whipped her head towards them in fear. Her fear turned to happiness as she saw two of her favorite visitors and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

   Aizawa just gave a small smile as he had been told by many his full teeth smile scarred children for life while Hitoshi gave her a hug. Eri scrunched her nose in confusion as she looked behind them. "Where is red riot and lemillion?" She softly asked as she clutched her blanket and bunny in worry. "Don't worry bug," Hitoshi said to calm her, "we have some important news and they wanted to let the three of us hang out alone." Her lips formed a small O in response and looked to Aizawa for the news. "Well kid it looks like you will be living with me and my family after we get you out of here tomorrow." Aizawa announced. Eri's eyes just widened and finally was able to smile the way lemillion had taught her. Hitoshi's grin widened at the sight and Aizawa smiled the not so terrifying smile he reserved for his family only. "Well Eri, my husband and youngest son are waiting outside, do you want to meet them?" Eri fiddled with her blanket for a minute in nervousness but gave a small nod. Hitoshi got up to get them while Aizawa stayed by Eri's side.

    "No need to be nervous little one, Izuku is younger than you and while Hizashi is loud, he is a hero like me and won't hurt you." "You promise?" "I promise kid, pinky promise!" Aizawa stuck out his pinkie and Eri took it just like Kirishima had taught her and giggled. "Slow down Kit!" Hitoshi's voice sounded from down the hall and a familiar giggle sounded right after near Eri's room. "You ready?" Aizawa whispered. Eri just nodded her head and another smile formed when she heard Hitoshi's voice again. "Gotcha!" Izuku squealed as his big brother grabbed him near Eri's door and walked in with the little boy on his hip. Eri took in the sight of her new little brother. He had wide green eyes and matching curly hair that looked quite fluffy. He had diamond shaped freckles on his face and his checks were little red from running. His little ears and tail flicked and swished around and he had a small smile as he nervously looked at her from the older boy's shoulder. He gave her a little wave and Eri waved back.

   Mic walked in the room quiet for once and smiled at his kids. He leaned against the door frame and Aizawa got up to join him. Hitoshi sat down where his dad had once sat and spun Izuku around to face his big sister. "Quit being shy Zu, introduce your spunky little self." Hitoshi demanded. "I'm Izuku and I am four years old. I am also a neko, it's my quirk!" Izuku said and perked up when he mentioned his quirk. "You can pet my ears if you want... I- I don't mind." Eri nervously reached towards Izuku's head, not wanting to hurt his ears, and softly pet them. She unknowingly reached the sweet spot in his ears that practically made him melt and with a purr, Izuku fell on her lap and curled up in a ball. This started Eri and jumped in surprise but Izuku sat completely still, as he was still in his melted mode. Hitoshi just laughed and pulled Izuku back into his lap and scratched his ears, gaining even louder purrs. "Don't worry Eri, Izuku is okay. You pet a special spot in his ears that makes him really sleepy and happy super fast."

   While Izuku slowly woke up from his sudden cat nap, Hizashi introduced himself and told her funny stories about Hitoshi and Aizawa training and little silly things he has caught Izuku doing when he doesn't think anyone is watching. Aizawa just quietly sat back as he listened to his new daughter's laughter and saw Hitoshi doing the same thing. Hitoshi looked down when he felt Izuku wiggling around. "Hey kit, you with us now?" He joked as Izuku sleepily blinked at him and then slowly nodded. "Eri can I call you sissy?" Izuku asked with wide, hopeful eyes. Eri just giggled at his excitement and nodded. "Yay!" Izuku celebrated as he jumped up from Hitoshi's lap and onto Eri. "You are the best big sister ever!" Izuku paused, "How old are you?" He asked emphasizing on the are and tilted his head. "I'm six Zuku!" Eri said proudly, slightly puffing out her chest. "What about you Toshi?" "I'm fifteen." "Cool!" "Why thank you Eri, see Izuku, unlike you Eri knows how to be nice. When you found out I was fifteen you said eww just because I am a teenager." Hitoshi complained only to have Izuku respond by sticking his tongue at him.

Hizashi just chuckled at his kids antics, happy to see them all getting along. "Well Eri I won't tell you my age but I will tell you I'm much older than you and so is this lazy caterpillar." Izuku snickered at his papas insult towards his dad and hopped off the bed to snuggle inside the sleeping bag with his dad. Aizawa just grunted and kept on sleeping. As the family enjoyed spending time with their newest edition, they failed to notice Izuku never mentioned his age and was quiet for the rest of the time.

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